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2012. évi XIX. törvény

a tengerészek képzéséről, képesítéséről és az őrszolgálat ellátásáról szóló 1978. évi nemzetközi egyezmény 2010. évi manilai módosításaival egységes szerkezetbe foglalt szövegének kihirdetéséről * 

1. § Az Országgyűlés e törvénnyel felhatalmazást ad a tengerészek képzéséről, képesítéséről és az őrszolgálat ellátásáról szóló 1978. évi nemzetközi egyezmény (a továbbiakban: Egyezmény) 2010. évi manilai módosításaival egységes szerkezetbe foglalt szövege kötelező hatályának elismerésére.

2. § Az Országgyűlés az Egyezményt e törvénnyel kihirdeti.

3. § (1) Az Egyezmény hiteles angol nyelvű szövegét és annak hivatalos magyar nyelvű fordítását az 1. melléklet tartalmazza.

(2) Az Egyezmény melléklete I/1 szabály 1.23 pontjában említett, a tengerészek képzéséről, képesítéséről és az őrszolgálat ellátásáról szóló STCW Szabályzat hiteles angol nyelvű szövegét és hivatalos magyar nyelvű fordítását a 2. melléklet tartalmazza.

4. § (1) Ez a törvény – a (2) bekezdésben meghatározott kivétellel – a kihirdetését követő napon lép hatályba.

(2) A 2–3. §, az 5. §, valamint az 1. és a 2. melléklet 2012. július 1-jén lép hatályba.

5. § * 

1. melléklet a 2012. évi XIX. törvényhez

„International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978

Article I

1. General obligations under the Convention

(1) The Parties undertake to give effect to the provisions of the Convention and the annex thereto, which shall constitute an integral part of the Convention. Every reference to the Convention constitutes at the same time a reference to the annex.

(2) The Parties undertake to promulgate all laws, decrees, orders and regulations and to take all other steps which may be necessary to give the Convention full and complete effect, so as to ensure that, from the point of view of safety of life and property at sea and the protection of the marine environment, seafarers on board ships are qualified and fit for their duties.

Article II

2. Definitions

For the purpose of the Convention, unless expressly provided otherwise:

(a) Party means a State for which the Convention has entered into force;

(b) Administration means the Government of the Party whose flag the ship is entitled to fly;

(c) Certificate means a valid document, by whatever name it may be known, issued by or under the authority of the Administration or recognised by the Administration authorising the holder to serve as stated in this document or as authorised by national regulations;

(d) Certificated means properly holding a certificate;

(e) Organisation means the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (IMCO);

(f) Secretary-General means the Secretary-General of the Organisation;

(g) Seagoing ship means a ship other than those which navigate exclusively in inland waters or in waters within, or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply;

(h) Fishing vessel means a vessel used for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea;

(i) Radio Regulations means the Radio Regulations annexed to, or regarded as being annexed to, the most recent International Telecommunication Convention which may be in force at any time.

Article III

3. Application

The Convention shall apply to seafarers serving on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party except to those serving on board:

(a) warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a State and engaged only on governmental non-commercial service: however, each Party shall ensure, by the adoption of appropriate measures not impairing the operations or operational capabilities of such ships owned or operated by it, that the persons serving on board such ships meet the requirements of the Convention so far as is reasonable and practicable:

(b) fishing vessels;

(c) pleasure yachts not engaged in trade; or

(d) wooden ships of primitive build.

Article IV

4. Communication of information

(1) The Parties shall communicate as soon as practicable to the Secretary-General:

(a) the text of laws, decrees, orders, regulations and instruments promulgated on the various matters within the scope of the Convention;

(b) full details, where appropriate, of contents and duration of study courses, together with their national examination and other requirements for each certificate issued in compliance with the Convention;

(c) a sufficient number of specimen certificates issued in compliance with the


(2) The Secretary-General shall notify all Parties of the receipt of any communication under paragraph (1)(a) and, inter alia, for the purposes of articles IX and X, shall, on request, provide them with any information communicated to him under paragraphs (1) (b) and (c).

Article V

5. Other treaties and interpretation

(1) All prior treaties, conventions and arrangements relating to standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers in force between the Parties shall continue to have full and complete effect during the terms thereof as regards:

(a) seafarers to whom this Convention does not apply;

(b) seafarers to whom this Convention applies, in respect of matters for which it has not expressly provided.

(2) To the extent, however, that such treaties, conventions or arrangements conflict with the provisions of the Convention, the Parties shall review their commitments under such treaties, conventions and arrangements with a view to ensuring that there is no conflict between these commitments and their obligations under the Convention.

(3) All matters which are not expressly provided for in the Convention remain subject to the legislation of Parties.

(4) Nothing in the Convention shall prejudice the codification and development of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea convened pursuant to resolution 2750 C(XXV) of the General Assembly of the United Nations, nor the present or future claims and legal views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extent of coastal and flag State jurisdiction.

Article VI

6. Certificates

(1) Certificates for masters, officers or ratings shall be issued to those candidate who, to the satisfaction of the Administration, meet the requirements for service, age, medical fitness, training, qualification and examinations in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the annex to the Convention.

(2) Certificates for masters and officers issued in compliance with this article shall be endorsed by the issuing Administration in the form as prescribed in regulation I/2 of the annex. If the language used is not English, the endorsement shall include a translation into that language.

Article VII

7. Transitional provisions

(1) A certificate of competency or of service in a capacity for which the Convention requires a certificate and which before entry into force of the Convention for a Party is issued in accordance with the laws of that Party or the Radio Regulations shall be recognised as valid for service after entry into force of the Convention for that Party.

(2) After the entry into force of the Convention for a Party, its Administration may continue to issue certificates of competency in accordance with its previous practices for a period not exceeding five years. Such certificates shall be recognised as valid for the purpose of the Convention. During this transitional period such certificates shall be issued only to seafarers who had commenced their sea service before entry into force of the Convention for that Party within the specific ship department to which those certificates relate. The Administration shall ensure that all other candidates for certification shall be examined and certificated in accordance with the Convention.

(3) A Party may, within two years after entry into force of the Convention for that Party, issue a certificate of service to seafarers who hold neither an appropriate certificate under the Convention nor a certificate of competency issued under its laws before entry into force of the Convention for that Party but who have:

(a) served in the capacity for which they seek a certificate of service for not less than three years at sea within the last seven years preceding entry into force of the Convention for that Party;

(b) produced evidence that they have performed that service satisfactorily;

(c) satisfied the Administration as to medical fitness, including eyesight and hearing, taking into account their age at the time of application.

For the purpose of the Convention, a certificate of service issued under this paragraph shall be regarded as the equivalent of a certificate issued under the Convention.

Article VIII


(1) In circumstances of exceptional necessity, Administrations, if in their opinion this does not cause danger to persons, property or the environment, may issue a dispensation permitting a specified seafarer to serve in a specified ship for a specified period not exceeding six months in a capacity, other than that of the radio officer or radiotelephone operator, except as provided by the relevant Radio Regulations, for which he does not hold the appropriate certificate, provided that the person to whom the dispensation is issued shall be adequately qualified to fill the vacant post in a safe manner, to the satisfaction of the Administration. However, dispensations shall not be granted to a master or chief engineer officer except in circumstances of force majeure and then only for the shortest possible period.

(2) Any dispensation granted for a post shall be granted only to a person properly certificated to fill the post immediately below. Where certification of the post below is not required by the Convention, a dispensation may be issued to a person whose qualification and experience are, in the opinion of the Administration, of a clear equivalence to the requirements for the post to be filled, provided that, if such a person holds no appropriate certificate, he shall be required to pass a test accepted by the Administration as demonstrating that such a dispensation may safely be issued. In addition, Administrations shall ensure that the post in question is filled by the holder of an appropriate certificate as soon as possible.

(3) Parties shall, as soon as possible after I January of each year, send a report to the Secretary-General giving information of the total number of dispensations in respect of each capacity for which a certificate is required that have been issued during the year to seagoing ships, together with information as to the numbers of those ships above and below 1,600 gross register tons respectively.

Article IX


(1) The Convention shall not prevent an Administration from retaining or adopting other educational and training arrangements, including those involving seagoing service and shipboard organisation especially adapted to technical develop-ments and to special types of ships and trades, provided that the level of seagoing service, knowledge and efficiency as regards navigational and technical handling of ship and cargo ensures a degree of safety at sea and has a preventive effect as regards pollution at least equivalent to the requirements of the Convention.

(2) Details of such arrangements shall be reported as early as practicable to the Secretary-General who shall circulate such particulars to all Parties.

Article X

8. Control

(1) Ships, except those excluded by article III, are subject, while in the ports of a Party, to control by officers duly authorised by that Party to verify that all seafarers serving on board -who arc required to be certificated by the Convention are so certificated or hold an appropriate dispensation. Such certificates shall be accepted unless there are clear grounds for believing that a certificate has been fraudulently obtained or that the holder of a certificate is not the person to whom that certificate was originally issued.

(2) In the event that any deficiencies arc found under paragraph (1) or under the procedures specified in regulation 1/4, „Control procedures”, the officer carrying out the control shall forthwith inform, in writing, the master of the ship and the Consul or, in his absence, the nearest diplomatic representative or the maritime authority of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, so that appropriate action may be taken. Such notification shall specify the details of the deficiencies found and the grounds on which the Party determines that these deficiencies pose a danger to persons, property or the environment.

(3) In exercising the control under paragraph (1), if, taking into account the size and type of the ship and the length and nature of the voyage, the deficiencies referred to in paragraph (3) of regulation 1/4 are not corrected and it is determined that this fact poses a danger to persons, property or the environment, the Party carrying out the control shall take steps to ensure that the ship will not sail unless and until these requirements are met to the extent that the danger has been removed. The facts concerning the action taken shall be reported promptly to the Secretary-General.

(4) When exercising control under this article, all possible efforts shall be made to avoid a ship being unduly detained or delayed. If a ship is so detained or delayed it shall be entitled to compensation for any loss or damage resulting therefrom.

(5) This article shall be applied as may be necessary to ensure that no more favourable treatment is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a non-Party than is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.

Article XI

Promotion of technical co-operation

(1) Parties to the Convention shall promote, in consultation with, and with the assistance of, the Organisation, support for those Parties which request technical assistance for:

(a) training of administrative and technical personnel;

(b) establishment of institutions for the training of seafarers;

(c) supply of equipment and facilities for training institutions;

(d) development of adequate training programmes, including practical training on seagoing ships; and

(e) facilitation of other measures and arrangements to enhance the qualifications of seafarers;

preferably on a national, sub-regional or regional basis, to further the aims and purposes of the Convention, taking into account the special needs of developing countries in this regard.

(2) On its part, the Organisation shall pursue the aforesaid efforts, as appropriate, in consultation or association with other international organisations, particularly the International Labour Organisation.

Article XII


(1) The Convention may be amended by either of the following procedures:

(a) amendments after consideration within the Organisation:

(i) any amendment proposed by a Party shall be submitted to the Secretary-General, who shall then circulate it to all Members of the Organisation, all Parties and the Director-General of the International Labour Office at least six months prior to its consideration;

(ii) any amendment so proposed and circulated shall be referred to the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organisation for consideration;

(iii) Parties, whether or not Members of the Organisation, shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings of the Maritime Safety Committee for consideration and adoption of amendments;

(iv) amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee expanded as provided for in sub-paragraph (a) (iii) (hereinafter referred to as the „expanded Maritime Safety Committee”) on condition that at least one third of the Parties shall be present at the time of voting;

(v) amendments so adopted shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all Parties for acceptance

(vi) an amendment to an article shall be deemed to have been accepted on the date on which it is accepted by two thirds of the Parties:

(vii) an amendment to the annex shall be deemed to have been accepted:

1. at the end of two years from the date on which it is communicated to the Parties for acceptance; or

2. at the end of a different period, which shall be not less than one year, ii so determined at the time of its adoption by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the expanded Maritime Safety Committee;

however, the amendments shall be deemed not to have been accepted if, within the specified period, either more than one third of Parties or Parties the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant shipping of ships of 100 gross register tons or more notify the Secretary-General that they object to the amendment;

(viii) an amendment to an article shall enter into force with respect to those Parties which have accepted it six months after the date on which it is deemed to have been accepted, and with respect to each Party which accepts it after that date, six months after the date of that Party’s acceptance;

(ix) an amendment to the annex shall enter into force with respect to all Parties, except those which have objected to the amendment under sub-paragraph (a) (vii) and which have not withdrawn such objections, six months after the date on which it is deemed to have been accepted. Before the date determined for entry into force, any Party may give notice to the Secretary-General that it exempts itself from giving effect to that amendment for a period not longer than one year from the date of its entry into force, or for such longer period as may be determined by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the expanded Maritime Safety Committee at the time of the adoption of the amendment; or

(b) amendment by a conference:

(i) upon the request of a Party concurred in by at least one third of the Parties, the Organisation shall convene, in association or consultation with the Director-General of the International Labour Office, a conference of Parties to consider amendments to the Convention;

(ii) every amendment adopted by such a conference by a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting shall be communicated by the Secretary-General to all Parties for acceptance;

(iii) unless the conference decides otherwise, the amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted and shall enter into force in accordance with the procedures specified in sub-paragraphs (a)(vi) and (a)(viii) or sub-paragraphs (a)(vii) and (a)(ix) respectively, provided that references in these sub-paragraphs to the expanded Maritime Safety Committee shall be taken to mean references to the conference.

(2) Any declaration of acceptance of, or objection to, an amendment or any notice given under paragraph (1)(a)(ix) shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary-Gen-eral, who shall inform all Parties of any such submission and the date of its receipt.

(3) The Secretary-General shall inform all Parties of any amendments which enter into force, together with the date on which each such amendment enters into force.

Article XIII

Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession

(1) The Convention shall remain open for signature at the Headquarters of the Organisation from I December 1978 until 30 November 1979 and shall thereafter remain open for accession. Any State may become a Party by:

(a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval; or

(b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or

(c) accession.

(2) Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General.

(3) The Secretary-General shall inform all States that have signed the Convention or acceded to it and the Director-General of the International Labour Office of any signature or of the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession and the date of its deposit.

Article XIV

Entry into force

(1) The Convention shall enter into force 12 months after the date on which not less than 25. States, the combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world’s merchant shipping of ships of 100 gross register tons or more, have either signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval or deposited the requisite instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with article XIII.

(2) The Secretary-General shall inform all States that have signed the Convention or acceded to it of the date on which it enters into force.

(3) Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited during the 12 months referred to in paragraph (1) shall take effect on the coming into force of the Convention or three months after the deposit of such instrument, whichever is the later date.

(4) Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the date on which the Convention enters into force shall take effect three months after the date of deposit.

(5) After the date on which an amendment is deemed to have been accepted under article XII, any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited shall apply to the Convention as amended.

Article XV


(1) The Convention may be denounced by any Party at any time after five years from the date on which the Convention entered into force for that Party.

(2) Denunciation shall be effected by notification in writing to the Secretary-General who shall inform all other Parties and the Director-General of the International Labour Office of any such notification received and of the date of its receipt as well as the date on which such denunciation takes effect.

(3) A denunciation shall take effect 12 months after receipt of the notification of denunciation by the Secretary-General or after any longer period which may be indicated in the notification.

Article XVI

Deposit and registration

(1) The Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General who shall transmit certified true copies thereof to all States that have signed the Convention or acceded to it.

(2) As soon as the Convention enters into force, the Secretary-General shall transmit the text to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration and publication, in accordance with Article 102. of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article XVII


The Convention is established in a single copy in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic. Official translations in the Arabic and German languages shall be prepared and deposited with the signed original.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised by their respective Governments for that purpose, have signed the Convention.

DONE AT LONDON this seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight.


General provisions
Regulation I/1
Definitions and clarifications

1. For the purpose of the Convention, unless expressly provided otherwise:

1. Regulations means regulations contained in the annex to the Convention;

2. Approved means approved by the Party in accordance with these regulations;

3. Master means the person having command of a ship;

4. Officer means a member of the crew, other than the master, designated as such by national law or regulations or, in the absence of such designation, by collective agreement or custom;

5. Deck officer means an officer qualified in accordance with the provisions of chapter II of the Convention;

6. Chief mate means the officer next in rank to the master and upon whom the command of the ship will fall in the event of the incapacity of the master;

7. Engineer officer means an officer qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/1, III/2 or III/3 of the Convention;

8. Chief engineer officer means the senior engineer officer responsible for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the ship;

9. Second engineer officer means the engineer officer next in rank to the chief engineer officer and upon whom the responsibility for the mechanical propulsion and the operation and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical installations of the ship will fall in the event of the incapacity of the chief engineer officer;

10. Assistant engineer officer means a person under training to become an engineer officer and designated as such by national law or regulations;

11. Radio operator means a person holding an appropriate certificate issued or recognized by the Administration under the provisions of the Radio Regulations;

12. GMDSS radio operator means a person who is qualified in accordance with the provisions of chapter IV of the Convention;

13. Rating means a member of the ship’s crew other than the master or an officer;

14. Near-coastal voyages means voyages in the vicinity of a Party as defined by that Party;

15. Propulsion power means the total maximum continuous rated output power, in kilowatts, of all the ship’s main propulsion machinery which appears on the ship’s certificate of registry or other official document;

16. Radio duties include, as appropriate, watchkeeping and technical maintenance and repairs conducted in accordance with the Radio Regulations, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (SOLAS), as amended and, at the discretion of each Administration, the relevant recommendations of the Organization;

17. Oil tanker means a ship constructed and used for the carriage of petroleum and petroleum products in bulk;

18. Chemical tanker means a ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquid product listed in chapter 17. of the International Bulk Chemical Code;

19. Liquefied gas tanker means a ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other product listed in chapter 19. of the International Gas Carrier Code;

20. Passenger ship means a ship as defined in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended;

21. Ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or special category spaces as defined in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (SOLAS), as amended;

22. Month means a calendar month or 30 days made up of periods of less than one month;

23. STCW Code means the Seafarers’ Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code as adopted by the 1995. Conference resolution 2, as it may be amended by the Organization;

24. Function means a group of tasks, duties and responsibilities, as specified in the STCW Code, necessary for ship operation, safety of life at sea or protection of the marine environment;

25. Company means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed on the company by these regulations;

26. Seagoing service means service on board a ship relevant to the issue or revalidation of a certificate or other qualification;

27. ISPS Code means the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code adopted on 12. December 2002, by resolution 2 of the Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as may be amended by the Organization;

28. Ship security officer means the person on board the ship, accountable to the master, designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and liaison with the company security officer and port facility security officers;

29. Security duties include all security tasks and duties on board ships as defined by chapter XI–2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974, as amended) and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code;

30. Certificate of competency means a certificate issued and endorsed for masters, officers and GMDSS radio operators in accordance with the provisions of chapters II, III, IV or VII of this annex and entitling the lawful holder thereof to serve in the capacity and perform the functions involved at the level of responsibility specified therein;

31. Certificate of proficiency means a certificate, other than a certificate of competency issued to a seafarer, stating that the relevant requirements of training, competencies or seagoing service in the Convention have been met;

32. Documentary evidence means documentation, other than a certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency, used to establish that the relevant requirements of the Convention have been met;

33. Electro-technical officer means an officer qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/6 of the Convention;

34. Able seafarer deck means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation II/5 of the Convention;

35. Able seafarer engine means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/5 of the Convention; and

36. Electro-technical rating means a rating qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation III/7 of the Convention.

2. These regulations are supplemented by the mandatory provisions contained in part A of the STCW Code and:

1. any reference to a requirement in a regulation also constitutes a reference to the corresponding section of part A of the STCW Code;

2. in applying these regulations, the related guidance and explanatory material contained in part B of the STCW Code should be taken into account to the greatest degree possible in order to achieve a more uniform implementation of the Convention provisions on a global basis;

3. amendments to part A of the STCW Code shall be adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article XII of the Convention concerning the amendment procedure applicable to the annex; and

4. part B of the STCW Code shall be amended by the Maritime Safety Committee in accordance with its rules of procedure.

3. The references made in article VI of the Convention to „the Administration” and „the issuing Administration” shall not be construed as preventing any Party from issuing and endorsing certificates under the provisions of these regulations.

Regulation I/2
Certificates and endorsements

1. Certificates of competency shall be issued only by the Administration, following verification of the authenticity and validity of any necessary documentary evidence.

2. Certificates issued in accordance with the provisions of regulations V/1–1 and V/1–2 to masters and officers shall only be issued by an Administration.

3. Certificates shall be in the official language or languages of the issuing country. If the language used is not English, the text shall include a translation into that language.

4. In respect of radio operators, Parties may:

1. include the additional knowledge required by the relevant regulations in the examination for the issue of a certificate complying with the Radio Regulations; or

2. issue a separate certificate indicating that the holder has the additional knowledge required by the relevant regulations.

5. The endorsement required by article VI of the Convention to attest the issue of a certificate shall only be issued if all the requirements of the Convention have been complied with.

6. At the discretion of a Party, endorsements may be incorporated in the format of the certificates being issued as provided for in section A–I/2 of the STCW Code. If so incorporated, the form used shall be that set forth in section A–I/2, paragraph 1. If issued otherwise, the form of endorsements used shall be that set forth in paragraph 2 of that section.

7. An Administration which recognizes under regulation I/10:

1. a certificate of competency; or

2. a certificate of proficiency issued to masters and officers in accordance with the provisions of regulations V/1–1 and V/1–2 shall endorse such certificate to attest its recognition only after ensuring the authenticity and validity of the certificate.

The endorsement shall only be issued if all requirements of the Convention have been complied with. The form of the endorsement used shall be that set forth in paragraph 3 of section A–I/2 of the STCW Code.

8. The endorsements referred to in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7:

1. may be issued as separate documents;

2. shall be issued by the Administration only;

3. shall each be assigned a unique number, except that endorsements attesting the issue of a certificate may be assigned the same number as the certificate concerned, provided that number is unique; and

4. shall expire as soon as the certificate endorsed expires or is withdrawn, suspended or cancelled by the Party which issued it and, in any case, not more than five years after their date of issue.

9. The capacity in which the holder of a certificate is authorized to serve shall be identified in the form of endorsement in terms identical to those used in the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration.

10. Administrations may use a format different from the format given in section A–I/2 of the STCW Code, provided that, as a minimum, the required information is provided in Roman characters and Arabic figures, taking into account the variations permitted under section A–I/2.

11. Subject to the provisions of regulation I/10, paragraph 5, any certificate required by the Convention must be kept available in its original form on board the ship on which the holder is serving.

12. Each Party shall ensure that certificates are issued only to candidates who comply with the requirements of this regulation.

13. Candidates for certification shall provide satisfactory proof:

1. of their identity

2. that their age is not less than that prescribed in the regulation relevant to the certificate applied for;

3. that they meet the standards of medical fitness specified in section A–I/9 of the STCW Code;

4. of having completed the seagoing service and any related compulsory training required by these regulations for the certificate applied for; and

5. that they meet the standards of competence prescribed by these regulations for the capacities, functions and levels that are to be identified in the endorsement to the certificate.

14. Each Party undertakes to maintain a register or registers of all certificates andendorsements for masters, officers, and, as applicable, ratings which are issued, have expired or have been revalidated, suspended, cancelled or reported lost or destroyed and of dispensations issued.

15. Each Party undertakes to make available information on the status of such certificates of competency, endorsements and dispensations to other Parties and companies which request verification of the authenticity and validity of certificates produced to them by seafarers seeking recognition of their certificates under regulation I/10 or employment on board ship.

16. As of 1. January 2017, the information on the status of information required to be available in accordance with paragraph 15 of this regulation shall be made available, in the English language, through electronic means.

Regulation I/3
Principles governing near-coastal voyages

1. Any Party defining near-coastal voyages for the purpose of the Convention shall not impose training, experience or certification requirements on the seafarers serving on board the ships entitled to fly the flag of another Party and engaged on such voyages in a manner resulting in more stringent requirements for such seafarers than for seafarers serving on board ships entitled to fly its own flag. In no case shall any such Party impose requirements in respect of seafarers serving on board ships entitled to fly the flag of another Party in excess of those of the Convention in respect of ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages.

2. A Party that, for ships afforded the benefits of the near-coastal voyage provisions of the Convention, which includes voyages off the coast of other Parties within the limits of their near-coastal definition, shall enter into an undertaking with the Parties concerned specifying the details of both involved trading areas and other relevant conditions.

3. With respect to ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party regularly engaged on near-coastal voyages off the coast of another Party, the Party whose flag the ship is entitled to fly shall prescribe training, experience and certification requirements for seafarers serving on such ships at least equal to those of the Party off whose coast the ship is engaged, provided that they do not exceed the requirements of the Convention in respect of ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages. Seafarers serving on a ship which extends its voyage beyond what is defined as a near-coastal voyage by a Party and enters waters not covered by that definition shall fulfil the appropriate competency requirements of the Convention.

4. A Party may afford a ship which is entitled to fly its flag the benefits of the near-coastal voyage provisions of the Convention when it is regularly engaged off the coast of a non-Party on near-coastal voyages as defined by the Party.

5. The certificates of seafarers issued by a Party for its defined near-coastal voyages limits may be accepted by other Parties for service in their defined near-coastal voyages limits, provided the Parties concerned enter into an undertaking specifying the details of involved trading areas and other relevant conditions thereof.

6. Parties defining near-coastal voyages, in accordance with the requirements of this regulation, shall:

1. meet the principles governing near-coastal voyages specified in section A–I/3;

2. communicate to the Secretary-General, in conformity with the requirements of regulation I/7, the details of the provisions adopted; and

3. incorporate the near-coastal voyages limits in the endorsements issued pursuant to regulation I/2, paragraphs 5, 6 or 7.

7. Nothing in this regulation shall, in any way, limit the jurisdiction of any State, whether or not a Party to the Convention.

Regulation I/4
Control procedures

1. Control exercised by a duly authorized control officer under article X shall be limited to the following:

1. verification in accordance with article X(1) that all seafarers serving on board who are required to be certificated in accordance with the Convention hold an appropriate certificate or a valid dispensation, or provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration in accordance with regulation I/10, paragraph 5;

2. verification that the numbers and certificates of the seafarers serving on board are in conformity with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration; and

3. assessment, in accordance with section A–I/4 of the STCW Code, of the ability of the seafarers of the ship to maintain watchkeeping and security standards, as appropriate, as required by the Convention if there are clear grounds for believing that such standards are not being maintained because any of the following have occurred:

3.1 the ship has been involved in a collision, grounding or stranding, or

3.2 there has been a discharge of substances from the ship when under way, at anchor or at berth which is illegal under any international convention, or

3.3 the ship has been manoeuvred in an erratic or unsafe manner whereby routeing measures adopted by the Organization or safe navigation practices and procedures have not been followed, or

3.4 the ship is otherwise being operated in such a manner as to pose a danger to persons, property, the environment, or a compromise to security.

2. Deficiencies which may be deemed to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment include the following:

1. failure of seafarers to hold a certificate, to have an appropriate certificate, to have a valid dispensation or to provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration in accordance with regulation I/10, paragraph 5;

2. failure to comply with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration;

3. failure of navigational or engineering watch arrangements to conform to the requirements specified for the ship by the Administration;

4. absence in a watch of a person qualified to operate equipment essential to safe navigation, safety radiocommunications or the prevention of marine pollution; and

5. inability to provide, for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for subsequent relieving watches, persons who are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty.

3. Failure to correct any of the deficiencies referred to in paragraph 2, in so far as it has been determined by the Party carrying out the control that they pose a danger to persons, property or the environment, shall be the only grounds under article X on which a Party may detain a ship.

Regulation I/5
National provisions

1. Each Party shall establish processes and procedures for the impartial investigation of any reported incompetency, act, omission or compromise to security that may pose a direct threat to safety of life or property at sea or to the marine environment by the holders of certificates or endorsements issued by that Party in connection with their performance of duties related to their certificates and for the withdrawal, suspension and cancellation of such certificates for such cause and for the prevention of fraud.

2. Each Party shall take and enforce appropriate measures to prevent fraud and other unlawful practices involving certificates and endorsements issued.

3. Each Party shall prescribe penalties or disciplinary measures for cases in which the provisions of its national legislation giving effect to the Convention are not complied with in respect of ships entitled to fly its flag or of seafarers duly certificated by that Party.

4. In particular, such penalties or disciplinary measures shall be prescribed and enforced in cases in which:

1. a company or a master has engaged a person not holding a certificate as required by the Convention;

2. a master has allowed any function or service in any capacity required by these regulations to be performed by a person holding an appropriate certificate to be performed by a person not holding the required certificate, a valid dispensation or having the documentary proof required by regulation I/10, paragraph 5; or

3. a person has obtained by fraud or forged documents an engagement to perform any function or serve in any capacity required by these regulations to be performed or filled by a person holding a certificate or dispensation.

5. A Party, within whose jurisdiction there is located any company which, or any person who, is believed on clear grounds to have been responsible for, or to have knowledge of, any apparent noncompliance with the Convention specified in paragraph 4, shall extend all co-operation possible to any Party which advises it of its intention to initiate proceedings under its jurisdiction.

Regulation I/6
Training and assessment

Each Party shall ensure that:

1. the training and assessment of seafarers, as required under the Convention, are administered, supervised and monitored in accordance with the provisions of section A–I/6 of the STCW Code; and

2. those responsible for the training and assessment of competence of seafarers, as required under the Convention, are appropriately qualified in accordance with the provisions of section A–I/6 of the STCW Code for the type and level of training or assessment involved.

Regulation I/7
Communication of information

1. In addition to the information required to be communicated by article IV, each Party shall provide to the Secretary-General, within the time periods prescribed and in the format specified in section A–I/7 of the STCW Code, such other information as may be required by the Code on other steps taken by the Party to give the Convention full and complete effect.

2. When complete information as prescribed in article IV and section A–I/7 of the STCW Code has been received and such information confirms that full and complete effect is given to the provisions of the Convention, the Secretary-General shall submit a report to this effect to the Maritime Safety Committee.

3. Following subsequent confirmation by the Maritime Safety Committee, in accordance with procedures adopted by the Committee, that the information which has been provided demonstrates that full and complete effect is given to the provisions of the Convention:

1. the Maritime Safety Committee shall identify the Parties so concerned;

2. shall review the list of Parties which communicated information that demonstrated that they give full and complete effect to the relevant provisions of the Convention, to retain in this list only the Parties so concerned; and

3. other Parties shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of regulations I/4 and I/10, to accept, in principle, that certificates issued by or on behalf of the Parties identified in paragraph 3.1 are in compliance with the Convention.

4. Amendments to the Convention and STCW Code, with dates of entry into force later than the date information has been, or will be, communicated to the Secretary-General in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, are not subject to the provisions of section A–I/7, paragraphs 1 and 2.

Regulation I/8
Quality standards

1. Each Party shall ensure that:

1. in accordance with the provisions of section A–I/8 of the STCW Code, all training, assessment of competence, certification, including medical certification, endorsement and revalidation activities carried out by nongovernmental agencies or entities under its authority are continuously monitored through a quality standards system to ensure achievement of defined objectives, including those concerning the qualifications and experience of instructors and assessors; and

2. where governmental agencies or entities perform such activities, there shall be a quality standards system.

2. Each Party shall also ensure that an evaluation is periodically undertaken, in accordance with the provisions of section A–I/8 of the STCW Code, by qualified persons who are not themselves involved in the activities concerned. This evaluation shall include all changes to national regulations and procedures in compliance with the amendments to the Convention and STCW Code, with dates of entry into force later than the date information was communicated to the Secretary-General.

3. A report containing the results of the evaluation required by paragraph 2 shall be communicated to the Secretary-General in accordance with the format specified in section A–I/7 of the STCW Code.

Regulation I/9
Medical standards

1. Each Party shall establish standards of medical fitness for seafarers and procedures for the issue of a medical certificate in accordance with the provisions of this regulation and of section A–I/9 of the STCW Code.

2. Each Party shall ensure that those responsible for assessing the medical fitness of seafarers are medical practitioners recognized by the Party for the purpose of seafarer medical examinations, in accordance with the provisions of section A–I/9 of the STCW Code.

3. Every seafarer holding a certificate issued under the provisions of the Convention, who is serving at sea, shall also hold a valid medical certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of this regulation and of section A–I/9 of the STCW Code.

4. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 16 years of age;

2. provide satisfactory proof of his/her identity; and

3. meet the applicable medical fitness standards established by the Party.

5. Medical certificates shall remain valid for a maximum period of two years unless the seafarer is under the age of 18, in which case the maximum period of validity shall be one year.

6. If the period of validity of a medical certificate expires in the course of a voyage, then the medical certificate shall continue in force until the next port of call where a medical practitioner recognized by the Party is available, provided that the period shall not exceed three months.

7. In urgent cases the Administration may permit a seafarer to work without a valid medical certificate until the next port of call where a medical practitioner recognized by the Party is available, provided that:

1. the period of such permission does not exceed three months; and

2. the seafarer concerned is in possession of an expired medical certificate of recent date.

Regulation I/10
Recognition of certificates

1. Each Administration shall ensure that the provisions of this regulation are complied with, in order to recognize, by endorsement in accordance with regulation I/2, paragraph 7, a certificate issued by or under the authority of another Party to a master, officer or radio operator and that:

1. the Administration has confirmed, through an evaluation of that Party, which may include inspection of facilities and procedures, that the requirements of the Convention regarding standards of competence, training and certification and quality standards are fully complied with; and

2. an undertaking is agreed with the Party concerned that prompt notification will be given of any significant change in the arrangements for training and certification provided in compliance with the Convention.

2. Measures shall be established to ensure that seafarers who present, for recognition, certificates issued under the provisions of regulations II/2, III/2 or III/3, or issued under regulation VII/1 at the management level, as defined in the STCW Code, have an appropriate knowledge of the maritime legislation of the Administration relevant to the functions they are permitted to perform.

3. Information provided and measures agreed upon under this regulation shall be communicated to the Secretary-General in conformity with the requirements of regulation I/7.

4. Certificates issued by or under the authority of a non-Party shall not be recognized.

5. Notwithstanding the requirement of regulation I/2, paragraph 7, an Administration may, if circumstances require, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1, allow a seafarer to serve for a period not exceeding three months on board a ship entitled to fly its flag, while holding an appropriate and valid certificate issued and endorsed as required by another Party for use on board that Party’s ships but which has not yet been endorsed so as to render it appropriate for service on board ships entitled to fly the flag of the Administration. Documentary proof shall be readily available that application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration.

6. Certificates and endorsements issued by an Administration under the provisions of this regulation in recognition of, or attesting the recognition of, a certificate issued by another Party shall not be used as the basis for further recognition by another Administration.

Regulation I/11
Revalidation of certificates

1. Every master, officer and radio operator holding a certificate issued or recognized under any chapter of the Convention other than chapter VI, who is serving at sea or intends to return to sea after a period ashore, shall, in order to continue to qualify for seagoing service, be required, at intervals not exceeding five years, to:

1. meet the standards of medical fitness prescribed by regulation I/9; and

2. establish continued professional competence in accordance with section A–I/11 of the STCW Code.

2. Every master, officer and radio operator shall, for continuing seagoing service on board ships for which special training requirements have been internationally agreed upon, successfully complete approved relevant training.

3. Every master and officer shall, for continuing seagoing service on board tankers, meet the requirements in paragraph 1 of this regulation and be required, at intervals not exceeding five years, to establish continued professional competence for tankers in accordance with section A–I/11, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code.

4. Each Party shall compare the standards of competence which it required of candidates for certificates issued before 1. January 2017 with those specified for the appropriate certificate in part A of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring the holders of such certificates to undergo appropriate refresher and updating training or assessment.

5. The Party shall, in consultation with those concerned, formulate or promote the formulation of a structure of refresher and updating courses as provided for in section A–I/11 of the STCW Code.

6. For the purpose of updating the knowledge of masters, officers and radio operators, each Administration shall ensure that the texts of recent changes in national and international regulations concerning the safety of life at sea, security and the protection of the marine environment are made available to ships entitled to fly its flag. 6. Certificates and endorsements issued by an Administration under the provisions of this regulation in recognition of, or attesting the recognition of, a certificate issued by another Party shall not be used as the basis for further recognition by another Administration.

Regulation I/12
Use of simulators

1. The performance standards and other provisions set forth in section A–I/12 and such other requirements as are prescribed in part A of the STCW Code for any certificate concerned shall be complied with in respect of:

1. all mandatory simulator-based training;

2. any assessment of competency required by part A of the STCW Code which is carried out by means of a simulator; and

3. any demonstration, by means of a simulator, of continued proficiency required by part A of the STCW Code.

Regulation I/13
Conduct of trials

1. These regulations shall not prevent an Administration from authorizing ships entitled to fly its flag to participate in trials.

2. For the purposes of this regulation, the term trial means an experiment or series of experiments, conducted over a limited period, which may involve the use of automated or integrated systems in order to evaluate alternative methods of performing specific duties or satisfying particular arrangements prescribed by the Convention, which would provide at least the same degree of safety, security and pollution prevention as provided by these regulations.

3. The Administration authorizing ships to participate in trials shall be satisfied that such trials are conducted in a manner that provides at least the same degree of safety, security and pollution prevention as provided by these regulations. Such trials shall be conducted in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Organization.

4. Details of such trials shall be reported to the Organization as early as practicable but not less than six months before the date on which the trials are scheduled to commence. The Organization shall circulate such particulars to all Parties.

5. The results of trials authorized under paragraph 1, and any recommendations the Administration may have regarding those results, shall be reported to the Organization, which shall circulate such results and recommendations to all Parties.

6. Any Party having any objection to particular trials authorized in accordance with this regulation should communicate such objection to the Organization as early as practicable. The Organization shall circulate details of the objection to all Parties.

7. An Administration which has authorized a trial shall respect objections received from other Parties relating to such trial by directing ships entitled to fly its flag not to engage in a trial while navigating in the waters of a coastal State which has communicated its objection to the Organization.

8. An Administration which concludes, on the basis of a trial, that a particular system will provide at least the same degree of safety, security and pollution prevention as provided by these regulations may authorize ships entitled to fly its flag to continue to operate with such a system indefinitely, subject to the following requirements:

1. the Administration shall, after results of the trial have been submitted in accordance with paragraph 5, provide details of any such authorization, including identification of the specific ships which may be subject to the authorization, to the Organization, which will circulate this information to all Parties;

2. any operations authorized under this paragraph shall be conducted in accordance with any guidelines developed by the Organization, to the same extent as they apply during a trial;

3. such operations shall respect any objections received from other Parties in accordance with paragraph 7, to the extent such objections have not been withdrawn; and

4. an operation authorized under this paragraph shall only be permitted pending a determination by the Maritime Safety Committee as to whether an amendment to the Convention would be appropriate, and, if so, whether the operation should be suspended or permitted to continue before the amendment enters into force.

9. At the request of any Party, the Maritime Safety Committee shall establish a date for the consideration of the trial results and for the appropriate determinations.

Regulation I/14
Responsibilities of companies

1. Each Administration shall, in accordance with the provisions of section A–I/14, hold companies responsible for the assignment of seafarers for service on their ships in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention, and shall require every such company to ensure that:

1. each seafarer assigned to any of its ships holds an appropriate certificate in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and as established by the Administration;

2. its ships are manned in compliance with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration;

3. seafarers assigned to any of its ships have received refresher and updating training as required by the Convention;

4. documentation and data relevant to all seafarers employed on its ships are maintained and readily accessible, and include, without being limited to, documentation and data on their experience, training, medical fitness and competency in assigned duties;

5. seafarers, on being assigned to any of its ships, are familiarized with their specific duties and with all ship arrangements, installations, equipment, procedures and ship characteristics that are relevant to their routine or emergency duties;

6. the ship’s complement can effectively coordinate their activities in an emergency situation and in performing functions vital to safety, security and to the prevention or mitigation of pollution; and

7. at all times on board its ships there shall be effective oral communication in accordance with chapter V, regulation 14, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (SOLAS), as amended.

Regulation I/15
Transitional provisions

1. Until 1. January 2017, a Party may continue to issue, recognize and endorse certificates in accordance with the provisions of the Convention which applied immediately prior to 1. January 2012. in respect of those seafarers who commenced approved seagoing service, an approved education and training programme or an approved training course before 1. July 2013.

2. Until 1. January 2017, a Party may continue to renew and revalidate certificates and endorsements in accordance with the provisions of the Convention which applied immediately prior to 1. January 2012.

Master and deck department
Regulation II/1
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

1. Every officer in charge of a navigational watch serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more shall hold a certificate of competency.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as part of an approved training programme which includes onboard training that meets the requirements of section A–II/1 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise have approved seagoing service of not less than 36 months;

3. have performed, during the required seagoing service, bridge watchkeeping duties under the supervision of the master or a qualified officer for a period of not less than six months;

4. meet the applicable requirements of the regulations in chapter IV, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations;

5. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–II/1 of the STCW Code; and

6. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2, section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.

Regulation II/2
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Master and chief mate on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more

1. Every master and chief mate on a seagoing ship of 3,000 gross tonnage or more shall hold a certificate of competency.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more and have approved seagoing service in that capacity:

1.1. for certification as chief mate, not less than 12 months, and

1.2. for certification as master, not less than 36 months; however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as chief mate; and

2. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–II/2 of the STCW Code for masters and chief mates on ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more.

Master and chief mate on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage

3. Every master and chief mate on a seagoing ship of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage shall hold a certificate of competency.

4. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. for certification as chief mate, meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more;

2. for certification as master, meet the requirements of an officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more and have approved seagoing service of not less than 36 months in that capacity; however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as chief mate; and

3. have completed approved training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–II/2 of the STCW Code for masters and chief mates on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage.

Regulation II/3
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch and of masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage

Ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages

1. Every officer in charge of a navigational watch serving on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage not engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency for ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.

2. Every master serving on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage not engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency for service as master on ships of between 500 and 3,000 gross tonnage.

Ships engaged on near-coastal voyages

Officer in charge of a navigational watch

3. Every officer in charge of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency.

4. Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. have completed:

2.1. special training, including an adequate period of appropriate seagoing service as required by the Administration, or

2.2 approved seagoing service in the deck department of not less than 36 months;

3. meet the applicable requirements of the regulations in chapter IV, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations;

4. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–II/3 of the STCW Code for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages; and

5. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2, section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.


5. Every master serving on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold a certificate of competency.

6. Every candidate for certification as master on a seagoing ship of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages shall:

1. be not less than 20 years of age;

2. have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as officer in charge of a navigational watch;

3. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–II/3 of the STCW Code for masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages; and

4. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2. section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.


7. The Administration, if it considers that a ship’s size and the conditions of its voyage are such as to render the application of the full requirements of this regulation and section A–II/3 of the STCW Code unreasonable or impracticable, may to that extent exempt the master and the officer in charge of a navigational watch on such a ship or class of ships from some of the requirements, bearing in mind the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters.

Regulation II/4
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings forming part of a navigational watch

1. Every rating forming part of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more, other than ratings under training and ratings whose duties while on watch are of an unskilled nature, shall be duly certificated to perform such duties.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 16 years of age;

2. have completed:

2.1 approved seagoing service including not less than six months of training and experience, or

2.2 special training, either pre-sea or on board ship, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than two months; and

3. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–II/4 of the STCW Code.

3. The seagoing service, training and experience required by subparagraphs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 shall be associated with navigational watchkeeping functions and involve the performance of duties carried out under the direct supervision of the master, the officer in charge of the navigational watch or a qualified rating.

Regulation II/5
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings as able seafarer deck

1. Every able seafarer deck serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more shall be duly certificated.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. meet the requirements for certification as a rating forming part of a navigational watch;

3. while qualified to serve as a rating forming part of a navigational watch, have approved seagoing service in the deck department of:

3.1 not less than 18 months, or

3.2 not less than 12 months and have completed approved training; and

4. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–II/5 of the STCW Code.

3. Every Party shall compare the standards of competence which it required of Able Seamen for certificates issued before 1. January 2012. with those specified for the certificate in section A–II/5 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need, if any, for requiring these personnel to update their qualifications.

4. Until 1. January 2012, a Party which is also a Party to the International Labour Organization Certification of Able Seamen Convention, 1946. (No. 74) may continue to issue, recognize and endorse certificates in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid convention.

5. Until 1. January 2017, a Party which is also a Party to the International Labour Organization Certification of Able Seamen Convention, 1946. (No. 74) may continue to renew and revalidate certificates and endorsements in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid convention.

6. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity in the deck department for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party.

Engine department
Regulation III/1
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room

1. Every officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineer officer in a periodically unmanned engine-room on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall hold a certificate of competency.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. have completed combined workshop skills training and an approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as part of an approved training programme which includes onboard training that meets the requirements of section A–III/1 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise have completed combined workshop skills training and an approved seagoing service of not less than 36 months of which not less than 30 months shall be seagoing service in the engine department;

3. have performed, during the required seagoing service, engine-room watchkeeping duties under the supervision of the chief engineer officer or a qualified engineer officer for a period of not less than six months;

4. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/1 of the STCW Code; and

5. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2, section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.

Regulation III/2
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more

1. Every chief engineer officer and second engineer officer on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more shall hold a certificate of competency.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of an engineering watch on seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more and have approved seagoing service in that capacity:

1.1 for certification as second engineer officer, have not less than 12 months as qualified engineer officer, and

1.2 for certification as chief engineer officer, have not less than 36 months: however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has been served as second engineer officer; and

2. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/2 of the STCW Code.

Regulation III/3
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3,000 kW propulsion power

1. Every chief engineer officer and second engineer officer on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3,000 kW propulsion power shall hold a certificate of competency.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. meet the requirements for certification as an officer in charge of an engineering watch and:

1.1 for certification as second engineer officer, have not less than 12 months of approved seagoing service as assistant engineer officer or engineer officer, and

1.2 for certification as chief engineer officer, have not less than 24 months of approved seagoing service of which not less than 12 months shall be served while qualified to serve as second engineer officer; and

2. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/3 of the STCW Code.

3. Every engineer officer who is qualified to serve as second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more, may serve as chief engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 3,000 kW propulsion power, provided the certificate is so endorsed.

Regulation III/4
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings forming part of a watch in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room

1. Every rating forming part of an engine-room watch or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more, other than ratings under training and ratings whose duties are of an unskilled nature, shall be duly certificated to perform such duties.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 16 years of age;

2. have completed:

2.1 approved seagoing service including not less than six months of training and experience, or

2.2 special training, either pre-sea or on board ship, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than two months; and

3. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/4 of the STCW Code.

3. The seagoing service, training and experience required by subparagraphs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 shall be associated with engine-room watchkeeping functions and involve the performance of duties carried out under the direct supervision of a qualified engineer officer or a qualified rating.

Regulation III/5
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room

1. Every able seafarer engine serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be duly certificated.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. meet the requirements for certification as a rating forming part of a watch in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room;

3. while qualified to serve as a rating forming part of an engineering watch, have approved seagoing service in the engine department of:

3.1 not less than 12 months, or

3.2 not less than 6 months and have completed approved training; and

4. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/5 of the STCW Code.

3. Every Party shall compare the standard of competence which it required of ratings in the engine department for certificates issued before 1. January 2012. with those specified for the certificate in section A–III/5 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need, if any, for requiring these personnel to update their qualifications.

4. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity in the engine department for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party.

Regulation III/6
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical officers

1. Every electro-technical officer serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall hold a certificate of competency.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. have completed not less than 12 months of combined workshop skills training and approved seagoing service of which not less than 6 months shall be seagoing service as part of an approved training programme which meets the requirements of section A–III/6 of the STCW Code and is documented in an approved training record book, or otherwise not less than 36 months of combined workshop skills training and approved seagoing service of which not less than 30 months shall be seagoing service in the engine department;

3. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/6 of the STCW Code; and

4. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2, section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4, section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 and section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.

3. Every Party shall compare the standard of competence which it required of electro-technical officers for certificates issued before 1. January 2012. with those specified for the certificate in section A–III/6 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring those personnel to update their qualifications.

4. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity on board a ship for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/6 of the STCW Code.

5. Notwithstanding the above requirements of paragraph 1 to 4, a suitably qualified person may be considered by a Party to be able to perform certain functions of section A–III/6.

Regulation III/7
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical ratings

1. Every electro-technical rating serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be duly certificated.

2. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. have:

2.1 completed approved seagoing service including not less than 12 months training and experience, or

2.2 completed approved training, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than 6 months, or

2.3 qualifications that meet the technical competences in table A–III/7 and an approved period of seagoing service, which shall not be less than 3 months; and

3. meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/7 of the STCW Code.

3. Every Party shall compare the standard of competence which it required of electro-technical ratings for certificates issued before 1. January 2012. with those specified for the certificate in section A–III/7 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need, if any, for requiring these personnel to update their qualifications.

4. Seafarers may be considered by the Party to have met the requirements of this regulation if they have served in a relevant capacity on board a ship for a period of not less than 12 months within the last 60 months preceding the entry into force of this regulation for that Party and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–III/7 of the STCW Code.

5. Notwithstanding the above requirements of paragraphs 1 to 4, a suitably qualified person may be considered by a Party to be able to perform certain functions of section A–III/7.

Radiocommunication and radio operators
Explanatory note

Mandatory provisions relating to radio watchkeeping are set forth in the Radio Regulations and in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended. Provisions for radio maintenance are set forth in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. (SOLAS), as amended, and the guidelines adopted by the Organization.

Regulation IV/1

1. Except as provided in paragraph 2, the provisions of this chapter apply to radio operators on ships operating in the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) as prescribed by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.

2. Radio operators on ships not required to comply with the provisions of the GMDSS in chapter IV of the SOLAS Convention are not required to meet the provisions of this chapter. Radio operators on these ships are, nevertheless, required to comply with the Radio Regulations. The Administration shall ensure that the appropriate certificates as prescribed by the Radio Regulations are issued to or recognized in respect of such radio operators.

Regulation IV/2
Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of GMDSS radio operators

1. Every person in charge of or performing radio duties on a ship required to participate in the GMDSS shall hold an appropriate certificate related to the GMDSS, issued or recognized by the Administration under the provisions of the Radio Regulations.

2. In addition, every candidate for certification of competency under this regulation for service on a ship, which is required by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, to have a radio installation, shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age; and

2. have completed approved education and training and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–IV/2 of the STCW Code.

Special training requirements for personnel on certain types of ships
Regulation V/1–1
Mandatory minimum requirements for the training and qualifications of masters, officers and ratings on oil and chemical tankers

1. Officers and ratings assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on oil or chemical tankers shall hold a certificate in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.

2. Every candidate for a certificate in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations shall have completed basic training in accordance with provisions of section A–VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall have completed:

1. at least three months of approved seagoing service on oil or chemical tankers and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–V/1–1, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code; or

2. an approved basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–V/1–1, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code.

3. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on oil tankers shall hold a certificate in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations.

4. Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations shall:

1. meet the requirements for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations; and

2. while qualified for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:

2.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on oil tankers, or

2.2 at least one month of approved onboard training on oil tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and is documented in an approved training record book taking into account guidance in section B–V/l; and

3. have completed approved advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–V/1–1, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.

5. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on chemical tankers shall hold a certificate in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations.

6. Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations shall:

1. meet the requirements for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations; and

2. while qualified for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:

2.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on chemical tankers, or

2.2 at least one month of approved onboard training on chemical tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and is documented in an approved training record book taking into account guidance in section B–V/1; and

3. have completed approved advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–V/1–1, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code.

7. Administrations shall ensure that a certificate of proficiency is issued to seafarers, who are qualified in accordance with paragraphs 2, 4 or 6 as appropriate, or that an existing certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency is duly endorsed.

Regulation V/1–2
Mandatory minimum requirements for the training and qualifications of masters, officers and ratings on liquefied gas tankers

1. Officers and ratings assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on liquefied gas tankers shall hold a certificate in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.

2. Every candidate for a certificate in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall have completed basic training in accordance with provisions of section A–VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall have completed:

1. at least three months of approved seagoing service on liquefied gas tankers and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–V/1–2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code; or

2. an approved basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–V/1–2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code.

3. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading, discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tank cleaning or other cargo-related operations on liquefied gas tankers shall hold a certificate in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations.

4. Every candidate for a certificate in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall:

1. meet the requirements for certification in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations; and

2. while qualified for certification in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations, have:

2.1 at least three months of approved seagoing service on liquefied gas tankers, or

2.2 at least one month of approved onboard training on liquefied gas tankers, in a supernumerary capacity, which includes at least three loading and three unloading operations and is documented in an approved training record book taking into account guidance in section B–V/1; and

3. have completed approved advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations and meet the standard of competence specified in section A–V/1–2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.

5. Administrations shall ensure that a certificate of proficiency is issued to seafarers, who are qualified in accordance with paragraphs 2 or 4 as appropriate, or that an existing certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency is duly endorsed.

Regulation V/2
Mandatory minimum requirements for the training and qualifications of masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on passenger ships

1. This regulation applies to masters, officers, ratings and other personnel serving on board passenger ships engaged on international voyages. Administrations shall determine the applicability of these requirements to personnel serving on passenger ships engaged on domestic voyages.

2. Prior to being assigned shipboard duties on board passenger ships, seafarers shall have completed the training required by paragraphs 4 to 7 below in accordance with their capacity, duties and responsibilities.

3. Seafarers who are required to be trained in accordance with paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 below shall, at intervals not exceeding five years, undertake appropriate refresher training or be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence within the previous five years.

4. Masters, officers and other personnel designated on muster lists to assist passengers in emergency situations on board passenger ships shall have completed training in crowd management as specified in section A–V/2, paragraph 1 of the STCW Code.

5. Personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces on board passenger ships shall have completed the safety training specified in section A–V/2, paragraph 2 of the STCW Code.

6. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person designated on muster lists of having responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergency situations on board passenger ships shall have completed approved training in crisis management and human behaviour as specified in section A–V/2, paragraph 3 of the STCW Code.

7. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and every person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, loading, discharging or securing cargo, or closing hull openings on board ro-ro passenger ships shall have completed approved training in passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity as specified in section A–V/2, paragraph 4 of the STCW Code.

8. Administrations shall ensure that documentary evidence of the training which has been completed is issued to every person found qualified under the provisions of this regulation.

Emergency, occupational safety, security, medical care and survival functions
Regulation VI/1
Mandatory minimum requirements for safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all seafarers

1. Seafarers shall receive safety familiarization and basic training or instruction in accordance with section A–VI/1 of the STCW Code and shall meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.

2. Where basic training is not included in the qualification for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued, indicating that the holder has attended the course in basic training.

Regulation VI/2
Mandatory minimum requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency in survival craft, rescue boats and fast rescue boats

1. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats shall:

1. be not less than 18 years of age;

2. have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months or have attended an approved training course and have approved seagoing service of not less than six months; and

3. meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats, set out in section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code.

2. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in fast rescue boats shall:

1. be the holder of a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats;

2. have attended an approved training course; and

3. meet the standard of competence for certificates of proficiency in fast rescue boats, set out in section A–VI/2, paragraphs 7 to 10 of the STCW Code.

Regulation VI/3
Mandatory minimum requirements for training in advanced fire fighting

1. Seafarers designated to control fire-fighting operations shall have successfully completed advanced training in techniques for fighting fire, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command, in accordance with the provisions of section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code and shall meet the standard of competence specified therein.

2. Where training in advanced fire fighting is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training in advanced fire fighting.

Regulation VI/4
Mandatory minimum requirements relating to medical first aid and medical care

1. Seafarers designated to provide medical first aid on board ship shall meet the standard of competence in medical first aid specified in section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3 of the STCW Code.

2. Seafarers designated to take charge of medical care on board ship shall meet the standard of competence in medical care on board ships specified in section A–VI/4, paragraphs 4 to 6 of the STCW Code.

3. Where training in medical first aid or medical care is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training in medical first aid or in medical care.

Regulation VI/5
Mandatory minimum requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency for ship security officers

1. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency as ship security officer shall:

1. have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months or appropriate seagoing service and knowledge of ship operations; and

2. meet the standard of competence for certification of proficiency as ship security officer, set out in section A–VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code.

2. Administrations shall ensure that every person found qualified under the provisions of this regulation is issued with a certificate of proficiency.

Regulation VI/6
Mandatory minimum requirements for security-related training and instruction for all seafarers

1. Seafarers shall receive security-related familiarization and security-awareness training or instruction in accordance with section A–VI/6, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Code and shall meet the appropriate standard of competence specified therein.

2. Where security awareness is not included in the qualification for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course in security awareness training.

3. Every Party shall compare the security-related training or instruction it requires of seafarers who hold or can document qualifications before the entry into force of this regulation with those specified in section A–VI/6, paragraph 4 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring these seafarers to update their qualifications.

Seafarers with designated security duties

4. Seafarers with designated security duties shall meet the standard of competence specified in section A–VI/6, paragraphs 6 to 8 of the STCW Code.

5. Where training in designated security duties is not included in the qualifications for the certificate to be issued, a certificate of proficiency shall be issued indicating that the holder has attended a course of training for designated security duties.

6. Every Party shall compare the security training standards required of seafarers with designated security duties who hold or can document qualifications before the entry into force of this regulation with those specified in section A–VI/6, paragraph 8 of the STCW Code, and shall determine the need for requiring these seafarers to update their qualifications.

Alternative certification
Regulation VII/1
Issue of alternative certificates

1. Notwithstanding the requirements for certification laid down in chapters II and III of this annex, Parties may elect to issue or authorize the issue of certificates other than those mentioned in the regulations of those chapters, provided that:

1. the associated functions and levels of responsibility to be stated on the certificates and in the endorsements are selected from and identical to those appearing in sections A–II/1, A–II/2, A–II/3, A–II/4, A–II/5, A–III/1, A–III/2, A–III/3, A–III/4, A–III/5 and A–IV/2 of the STCW Code;

2. the candidates have completed approved education and training and meet the requirements for standards of competence, prescribed in the relevant sections of the STCW Code and as set forth in section A–VII/1 of this Code, for the functions and levels that are to be stated in the certificates and in the endorsements;

3. the candidates have completed approved seagoing service appropriate to the performance of the functions and levels that are to be stated on the certificate. The minimum duration of seagoing service shall be equivalent to the duration of seagoing service prescribed in chapters II and III of this annex. However, the minimum duration of seagoing service shall be not less than as prescribed in section A–VII/2 of the STCW Code;

4. the candidates for certification who are to perform the function of navigation at the operational level shall meet the applicable requirements of the regulations in chapter IV, as appropriate, for performing designated radio duties in accordance with the Radio Regulations; and

5. the certificates are issued in accordance with the requirements of regulation I/2 and the provisions set forth in chapter VII of the STCW Code.

2. No certificate shall be issued under this chapter unless the Party has communicated information to the Organization in accordance with article IV and regulation I/7.

Regulation VII/2
Certification of seafarers

1. Every seafarer who performs any function or group of functions specified in tables A–II/1, A–II/2, A–II/3, A–II/4 or A–II/5 of chapter II or in tables A–III/1, A–III/2, A–III/3, A–III/4 or A–III/5 of chapter III or A–IV/2 of chapter IV of the STCW Code shall hold a certificate of competency or certificate of proficiency, as applicable.

Regulation VII/3
Principles governing the issue of alternative certificates

1. Any Party which elects to issue or authorize the issue of alternative certificates shall ensure that the following principles are observed:

1. no alternative certification system shall be implemented unless it ensures a degree of safety at sea and has a preventive effect as regards pollution at least equivalent to that provided by the other chapters; and

2. any arrangement for alternative certification issued under this chapter shall provide for the interchangeability of certificates with those issued under the other chapters.

2. The principle of interchangeability in paragraph 1 shall ensure that:

1. seafarers certificated under the arrangements of chapters II and/or III and those certificated under chapter VII are able to serve on ships which have either traditional or other forms of shipboard organization; and

2. seafarers are not trained for specific shipboard arrangements in such a way as would impair their ability to take their skills elsewhere.

3. In issuing any certificate under the provisions of this chapter, the following principles shall be taken into account:

1. the issue of alternative certificates shall not be used in itself:

1.1 to reduce the number of crew on board.

1.2 to lower the integrity of the profession or „de-skill” seafarers, or

1.3 to justify the assignment of the combined duties of the engine and deck watchkeeping officers to a single certificate holder during any particular watch; and

2. the person in command shall be designated as the master; and the legal position and authority of the master and others shall not be adversely affected by the implementation of any arrangement for alternative certification.

4. The principles contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this regulation shall ensure that the competency of both deck and engineer officers is maintained.

Regulation VIII/1
Fitness for duty

1. Each Administration shall, for the purpose of preventing fatigue:

1. establish and enforce rest periods for watchkeeping personnel and those whose duties involve designated safety, security and prevention of pollution duties in accordance with the provisions of section A–VIII/1 of the STCW Code; and

2. require that watch systems are so arranged that the efficiency of all watchkeeping personnel is not impaired by fatigue and that duties are so organized that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and subsequent relieving watches are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty.

2. Each Administration shall, for the purpose of preventing drug and alcohol abuse, ensure that adequate measures are established in accordance with the provisions of section A–VIII/1 while taking into account the guidance given in section B–VIII/1 of the STCW Code.

Regulation VIII/2
Watchkeeping arrangements and principles to be observed

1. Administrations shall direct the attention of companies, masters, chief engineer officers and all watchkeeping personnel to the requirements, principles and guidance set out in the STCW Code which shall be observed to ensure that a safe continuous watch or watches appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions are maintained on all seagoing ships at all times.

2. Administrations shall require the master of every ship to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are adequate for maintaining a safe watch or watches, taking into account the prevailing circumstances and conditions and that, under the master’s general direction:

1. officers in charge of the navigational watch are responsible for navigating the ship safely during their periods of duty, when they shall be physically present on the navigating bridge or in a directly associated location such as the chartroom or bridge control room at all times;

2. radio operators are responsible for maintaining a continuous radio watch on appropriate frequencies during their periods of duty;

3. officers in charge of an engineering watch, as defined in the STCW Code, under the direction of the chief engineer officer, shall be immediately available and on call to attend the machinery spaces and, when required, shall be physically present in the machinery space during their periods of responsibility;

4. an appropriate and effective watch or watches are maintained for the purpose of safety at all times, while the ship is at anchor or moored and, if the ship is carrying hazardous cargo, the organization of such watch or watches takes full account of the nature, quantity, packing and stowage of the hazardous cargo and of any special conditions prevailing on board, afloat or ashore; and

5. as applicable, an appropriate and effective watch or watches are maintained for the purposes of security.”

„A tengerészek képzéséről, képesítéséről és az őrszolgálat ellátásáról szóló 1978. évi nemzetközi egyezmény

I. Cikk

1. Az Egyezményből eredő általános kötelezettségek

(1) A Felek kötelezik magukat, hogy az Egyezmény és az Egyezmény szerves részét képező melléklet rendelkezéseinek érvényt szereznek. Az Egyezményre való bármely hivatkozás egyben hivatkozás annak mellékletére is.

(2) A Felek kötelezik magukat, hogy hatályba léptetnek minden olyan törvényt, rendeletet, utasítást és szabályzatot, továbbá megtesznek minden egyéb olyan intézkedést, mely szükséges lehet az Egyezményben foglaltak teljes és maradéktalan megvalósításához, annak biztosítása végett, hogy a tengeri élet- és vagyonbiztonság, továbbá a tengeri környezet védelme szempontjából a hajón lévő tengerészek feladataik ellátására megfelelően képzettek és alkalmasak legyenek.

II. Cikk

2. Fogalom meghatározások

Az Egyezmény alkalmazása tekintetében, amennyiben ettől kifejezetten eltérő rendelkezés nincs:

a) a Fél olyan államot jelent, melynek tekintetében az Egyezmény hatályba lépett;

b) az Igazgatás olyan Fél kormányzatát jelenti, melynek lobogóját a hajó viselni jogosult;

c) a Bizonyítvány olyan érvényes okmányt jelent, bármi legyen is annak megnevezése, melyet az Igazgatás adott ki, vagy az Igazgatás felhatalmazásával adták ki, illetőleg amelyet az Igazgatás elismer, és amely feljogosítja tulajdonosát arra, hogy az ebben az okmányban feltüntetett vagy a nemzeti szabályokban megállapított szolgálati beosztást betöltse;

d) a képesített a Bizonyítványt jogosan birtokoló személyt jelenti;

e) a Szervezet a Nemzetközi Tengerészeti Szervezetet (IMO) jelenti;

f) a Főtitkár a Szervezet főtitkárát jelenti;

g) a tengerjáró hajó olyan hajót jelent, amely nem kizárólag belvizeken vagy védett vizeken belül vagy azok közvetlen közelében, vagy olyan körzetekben közlekedik, ahol kikötői előírások érvényesek;

h) a halászhajó hal, bálnák, fókák, rozmárok vagy egyéb tengeri élőlények elejtésére használt hajót jelent;

i) a Rádió Szabályzat a mindenkor hatályos Nemzetközi Távközlési Egyezmény mellékletét képező, vagy annak mellékletének tekintendő Rádió Szabályzatot jelenti.

III. Cikk

3. Alkalmazás

Az Egyezmény a valamely Fél lobogójának viselésére jogosult tengerjáró hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő tengerészekre vonatkozik, kivéve az alábbi hajókon szolgálatot teljesítőket:

a) hadihajók, haditengerészeti segédhajók, illetőleg az állam tulajdonában lévő, vagy az általa üzemben tartott egyéb, csak kormányzati és nem kereskedelmi szolgálatban foglalkoztatott hajók, azonban mindegyik Fél a tulajdonában lévő vagy általa üzemben tartott ilyen hajók műveleteinek, illetve műveletképességének veszélyeztetése nélkül a megfelelő intézkedések meghozatalával biztosítja, hogy az ilyen hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő személyek az Egyezmény követelményeinek megfeleljenek olyan mértékben, amennyire ez ésszerű és megvalósítható;

b) halászhajók,

c) kereskedelemben nem foglalkoztatott kedvtelési célú jachtok, illetőleg

d) kezdetleges építésű fahajók.

IV. Cikk

4. Információk közlése

(1) A Felek, amint ez lehetséges, közlik a Főtitkárral:

a) az Egyezmény hatálya alá tartozó tárgyban közzétett törvények, rendeletek, utasítások, szabályzatok és egyéb okiratok szövegét;

b) a tanfolyamok tantervére és tanulmányi idejére vonatkozó összes részletet, ahol ez lehetséges, továbbá az Egyezményeknek megfelelően kiállított Bizonyítvánnyal kapcsolatos nemzeti vizsgáztatási és egyéb követelményeket;

c) az Egyezménynek megfelelően kiállítandó bizonyítványok kellő számú mintapéldányát.

(2) A Főtitkár az (1) bekezdés a) pontja értelmében kapott bármilyen tájékoztatásról valamennyi Felet értesíti, és egyebek között, a IX. és X. Cikk teljesítése céljából felkérésre közli velük az (1) bekezdés b) és c) pontja alapján kapott összes információt.

V. Cikk

5. Egyéb szerződések és értelmezés

(1) A Felek között hatályban lévő, a tengerészek képzéséről, képesítéséről és az őrszolgálat ellátásáról szóló szerződés, egyezmény és megállapodás, az alábbiak tekintetében érvényességi ideje alatt teljesen és maradéktalanul hatályban marad

a) azon tengerészek tekintetében, akikre ez az Egyezmény nem vonatkozik;

b) azon tengerészekre nézve, akikre ez az Egyezmény vonatkozik, azon ügyek tekintetében, melyekről az kifejezetten nem rendelkezik.

(2) Azonban amennyiben az ilyen szerződések, egyezmények és megállapodások az Egyezmény rendelkezéseivel ellentétesek, a Felek az ilyen szerződésekből, egyezményekből és megállapodásokból eredő kötelezettségeiket felülvizsgálják, annak biztosítására, hogy ezek a kötelezettségek az Egyezményből fakadó kötelezettségeikkel ne ütközzenek.

(3) Minden olyan ügy, melyre nézve az Egyezmény kifejezetten nem rendelkezik, a Felek jogalkotásának tárgya.

(4) Az Egyezmény semmiképpen nem prejudikálhatja a tengerjognak az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete Közgyűlésének 2750 C(XXV.) számú határozata alapján összehívott Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezetének Tengerjogi Konferenciája által végzendő kodifikálását és továbbfejlesztését, sem bármely állam jelenlegi és jövőbeni igényeit és jogi nézeteit a tengerjog kérdései, továbbá a parti állam és lobogó szerinti állam joghatóságának természete és mértéke tekintetében.

VI. Cikk

6. Bizonyítványok

(1) Parancsnoki, tiszti vagy beosztotti képesítő bizonyítványokat kell kiállítani azon jelöltek részére, akik az Igazgatás szerint eleget tettek az Egyezmény mellékletében foglalt vonatkozó rendelkezéseknek megfelelően a szolgálati, életkori, egészségi alkalmassági, képzési, képesítési és vizsgakövetelményeknek.

(2) Az e cikknek megfelelően kiállított parancsnoki és tiszti bizonyítványokat a kiállító Igazgatásnak a melléklet I/2 Szabályában előírt módon érvényesítenie kell. Amennyiben az alkalmazott nyelv nem angol, az érvényesítésnek angol nyelvű fordítást is magában kell foglalnia.

VII. Cikk

7. Átmeneti rendelkezések

(1) A képesítő vagy szolgálati bizonyítványt olyan beosztásra, melyre nézve az Egyezmény bizonyítványt követel meg, és amelyet az Egyezménynek a Félre tekintetében való hatálybalépése előtt az illető Fél jogszabályainak vagy a Rádió Szabályzatnak megfelelően állítottak ki a szolgálat ellátására nézve, az Egyezménynek az érintett Fél tekintetében való hatálybalépése után érvényesnek kell elismerni.

(2) Az Egyezménynek valamely Fél tekintetében való hatálybalépése után annak igazgatása képesítő bizonyítványokat a korábbi gyakorlatának megfelelően legfeljebb ötévi időtartamra továbbra is kiadhat. Az ilyen bizonyítványokat az Egyezmény tekintetében érvényesnek kell elismerni. Ezen átmeneti idő alatt az ilyen bizonyítványokat csak olyan tengerészeknek lehet kiállítani, akik az Egyezménynek az illető Fél tekintetében való hatálybalépése előtt kezdték meg tengeri szolgálatukat azon szolgálati ágazatban, amelyre ezek a bizonyítványok vonatkoznak. Az Igazgatásnak biztosítania kell, hogy minden más képesítésre pályázó jelöltet az Egyezménynek megfelelően vizsgáztassanak és képesítsenek.

(3) Az Egyezménynek valamely Fél tekintetében való hatálybalépését követő két éven belül, ez a Fél kiállíthat szolgálati bizonyítványt azon tengerészek részére, akik sem az Egyezménynek megfelelő kellő bizonyítvánnyal nem rendelkeznek, sem az Egyezménynek az illető Fél tekintetében való hatálybalépése előtt a saját jogszabályai szerint kiállított képesítő bizonyítvánnyal nem rendelkeznek, de akik

a) az Egyezménynek ennek a Félnek a tekintetében való hatálybalépését megelőző utolsó hét éven belül legalább háromévi tengeri szolgálatot teljesítettek abban a beosztásban, amelyre nézve szolgálati bizonyítványért folyamodnak;

b) igazolják, hogy ezt a szolgálatot kielégítően látták el;

c) eleget tesznek az Igazgatás követelményeinek az egészségi alkalmasság tekintetében, beleértve a látást és hallást, és tekintetbe véve életkorukat a folyamodás idején.

Az Egyezmény tekintetében az e bekezdésnek megfelelően kiállított szolgálati bizonyítványt az Egyezménynek megfelelően kiállított bizonyítvánnyal egyenértékűnek kell tekinteni.

VIII. Cikk


(1) Rendkívüli körülmények esetén az Igazgatások, amennyiben véleményük szerint ez személyekre, vagyonra vagy környezetre nézve veszélyt nem jelent, felmentést adhatnak ki, mely engedélyezi egy meghatározott tengerész számára egy meghatározott hajón legfeljebb hat hónapi időtartamra a szolgálat ellátását olyan beosztásban, amelyre nem rendelkezik megfelelő bizonyítvánnyal, feltéve, hogy az a személy, akinek a felmentést megadják, megfelelő és az Igazgatást kielégítő képzettséggel rendelkezik az üres beosztás biztonságos betöltéséhez. Rádióstiszti vagy rádiótávbeszélő-kezelői beosztás betöltéséhez ilyen felmentés csak a Rádió Szabályzat vonatkozó rendelkezéseiben előírt feltételekkel adható. Mindazonáltal felmentés nem adható hajóparancsnoknak, illetve gépüzemvezetőnek, kivéve az elháríthatatlan külső ok esetét, de akkor is csak a lehető legrövidebb időre.

(2) Felmentés valamely beosztásra csak olyan személy részére adható, aki a közvetlenül alatta levő beosztás betöltésére megfelelő képesítéssel rendelkezik. Ahol az Egyezmény képesítést a közvetlenül alatta levő beosztáshoz nem követel meg, ott felmentést olyan személynek lehet adni, akinek képességei és tapasztalatai az Igazgatás véleménye szerint nyilvánvalóan egyenértékűek a betöltendő beosztásra vonatkozó követelményekkel. Amennyiben az ilyen személy nem rendelkezik megfelelő bizonyítvánnyal, meg kell felelnie az Igazgatás által elfogadott és azt igazoló tesztnek, hogy a felmentés biztonsággal kiadható. Ezen túlmenően, az Igazgatásnak biztosítania kell, hogy a kérdéses beosztást a lehető legrövidebb időn belül megfelelő képesítéssel rendelkező személlyel töltsék be.

(3) A Felek minden év január 1-je után a lehető leghamarabb jelentésben tájékoztassák a Főtitkárt az év során a tengerjáró hajókra az év során összesen kiadott felmentések számáról minden olyan beosztás tekintetében, amelyhez bizonyítvány szükséges, az 1600 BRT feletti, illetve alatti hajók számát külön közölve.

IX. Cikk


(1) Az Egyezmény nem akadályozza meg az Igazgatásokat abban, hogy megtartsanak vagy elfogadjanak egyéb elméleti és gyakorlati oktatási rendszereket, beleértve azokat, melyek a műszaki fejlődéshez és különleges típusú hajókhoz és szállítási módokhoz adaptált tengeri szolgálattal és hajón belüli szervezettel járnak együtt, feltéve, hogy a hajó navigációs és műszaki irányításának, továbbá a rakomány kezelésének tekintetében a tengeri szolgálati gyakorlati ismeretek és a jártasság szint legalább az Egyezményben foglalt követelményekkel egyenértékű tengeri biztonsággal és a környezetszennyezés megelőzésével jár.

(2) Az ilyen intézkedésekre vonatkozó részleteket a gyakorlatilag lehető leghamarabb jelenteni kell a Főtitkárnak, aki az ilyen részleteket körlevélben valamennyi Féllel ismerteti.

X. Cikk

8. Ellenőrzés

(1) A hajók, a III. Cikkben foglalt kivételekkel, amikor valamelyik Fél kikötőiben tartózkodnak, az illető Fél által erre kellően felhatalmazott hivatalos személyek ellenőrzése alá tartoznak annak igazolása tekintetében, hogy a hajón szolgálatot teljesítő valamennyi tengerész, akinek az Egyezmény értelmében képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie, ilyen képesítéssel, illetve megfelelő felmentéssel rendelkezik. Az ilyen bizonyítványokat el kell fogadni, hacsak nincs alapos ok annak feltételezésére, hogy valamely bizonyítványt csalárd módon szereztek meg, illetve a bizonyítvány birtokosa nem az a személy, akinek részére a bizonyítványt eredetileg kiállították.

(2) Olyan esetben, amikor az (1) bekezdés alapján, illetve az „Ellenőrzési eljárások” című I/4 Szabályban meghatározott ellenőrzési eljárások alapján bármilyen hiányosságot észlelnek, az ellenőrzést végző hivatalos személy erről haladéktalanul írásban értesíti a hajó parancsnokát és a konzult, vagy annak hiányában, annak az államnak legközelebbi diplomáciai képviselőjét vagy tengerészeti hatóságát, amelynek lobogója viselésére a hajó jogosult, hogy megfelelő intézkedés történhessen. Az ilyen értesítésekben részletezni kell az észlelt hiányosságokat, és azokat az indokokat, amelyeknek alapján a Fél megállapítja, hogy ezek a hiányosságok a személyekre, vagyonra, illetve a környezetre nézve veszélyt jelentenek.

(3) Az (1) bekezdés alapján végzett ellenőrzés során, tekintetbe véve a hajó méretét és típusát, továbbá az út hosszát és jellegét, amennyiben az I/4 Szabály (3) bekezdésében említett hiányosságokat nem küszöbölik ki, és megállapítást nyer, hogy ez a tény a személyekre, vagyonra, illetve a környezetre nézve veszélyt jelent, az ellenőrzést végző Fél tegyen lépéseket annak biztosítására, hogy a hajó ne induljon el mindaddig, amíg ezek a követelmények a veszély megszüntetéséhez szükséges mértékben nem teljesülnek. Az intézkedésre vonatkozó tényeket a Főtitkárnak haladéktalanul jelenteni kell.

(4) Az e cikk alapján végzett ellenőrzések végrehajtása során minden lehetőt meg kell tenni a hajó indokolatlan visszatartásának vagy késleltetésének elkerülésére. Amennyiben egy hajót ilyen módon visszatartanak vagy késleltetnek, úgy az igényt tarthat minden ebből eredő veszteségének, illetve kárának megtérítésére.

(5) Ezt a cikket szükség szerint kell alkalmazni annak biztosítására, hogy az Egyezményben nem részes állam lobogójának viselésére jogosult hajó ne részesüljön kedvezőbb elbánásban, mint amilyenben valamely Fél lobogóját viselni jogosult hajó részesül.

XI. Cikk

A technikai együttműködés elősegítése

(1) Az Egyezményben részes Felek, a Szervezettel konzultálva és annak közreműködésével támogatást nyújtanak azon Felek részére, akik technikai segítséget kérnek a következőkhöz:

a) adminisztratív és technikai személyzet képzése,

b) tengerészképző tanintézetek létrehozása,

c) a tanintézetek berendezésekkel és eszközökkel való ellátása,

d) megfelelő képzési programok kidolgozása, beleértve a tengerjáró hajókon történő gyakorlati képzést, és

e) egyéb intézkedések a tengerészképzés elősegítése érdekében,

lehetőleg nemzeti, szubregionális vagy regionális alapon, az Egyezmény célkitűzéseinek és rendeltetésének megvalósítása elősegítése végett, számításba véve a fejlődő országok különleges igényeit ebben a vonatkozásban.

(2) A Szervezet a maga részéről támogatni fogja a fent említett erőfeszítéseket, más nemzetközi szervezetekkel, de különösen a Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezettel konzultálva, illetve azzal társulva.

XII. Cikk


(1) Az Egyezmény az alábbi eljárások bármelyikével módosítható:

a) módosítások a szervezeten belüli megvitatás után:

(i) a valamelyik Fél által javasolt bármely módosítást a Főtitkárhoz kell benyújtani, aki ezt követően a megvitatást megelőzően legalább hat hónappal körlevélben közli azt e Szervezet valamennyi tagjával, valamennyi Féllel és a Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet Főigazgatójával.

(ii) minden ily módon javasolt és köröztetett módosítást a Szervezet Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottsága elé kell utalni megvitatás végett.

(iii) a Felek, akár tagjai a Szervezetnek, akár nem, jogosultak rész venni a Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottságnak a módosítás megvitatásával és elfogadásával kapcsolatos munkájában,

(iv) a módosításokat az a) pont (iii) alpontjában foglalt rendelkezéseknek megfelelően kibővített Tengerészeti Bizottságban (a továbbiakban: kibővített Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottság) jelen lévő és szavazó Felek kétharmados többségével kell elfogadni, azzal a feltétellel, hogy a szavazás idején a Felek legalább egyharmadának jelen kell lennie,

(v) az így elfogadott módosításokat a Főtitkár valamennyi Félhez elfogadás végett továbbítja,

(vi) valamely cikk módosítását azon a napon kell elfogadottnak tekinteni, amikor ezt a Felek kétharmada elfogadja,

(vii) a melléklet valamely módosítását elfogadottnak kell tekinteni:

1. attól a naptól számított két év elteltével, amikor azt a Felekhez elfogadás végett továbbították,

2. vagy ettől eltérő, de legalább egyéves időszak elteltével, ha annak elfogadásakor a kibővített Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottságban jelen levő és szavazó Felek kétharmados többsége úgy határozott; azonban a módosítást el nem fogadottnak kell tekinteni, ha a meghatározott időn belül vagy a Felek egyharmada, vagy pedig azok a Felek, melyeknek együttes hajótere a világ 100 BRT, illetve annál nagyobb hajókból álló hajóterének legalább hetven százalékát teszi ki, a módosítás ellen tiltakozást jelentenek be a Főtitkárnál,

(viii) valamely cikk módosítása hat hónappal azt követően lép hatályba az azt elfogadó Felekre, amely napon azt elfogadottnak kell tekinteni, és minden olyan Félre nézve, amely ezt követően fogadja el, az általa történt elfogadás napját követően hat hónappal,

(ix) a melléklet valamely módosítása valamennyi Félre nézve – kivéve azokat, akik az a) pont (vii) alpontjának megfelelően a módosításra nézve tiltakozást jelentettek be, és az ilyen tiltakozást nem vonták vissza – azt a napot követően hat hónappal lép hatályba, amelyen azt elfogadottnak kell tekinteni. A hatálybalépésre előírt időpont előtt, bármelyik Fél bejelentést tehet a Főtitkárnál arra nézve, hogy kivonja magát a módosítás hatálybalépése alól annak hatálybalépésétől számított legfeljebb egy évi időtartamra, vagy olyan hosszabb időtartamra, amennyit a módosítás elfogadásakor a kibővített Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottságban jelen levő és szavazó Felek kétharmados többsége megállapított; vagy

b) módosítás értekezleten

(i) valamely Félnek a Felek legalább egyharmada által támogatott kívánságára, a Szervezet, a Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet Főigazgatójával együttesen és vele konzultálva, összehívja a Felek értekezletét az Egyezmény módosításának megvitatására,

(ii) az ilyen értekezleten a jelen levő és szavazó Felek kétharmados többsége által elfogadott minden módosítást a Főtitkár a Felekhez továbbítja elfogadásra,

(iii) amennyiben az Értekezlet ettől eltérően nem határoz, a módosítást az a) pont (vi) és (viii), illetve (vii) és (ix) alpontjának megfelelően kell elfogadottnak tekinteni, és az annak megfelelően lép hatályba, azzal az eltéréssel, hogy az ezekben az alpontokban a kibővített Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottságra történő utalás alatt az Értekezletre való utalást kell érteni.

(2) Minden, valamely módosításra vonatkozó elfogadó nyilatkozatot vagy tiltakozást, illetve az (1) bekezdés a) pontja (ix) alpontjának megfelelően tett minden bejelentést írásban kell benyújtani a Főtitkárhoz, aki az ilyen előterjesztésekről és azok kézhezvételének időpontjáról valamennyi Felet tájékoztatja.

(3) Minden hatálybalépő módosításról, továbbá a módosítás hatálybalépésének időpontjáról a Főtitkár valamennyi Felet értesíti.

XIII. Cikk

Aláírás, megerősítés, elfogadás, jóváhagyás, csatlakozás

(1) Az Egyezmény a Szervezet Központjában az 1978. év december 1. napjától az 1979. év november 30. napjáig aláírásra, ezt követően pedig csatlakozásra nyitva áll. Az Egyezménynek bármely állam részesévé válhat:

a) megerősítésre, elfogadásra vagy jóváhagyásra vonatkozó fenntartás nélküli aláírással, vagy

b) megerősítéstől, elfogadástól vagy jóváhagyástól függő aláírással, melyet megerősítés, elfogadás vagy jóváhagyás követ, vagy

c) csatlakozással.

(2) A megerősítés, elfogadás, jóváhagyás vagy csatlakozás a vonatkozó okiratnak a Főtitkárnál való letétbe helyezésével történik.

(3) A Főtitkár az Egyezményt aláírt vagy ahhoz csatlakozott államokat, továbbá a Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet Főigazgatóját minden aláírásról, illetőleg minden megerősítő, elfogadó, jóváhagyó vagy csatlakozási okirat letétbe helyezéséről és a letétbe helyezés időpontjáról értesíti.

XIV. Cikk


(1) Az Egyezmény azt követően tizenkét hónappal lép hatályba, amikor legalább huszonöt olyan állam, amelyek együttes kereskedelmi hajótere a világ 100 BRT, illetve annál nagyobb hajókból álló teljes hajóterének legalább ötven százalékát teszi ki, azt megerősítésre, elfogadásra vagy jóváhagyásra vonatkozó fenntartás nélkül aláírta, vagy pedig a XIII. Cikknek megfelelően megerősítő, elfogadó, jóváhagyó vagy csatlakozási okiratát letétbe helyezte.

(2) A Főtitkár az Egyezmény hatálybalépésének napjától valamennyi azt aláíró, illetve ahhoz csatlakozott államot értesíti.

(3) Minden olyan megerősítő, elfogadó, jóváhagyó vagy csatlakozási okirat, amelyet az (1) bekezdésben említett tizenkét hónap alatt helyeznek letétbe, az Egyezmény hatálybalépésekor vagy az okirat letétbe helyezését követő három hónap eltelte után lép hatályba, aszerint, hogy melyik a későbbi időpont.

(4) Minden olyan megerősítő, elfogadó, jóváhagyó vagy csatlakozási okirat, amelyet az Egyezmény hatálybalépésének napja után helyeznek letétbe, a letétbe helyezés napját követő három hónappal lép hatályba.

(5) Minden olyan megerősítő, elfogadó, jóváhagyó vagy csatlakozási okiratot, amelyet olyan időpontot követően helyeztek letétbe, amikor valamely módosítást a XII. Cikk értelmében elfogadottnak kell tekinteni, a módosított Egyezményre kell vonatkoztatni.

XV. Cikk


(1) Az Egyezményt bármelyik Fél attól a naptól számított öt év elteltével, amikor az Egyezmény ránézve hatályba lépett, bármikor felmondhatja.

(2) A felmondás a Főtitkárhoz intézett írásbeli bejelentéssel történik, aki az összes többi Felet és a Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet Főigazgatóját minden ilyen kézhez vett bejelentésről, annak kézhezvételének időpontjáról, valamint a felmondás hatálybalépéséről értesíti.

(3) A felmondás tizenkét hónappal azt követően lép hatályba, amikor a Főtitkár a felmondásról szóló bejelentést kézhez vette, vagy pedig a bejelentésben feltüntetett ennél későbbi időpontban.

XVI. Cikk

Letétbe helyezés és nyilvántartásba vétel

(1) Az Egyezmény a Főtitkárnál kerül letétbe helyezésre, aki annak hiteles másolatát az Egyezményt aláírt, illetve ahhoz csatlakozott valamennyi államhoz megküldi.

(2) Az Egyezmény hatálybalépése után a Főtitkár annak szövegét az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete Alapokmányának 102. Cikke szerint nyilvántartásba vételre és közzétételre az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezet Főtitkárának megküldi.

XVII. Cikk


Ez az Egyezmény egy példányban, angol, francia, kínai, orosz és spanyol nyelven készült, mindegyik szöveg egyaránt hiteles. Hivatalos fordítás arab és német nyelven készül, és azok az aláírt eredetivel együtt kerülnek letétbe helyezésre.

Ennek hiteléül a Kormányaik által erre kellőképpen meghatalmazott alulírottak az Egyezményt aláírták.

Készült Londonban, az ezerkilencszázhetvennyolcadik évi július hó hatodik napján.


Általános rendelkezések
I/1. szabály
Meghatározások és pontosítások

1. Az Egyezmény alkalmazása tekintetében, amennyiben ettől kifejezetten eltérő rendelkezés nincs:

1. A rendelkezések jelentése az Egyezmény mellékletében szereplő rendelkezések;

2. Az elfogadott jelentése a részes Fél által a jelen rendelkezésekkel összhangban elfogadott;

3. Parancsnok: a hajót vezénylő személy;

4. Tiszt: a hajószemélyzetnek az, a parancsnoktól eltérő tagja, akit nemzeti jogszabályok vagy egyéb előírások, illetve ezek hiányában kollektív szerződés szerint vagy szokásjog alapján tisztnek neveznek ki;

5. Fedélzeti tiszt: az Egyezmény II. fejezetében foglalt rendelkezések szerint képzett tiszt;

6. Első tiszt: rangban a parancsnok után következő tiszt, aki a parancsnok akadályoztatása esetén átveszi a hajó vezénylését;

7. Géptiszt: az Egyezmény III. fejezete 1., 2., illetve 3. pontjában foglalt rendelkezések szerint képzett tiszt;

8. Gépüzemvezető: a rangidős géptiszt, aki a hajó gépi meghajtásáért, valamint gépészeti és villamos berendezéseinek üzemeltetéséért és karbantartásáért felelős;

9. Másodgéptiszt: a gépüzemvezető után rangban következő tiszt, aki, a gépüzemvezető akadályoztatása esetén, átveszi a hajó gépi meghajtásának, valamint gépészeti és villamos berendezéseinek üzemeltetési és karbantartási feladatát;

10. Géptisztjelölt: géptiszti képzésben részt vevő személy, akit a nemzeti törvények vagy rendeletek ilyenként jelölnek meg;

11. Rádiókezelő: az Igazgatás által kibocsátott vagy elismert bizonyítvánnyal rendelkező személy, a Rádió Használati Szabályzat értelmében;

12. GMDSS rádiókezelő: az Egyezmény IV. fejezetében foglalt rendelkezéseknek megfelelő képesítéssel rendelkező személy;

13. Személyzet: a hajószemélyzet olyan tagja, aki nem parancsnok vagy tiszt;

14. Part menti utak: a részes Fél közeli vizein történő utazás, amint azt az illető részes Fél meghatározza;

15. Főgépteljesítmény: a hajó fő meghajtó gépezetének kilowattban kifejezett, maximális, folyamatos, névleges összteljesítménye, ahogyan azt a hajó lajstromozási okmányában vagy más hivatalos okiratban feltüntették;

16. Rádiós szolgálat: a Rádió Használati Szabályzat, az „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú, 1974. évi, módosított nemzetközi egyezmény (SOLAS 74), valamint – az egyes illetékes hatóságok megítélése szerint – a Szervezet vonatkozó ajánlásainak megfelelően végzett őrszolgálat, illetve műszaki karbantartás és javítás;

17. Olajszállító tartályhajó: a kőolaj és a kőolajszármazékok ömlesztett szállítása céljából épített és használt hajó;

18. Vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajó: a mindenkor hatályos Nemzetközi Vegyianyag Szabályzat 17. fejezetében felsorolt bármely cseppfolyós termék ömlesztett szállítása céljára épített vagy alkalmassá tett, és e célra használt hajó;

19. Cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajó: a mindenkor hatályos Nemzetközi Gázszállítási Szabályzat 19. fejezetében felsorolt bármely cseppfolyósított gáz vagy egyéb termék ömlesztett szállítása céljából épített vagy alkalmassá tett, és e célra használt hajó;

20. Személyszállító hajó: az „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú, 1974. évi, módosított nemzetközi egyezményben ilyenként meghatározott hajó;

21. Ro-ro személyszállító hajó: ro-ro rakománytérrel vagy olyan különleges kategóriájú terekkel rendelkező személyszállító hajó, amely megfelel az „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú, 1974. évi, módosított nemzetközi egyezmény meghatározásának;

22. Hónap: egy naptári hónap, vagy az egy hónapnál rövidebb időszakokból összeadott 30 napos időszak;

23. STCW Szabályzat: a tengerészek képzéséről, képesítéséről és az őrszolgálat ellátásáról (STWC) szóló, az 1995. évi Konferencia 2. határozatával elfogadott szabályzat, a Szervezet mindenkori módosításai szerint;

24. Funkció: az STCW Szabályzatban meghatározott feladatok, kötelezettségek és felelősségek azon csoportja, amelyek a hajó üzemeltetéséhez, a tengeri életbiztonsághoz és a tengeri környezet védelméhez szükségesek;

25. Társaság: a hajó tulajdonosa vagy bármely más szervezet vagy személy, mint pl. az ügyvezető vagy a hajót személyzet nélkül bérlő, aki a hajó tulajdonosától átvállalta a hajó üzemeltetésének felelősségét, és aki e felelősség átvállalásával a társaságra nézve a jelen szabályok szerint irányadó valamennyi kötelezettséget és felelősséget felvállalja;

26. Tengeri szolgálat: a képesítési bizonyítványnak vagy más, az alkalmasságot bizonyító igazolásnak megfelelő hajón töltött szolgálat;

27. ISPS Szabályzat: az „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú, 1974. évi nemzetközi egyezmény (SOLAS) Szerződő Kormányai Konferenciájának 2. határozatával, 2002. december 12-én elfogadott, a hajók és kikötőlétesítmények védelmére vonatkozó nemzetközi szabályzat (ISPS), a Szervezet mindenkori módosításai szerint;

28. A hajó védelmi tisztje: a fedélzeten tartózkodó és a parancsnoknak elszámolási kötelezettséggel tartozó olyan személy, akit a társaság a hajó védelméért felelősként nevezett ki, beleértve a hajó védelmi tervének végrehajtását és kezelését, valamint a társaság védelmi tisztjével és a kikötőlétesítmény védelmi tisztjeivel való kapcsolattartást;

29. Biztonsági feladatok: az „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú nemzetközi egyezmény (módosított SOLAS 1974) XI–2 fejezete, valamint a hajók és kikötőlétesítmények védelmére vonatkozó nemzetközi szabályzat (ISPS) szerint meghatározott, hajón teljesítendő biztonsági feladatok és kötelezettségek;

30. Képesítő bizonyítvány: a jelen melléklet II., III. IV., illetve VII. fejezeteinek rendelkezései alapján, parancsnokok, tisztek és GMDSS rádiókezelők részére kiállított és érvényesített bizonyítvány, amely felhatalmazza jogos tulajdonosát arra, hogy az abban meghatározott minőségben a vonatkozó feladatokat az előírt felelősségi szinten ellássa;

31. Jártassági bizonyítvány: tengerész részére kiállított, a képesítő bizonyítványtól eltérő bizonyítvány, mely igazolja az Egyezményben meghatározott képzési, képesítési, illetve a tengeri szolgálattal kapcsolatosan támasztott követelmények teljesítését;

32. Igazoló okmányok: a képesítő bizonyítványtól vagy a jártassági bizonyítványtól eltérő, az Egyezmény vonatkozó előírásai teljesítésének igazolására használt dokumentum;

33. Elektrotechnikus tiszt: az Egyezmény III. fejezete 6. pontjának rendelkezései szerinti képzettséggel rendelkező tiszt;

34. Tengerhajózási fedélzeti szolgálatot ellátó legénység: az Egyezmény II. fejezete 5. pontjának rendelkezései szerinti képzettséggel rendelkező személyzet;

35. Tengerhajózási gépész szolgálatot ellátó legénység: az Egyezmény III. fejezete 5. pontjának rendelkezései szerinti képzettséggel rendelkező személyzet; valamint

36. Elektrotechnikus személyzet: az Egyezmény III. fejezete 7. pontjának rendelkezései szerinti képzettséggel rendelkező személyzet.

2. A jelen szabályok kiegészülnek az STCW Szabályzat A részében foglalt kötelező rendelkezésekkel, valamint:

1. egy szabály előírására történő bármilyen hivatkozás egyben az STCW Szabályzat A része megfelelő szakaszára történő hivatkozást is jelent;

2. a jelen szabályok alkalmazásánál az STCW Szabályzat B részében foglalt útmutatót és magyarázó anyagot a lehető legnagyobb mértékig figyelembe kell venni annak érdekében, hogy az Egyezmény rendelkezéseinek világméretű alkalmazása minél egységesebb legyen;

3. az STCW Szabályzat A részének módosításait az Egyezmény XII. cikkében a melléklet módosításához alkalmazandó eljárásokra vonatkozóan foglaltak szerint kell elfogadni, hatályba léptetni és érvényesíteni; valamint

4. az STCW Szabályzat B részét a Tengeri Biztonsági Bizottság saját eljárási szabályai szerint módosítja.

3. Az Egyezmény VI. cikkében az „Igazgatásra” és az „okmányt kiállító Igazgatásra” tett utalás nem akadályozza bármelyik Felet abban, hogy ezen előírásoknak megfelelő bizonyítványokat adjon ki vagy hagyjon jóvá.

I/2. szabály
Bizonyítványok és érvényesítések

1. Képesítő bizonyítványt, a szükséges igazoló okmányok hitelességének és érvényességének ellenőrzését követően, kizárólag az igazgatás állít ki.

2. Az V/1–1. és V/1–2. szabály rendelkezései alapján, parancsnokok és tisztek részére kiállított bizonyítványokat kizárólag Igazgatás állít ki.

3. A bizonyítványokat a kiállító ország hivatalos nyelvén, illetve nyelvein kell készíteni. Amennyiben a használt nyelv nem az angol, a szövegnek tartalmaznia kell az adott nyelvű fordítást is.

4. A rádiókezelőkre vonatkozóan a Felek:

1. a Rádió Használati Szabályzatnak megfelelő képesítési bizonyítvány kiadásához szükséges vizsga követelményeit kiegészíthetik az irányadó rendeletekben előírt kiegészítő ismeretekkel; vagy

2. külön bizonyítványt bocsáthatnak ki, amely igazolja, hogy tulajdonosa rendelkezik a vonatkozó rendeletekben előírt kiegészítő ismeretekkel.

5. A bizonyítványnak az Egyezmény VI. cikke szerint a kiállítás hitelesítéséhez szükséges érvényesítése csak akkor adható ki, ha az megfelel az Egyezmény összes vonatkozó előírásainak.

6. Az érvényesítéseket bármely Fél, saját belátása szerint az STCW Szabályzat A–I/2. szakaszának megfelelő mintájú bizonyítványokba is bejegyezheti. Ha így tesz, akkor a használt formának egyeznie kell az A–I/2. szakasz 1. pontjában megállapított mintával. Amennyiben ettől eltérő mintát használ, annak ugyanezen szakasz 2. pontjában foglaltakkal kell egyeznie.

7. Az az Igazgatás, amely az I/10. szabálynak megfelelően:

1. képesítő bizonyítványt; vagy

2. jártassági bizonyítványt állít ki parancsnokok és tisztek részére az V/1–1. és V/1–2. szabály rendelkezései alapján, a bizonyítvány érvényesítése útján csak azt követően tanúsítja annak elismerését, miután meggyőződött a bizonyítvány hitelességéről és érvényességéről.

Az érvényesítés csak akkor adható ki, ha az Egyezmény összes előírása teljesül. Az érvényesítésre használt mintának az STCW Szabályzat A–1/2. szakasza 3. pontjában foglaltaknak kell megfelelnie.

8. Az 5., 6. és 7. pont szerinti érvényesítés:

1. lehet önállóan kiadott okmány;

2. kizárólag illetékes hatóság adhatja ki;

3. mindegyiknek egyedi sorszámmal kell rendelkeznie, kivéve, ha az érvényesítést igazoló okmány és az ahhoz kapcsolódó bizonyítvány ugyanazzal a sorszámmal rendelkezik, feltéve, hogy ez a szám egyedi; és

4. érvényét veszti, amint a hozzá kapcsolódó bizonyítvány lejár, visszavonásra vagy felfüggesztésre kerül, vagy az azt kiállító Igazgatás érvényteleníti, valamint minden esetben legkésőbb a kibocsátást követő öt év elteltével.

9. Azt a beosztást, amelyben a bizonyítvány tulajdonosa szolgálatot ellátni jogosult, az Igazgatásnak a biztonságos személyzetre vonatkozó követelményeinél alkalmazott érvényesítéssel azonos formában kell megállapítani.

10. Az Igazgatás az STCW Szabályzat A–I/2, szakaszában megadott formától eltérő formát is használhat, feltéve, hogy az abban a minimálisan előírt adatokat latin betűkkel és arab számokkal tüntetik fel, figyelemmel az A–I/1. szakaszban megengedett változatokra.

11. Az I/10. szabály 5. pontja rendelkezéseinek megfelelően az Egyezmény által előírt minden bizonyítvány eredeti példányát azon a hajón kell tartani, ahol a bizonyítvány tulajdonosa szolgálatot teljesít.

12. A részes Felek mindegyike biztosítja, hogy bizonyítványt kizárólag olyan jelölteknek ad ki, akik megfelelnek a jelen szabály követelményeinek.

13. A jelölteknek a bizonyítvány elnyeréséhez hitelt érdemlően bizonyítaniuk kell:

1. személyazonosságukat;

2. azt, hogy életkoruk nem kevesebb, mint amit az elnyerni kívánt képesítő okmányra vonatkozó rendelkezés előír;

3. azt, hogy megfelelnek az STCW Szabályzat A–1/9. szakaszában az egészségi alkalmasságra vonatkozóan előírt követelményeknek;

4. teljesítették az elnyerni kívánt képesítő okmányra vonatkozóan a jelen szabályok által előírt tengeri szolgálatot és más kötelező képzést; és

5. rendelkeznek azzal a szakmai színvonallal, amelyet jelen szabályok a szakképzettség, a feladatok és a szintek vonatkozásában előírnak, és amelyeket a képesítő okmány rögzít.

14. Minden Fél kötelezettséget vállal arra, hogy minden, a parancsnokok, tisztek és adott esetben a beosztottak részére kiállított, lejárt vagy megújított, felfüggesztett, visszavont, elvesztett vagy megsemmisült bizonyítványról, annak érvényesítését igazoló okmányról és kiadott felmentésről nyilvántartást vagy nyilvántartást vezet.

15. Minden Fél kötelezettséget vállal arra, hogy az ilyen bizonyítványok, érvényesítések vagy felmentések állapotáról információt szolgáltatnak egyéb olyan Feleknek és társaságoknak, akik az olyan tengerészek által bemutatott bizonyítványok hitelességének és érvényességének tisztázását kérik, akik az I/10. szabály szerint képesítő okmányuk elismeréséért vagy a hajón történő alkalmazásukért folyamodtak.

16. 2017. január 1-jétől az információk helyzetével kapcsolatos, a jelen szabály 15. pontjának megfelelően rendelkezésre bocsátandó információt angol nyelven, elektronikus úton kell rendelkezésre bocsátani.

I/3. szabály
A part menti utakon történő hajózást szabályozó alapelvek

1. A part menti utaknak az Egyezmény alkalmazása tekintetében történő meghatározása során egyik Fél sem támaszthat szigorúbb képzési, tapasztalatszerzési vagy képesítési követelményeket azon tengerészekkel szemben, akik egy másik Fél lobogójának viselésére jogosult hajón teljesítenek szolgálatot és ilyen utakon vannak alkalmazva, mint amilyenek azokra a tengerészekre vonatkoznak, akik saját lobogójának viselésére jogosult hajókon teljesítenek szolgálatot. Az ilyen Fél semmilyen körülmények között sem támaszthat a másik Fél lobogóját viselő hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő tengerészekre nézve olyan követelményeket, melyek meghaladják az Egyezménynek a part menti utakon nem foglalkoztatott hajókra vonatkozó követelményeit.

2. Az Egyezménynek a part menti utakra vonatkozó rendelkezéseiből fakadó előnyöket élvező hajók tekintetében az a Fél, amelyik rendszeresen közlekedik másik Felek partjai előtt olyan part menti utakon, melyeket azok part menti útnak minősítenek, köteles megállapodni az érintett Felekkel és meghatározni mind az adott kereskedelmi területeket, mind az egyéb vonatkozó feltételeket.

3. A valamely Fél lobogóját viselni jogosult olyan hajók tekintetében, melyek rendszeresen közlekednek egy másik Fél partjai előtt part menti utakon, annak a Félnek, amelynek lobogóját a hajó viselni jogosult, az ilyen hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő tengerészekre vonatkozóan olyan képzési, tapasztalatszerzési és képesítési követelményeket kell előírnia, melyek legalább azon Fél követelményeivel azonosak, amelynek partjai előtt a hajó közlekedik, de amelyek nem haladják meg az Egyezménynek a part menti utakon nem közlekedő hajókra vonatkozó követelményeit. Az olyan hajókon szolgáló tengerészekre, amelyeknek az útja valamely Fél által part menti útként meghatározott területeken túlra terjed, és olyan területekre lép, amelyekre nézve ez a meghatározás nem vonatkozik, az Egyezmény vonatkozó előírásai érvényesek.

4. Bármely Fél engedélyezheti a lobogója viselésére jogosult hajónak az Egyezménynek a part menti utakra vonatkozó rendelkezéseiből fakadó előnyök élvezését, ha az rendszeresen közlekedik az Egyezményben nem részes valamely állam partjai előtt olyan utakon, melyet ez a Fél part menti útnak minősít.

5. Az egyik Fél által a part menti útként meghatározott utakra kiadott tengerészképesítési bizonyítványokat másik Felek elfogadhatják olyan utakon történő szolgálatteljesítés céljából, melyeket maguk part menti utaknak minősítenek, ha az érintett Felek erről megállapodnak és részletesen meghatározzák mind az érintett kereskedelmi területeket, mind az arra vonatkozó, egyéb feltételeket.

6. A part menti utakat meghatározó Felek, a jelen szabály előírásaival összhangban, kötelesek:

1. betartani az A–I/3. szakasz szerinti, a part menti utakat szabályozó alapelveket;

2. az I/7. szabály előírásainak megfelelően tájékozatni a Főtitkárt az elfogadott rendelkezések részleteiről; és

3. az I/2. szabály 5., 6. vagy 7. pontja értelmében kiállított érvényesítésekbe belefoglalni a part menti utakra vonatkozó meghatározást.

7. A jelen szabályban foglaltak egyetlen állam joghatóságát sem korlátozhatják, függetlenül attól, hogy az részese-e az Egyezménynek vagy sem.

I/4. szabály
Ellenőrzési eljárások

1. Az erre kellőképpen felhatalmazott hivatalos személy által a X. cikk alapján végzett ellenőrzés a következőkre korlátozódik:

1. a X. cikk (1) bekezdésének megfelelően annak vizsgálata, hogy a hajón szolgálatot teljesítő és az Egyezmény értelmében bizonyítvánnyal rendelkezni köteles összes tengerész megfelelő bizonyítvánnyal vagy érvényes felmentéssel rendelkezik-e, illetve igazolni tudja-e az Igazgatáshoz az I/1.0 szabály 5. pontjának megfelelő érvényesítés iránti kérelmének előterjesztését;

2. annak vizsgálata, hogy a hajón szolgálatot teljesítő tengerészek létszáma és képzettsége megfelel-e az Igazgatás biztonságos személyzeti feltételekre vonatkozó előírásainak; és

3. az STCW Szabályzat A–I/4. szakaszának megfelelően annak elbírálása, hogy a hajón szolgáló tengerészek mennyire képesek az Egyezményben előírt őrszolgálattal kapcsolatos követelményeknek eleget tenni, ha alapos ok van azt feltételezni, hogy ezek a normák az alábbi okok bármelyike miatt nem teljesülnek:

3.1 a hajó ütközött, megfeneklett vagy zátonyra futott, vagy

3.2 menet közben, horgonyon vagy kikötött állapotban a hajóból olyan anyagkibocsátás történt, amely bármely nemzetközi egyezmény szerint illegális, vagy

3.3 hajó irányítása, manőverezése hibásan vagy veszélyes módon történt, mely során a Szervezet által elfogadott, a hajó kezelésére vonatkozó szabályokat vagy a biztonságos hajóműveletezés gyakorlatát és menetét nem követték, vagy

3.4 a hajó kezelése egyéb vonatkozásban oly módon történt, ami a személyek, vagyon vagy környezet szempontjából veszélyt jelent.

2. A személyekre, vagyonra vagy környezetre veszélyt jelentő hiányosságok az alábbiak lehetnek:

1. a bizonyítvánnyal rendelkezni köteles tengerészek nem rendelkeznek megfelelő bizonyítvánnyal vagy érvényes felmentéssel, illetve nem tudják igazolni, hogy az Igazgatáshoz az I/10. szabály 5. pontjának megfelelően érvényesítés iránti kérelmet terjesztettek be;

2. nem teljesülnek az Igazgatásnak a biztonságos személyi feltételekre vonatkozó előírásai;

3. a navigációs vagy gépüzemi őrszolgálat rendszere nincs összhangban az Igazgatásnak a hajóra előírt követelményeivel;

4. őrszolgálatban nincs olyan személy, aki megfelelő képzettséggel rendelkezik a biztonságos navigáláshoz, a biztonságos rádiókapcsolathoz és a tenger szennyezésének megelőzéséhez elengedhetetlenül szükséges berendezések üzemeltetéséhez; és

5. az út kezdetét követő első őrségben és az azt követő váltásokban a hajón nem képesek az őrszolgálat ellátásához kipihent, és egyéb szempontokból is a szolgálatra alkalmas személyeket biztosítani.

3. A 2. pontban foglalt hiányosságok az ellenőrzést végző Fél által aszerint megállapított mértékig történő kiküszöbölésének elmulasztása, hogy azok mennyiben veszélyeztetik a személyek, a vagyon vagy a környezet biztonságát, lehet csak alapja annak, hogy az illető Fél a hajót a X. cikk alapján visszatartsa.

I/5. szabály
Nemzeti rendelkezések

1. Mindegyik részes Fél köteles kialakítani az illető Fél által kiállított, az adott tevékenységi kör ellátására jogosító bizonyítvánnyal, illetve érvényesítéssel rendelkező személyeknek a tengeri élet-és vagyonbiztonságot, továbbá a tengeri környezetet közvetlenül veszélyeztető hozzá nem értése, cselekedete vagy mulasztása, továbbá a bizonyítványaikban feltüntetett szolgálat ellátása pártatlan kivizsgálásának, illetve e bizonyítványok említett esetekben történő visszavonásának, felfüggesztésének, illetve érvénytelenítésének, valamint a csalások megelőzésének módszereit és eljárásait.

2. Minden részes Fél köteles megfelelő intézkedéseket tenni és foganatosítani a kiállított bizonyítványokkal és érvényesítésekkel kapcsolatos csalás és egyéb törvénybe ütköző gyakorlatok megelőzése érdekében.

3. Minden részes Fél köteles büntető, illetve szabálysértési intézkedéseket megállapítani azokra az esetekre, amikor az Egyezmény előírásainak érvényt szerző nemzeti jogszabályok rendelkezéseinek a lobogója viselésére jogosult valamely hajó vonatkozásában, illetve az adott Fél által bizonyítványokkal ellátott tengerész vonatkozásában nem tesznek eleget.

4. Ilyen büntető és szabálysértési intézkedéseket különösen azokra az esetekre kell megállapítani és érvényesíteni, amikor

1. a társaság vagy a hajóparancsnok az Egyezmény által előírt bizonyítvánnyal nem rendelkező személyt alkalmazott;

2. a hajóparancsnok bármilyen, a jelen szabályok szerint csak megfelelő bizonyítvánnyal rendelkező személy által ellátható feladat vagy szolgálat bármilyen szinten történő ellátását olyan személynek engedte meg, aki az előírt bizonyítványokkal, érvényes felmentéssel vagy az I/10. szabály 5. pontjának megfelelő igazoló okmánnyal nem rendelkezik; vagy

3. valamely személy csalással, illetve hamis okmányokkal bármilyen szintű, olyan feladathoz vagy beosztáshoz jutott, amely a jelen szabályok értelmében csak olyan személlyel tölthető be, illetve végeztethető, aki bizonyítvánnyal, illetve felmentéssel rendelkezik.

5. Az a Fél, amelynek joghatósága alá tartozó területén olyan társaság vagy olyan személy található, amely, illetve aki megalapozottan felelős az Egyezménynek a 4. pontban foglaltak szerinti megszegéséért, illetve ilyenről tudomása van, együttműködését minden lehetséges formában köteles kiterjeszteni azon Fél vonatkozásában, aki értesítette őt a joghatósága szerinti eljárás kezdeményezésének szándékáról.

I/6. szabály
Képzés és értékelés

Minden Fél köteles biztosítani, hogy

1. a tengerészek Egyezménynek megfelelő képzésének és vizsgáztatásának intézése, ellenőrzése és felügyelete az STCW Szabályzat A–I/6. szakasz előírásai szerint történjék; és

2. a tengerészek szakmai képzéséért és vizsgáztatásáért az Egyezmény előírásainak megfelelően felelős személyek, az STCW Szabályzat A–I/6. szakasz rendelkezéseivel összhangban, megfelelő képesítéssel rendelkezzenek az adott jellegű és szintű oktatáshoz és vizsgáztatáshoz.

I/7. szabály
Információk továbbítása

1. Az információk IV. cikkben meghatározott közlésén túlmenően minden Fél az STCW Szabályzat A–I/7. szakaszában előírt időszakon belül és formában köteles értesíteni a Főtitkárt az olyan egyéb, a Szabályzat rendelkezései alapján elvárható információról, amely a Fél azon lépéseire vonatkozik, amelyeket az Egyezmény teljes és maradéktalan érvényesítése érdekében megtett.

2. Amikor a IV. cikknek és az STCW Szabályzat A–I/7. szakaszának megfelelő teljes információ kézhezvétele megtörtént és az ilyen információ igazolja, hogy az Egyezmény előírásainak teljes és maradéktalan érvényesítése megtörtént, a Főtitkár erről jelentést küld a Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottságnak.

3. A Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottságnak a Bizottság által elfogadott eljárásnak megfelelő, ezt követő megerősítése bizonyítja, hogy a kapott információ igazolja az Egyezmény érvényesítésének teljes és maradéktalan megtörténtét:

1. a Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottság megnevezi az így érintetté vált Feleket;

2. átvizsgálja azon Felek listáját, akik olyan információt közöltek, hogy teljes körűen és maradéktalanul érvényesítették az Egyezmény előírást, oly módon, hogy a listán csak az érintett Felek szerepeljenek; és

3. más Feleket feljogosít az I/4. és I/10. szabályoknak megfelelően annak elvi elismerésére, hogy a 3.1 pont alapján megnevezett Felek által vagy nevében kiállított bizonyítványok az Egyezménnyel összhangban vannak.

4. Az Egyezmény és az STCW Szabályzat azon módosításaira, melyek hatályba lépésére a Főtitkár számára az 1. pont rendelkezéseivel összhangban adott vagy adandó tájékoztatás közlésének napja után került sor, az A–I/7. szakasz 1. és 2. pontjában foglalt rendelkezések nem irányadók.

I/8. szabály
Minőségi követelmények

1. Minden Fél köteles biztosítani, hogy

1. Az STCW Szabályzat A–I/8. szakaszának előírásai értelmében minden képzési, vizsgáztatási, képesítési, érvényesítési és megújítási tevékenységgel kapcsolatos nem kormányzati szervezet vagy meghatalmazásával bíró személy általi végrehajtását, a meghatározott célok elérése érdekében, a minőségi követelményrendszer tekintetében folyamatosan ellenőrizni kell, beleértve az oktatók és vizsgáztatók képesítését és gyakorlottságát;

2. ahol az ilyen tevékenységet kormányzati intézmények vagy személyek végzik, ott minőségi követelményrendszert kell bevezetni.

2. Minden Félnek biztosítania kell azt is, hogy az STCW Szabályzat A–I/8. szakaszának megfelelően, időszakos kiértékeléseket végezzenek olyan megfelelően képzett személyek közreműködésével, akik maguk az adott tevékenységben nem érintettek. Ennek az értékelésnek ki kell terjednie a nemzeti rendelkezéseknek és eljárásoknak az Egyezmény és az STCW Szabályzat módosításainak megfelelő, mindazon változásaira, melyeknek hatálybalépése későbbi, mint a Főtitkárnak adott tájékoztatás közlésének napja.

3. A 2. pontban előírt értékelés eredményeit tartalmazó jelentést az STCW Szabályzat A–I/7. szakaszában meghatározott formában kell közölni a Főtitkárral.

I/9. szabály
Egészségi alkalmassági követelmények

1. A jelen szabály és az STCW Szabályzat A–I/9. szakasza rendelkezéseinek megfelelően mindegyik Fél megállapítja a tengerészek egészségi alkalmasságára és az egészségi alkalmassági bizonyítvány kiállításának eljárásaira vonatkozó követelményeket.

2. Mindegyik fél biztosítja, hogy a tengerészeknek az STCW Szabályzat A–I/9. szakaszának rendelkezései szerinti egészségi alkalmassági vizsgálatáért felelős személyek a tengerészek orvosi vizsgálatainak elvégzése céljából az adott Fél által elismert orvosok legyenek.

3. Az Egyezmény rendelkezéseinek értelmében kiállított bizonyítvánnyal rendelkező, tengeri szolgálatot teljesítő tengerészeknek, a jelen szabály és az STCW Szabályzat A–I/9. szakasza előírásainak megfelelő, érvényes egészségi alkalmassági bizonyítvánnyal is rendelkezniük kell.

4. A bizonyítványért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 16. életévét betöltötte;

2. személyazonosságát hitelt érdemlően bizonyította; és

3. megfelel az adott Fél által előírt egészségi alkalmassági követelményeknek.

5. Az egészségi alkalmassági bizonyítvány érvényessége legfeljebb két év a 18 év alatti tengerészek kivételével, mely esetben az érvényesség maximális időtartama egy év.

6. Amennyiben az egészségi alkalmassági bizonyítvány érvényessége az út során jár le, akkor az a legközelebbi kikötőbe való megérkezésig érvényben marad, ahol rendelkezésre áll az adott fél által elismert orvos, feltéve, hogy ez az időtartam nem haladja meg a három hónapot.

7. Sürgős esetekben az Igazgatás engedélyezheti, hogy a legközelebbi kikötőbe való megérkezésig, ahol rendelkezésre áll az adott Fél által elismert orvos, a tengerész érvényes egészségi alkalmassági bizonyítvány nélkül dolgozzon, feltéve, hogy

1. az ilyen engedély időtartama nem haladja meg a három hónapot; és

2. az érintett tengerész rendelkezik egy nemrégiben lejárt egészségi alkalmassági bizonyítvánnyal.

I/10. szabály
Képesítések elismerése

1. Minden Igazgatás köteles biztosítani a jelen szabály előírásainak az elismerés céljából történő betartását egy másik Fél által vagy felhatalmazásával, parancsnoknak, tisztnek vagy rádiókezelőnek kiadott bizonyítvány I/2. szabály 7. pontja szerinti érvényesítési okmány kiállításával, valamint hogy

1. Az Igazgatás az adott Fél értékelése segítségével – mely létesítményekre és eljárásokra is kiterjedhet – igazolja, hogy az Egyezménynek az alkalmassági, képzési, képesítési és minőségi követelményekre vonatkozó előírásait teljes körűen betartják; és

2. az érintett Fél kötelezettséget vállaljon arra, hogy haladéktalanul tájékoztatást ad az Egyezménnyel összhangban folytatott képzéssel és képesítéssel kapcsolatos minden jelentős változásról.

2. Olyan intézkedéseket kell bevezetni, amelyek biztosítják, hogy azok a tengerészek, akik az STCW Szabályzatban meghatározottak szerint a II/2., III/2. vagy III/3. szabály, illetve a vezetés szintjén a VII/1. szabály előírásainak megfelelően kiadott bizonyítványt elismertetés céljából nyújtanak be, rendelkeznek az Igazgatás azzal a feladatkörrel kapcsolatos tengerészeti jogszabályainak ismeretével, amelynek ellátására engedélyt kaptak.

3. A jelen szabállyal kapcsolatos és az annak értelmében létrejött megállapodásokra vonatkozó információkat az I/7. szabálynak megfelelően a Főtitkár számára továbbítani kell.

4. A nem részes Fél hatóságai által vagy megbízásukból kiadott bizonyítványokat nem lehet elismerni.

5. Az I/2. szabály 7. pontjában foglaltak ellenére az Igazgatás, amennyiben a körülmények megkívánják, engedélyezheti a tengerész számár, hogy három hónapot nem meghaladó időtartamra szolgálatot láthasson el egy lobogóját viselni jogosult hajón, ha rendelkezik a másik Fél előírásai alapján kiadott és érvényesített, az adott Fél hajóira szóló, megfelelő és érvényes olyan bizonyítvánnyal, ami még nem került érvényesítésre az illető Igazgatás lobogóját viselni jogosult hajókon történő szolgálat ellátására. Az igazoló okmányoknak az Igazgatáshoz benyújtott érvényesítés kérelemhez rendelkezésre kell állniuk.

6. Valamely Igazgatás jelen szabály előírásainak megfelelően egy másik Fél által kiadott bizonyítvány elismerésére vagy az elismerés igazolására vonatkozóan kiállított bizonyítványai és érvényesítési okmányai nem használhatók egy harmadik Fél általi további elismerés alapjául.

I/11. szabály
Képesítések újraérvényesítése

1. Minden olyan, az Egyezmény bármely, a VI. fejezettől eltérő fejezete alapján kiállított vagy elismert bizonyítvánnyal rendelkező hajóparancsnok, tiszt vagy rádiókezelő, aki tengeri szolgálatot teljesít, vagy parti beosztást követően oda visszatérni kíván, a tengeri szolgálat adott képesítéssel történő ellátásnak folytatásához öt évet meg nem haladó időszakonként köteles:

1. megfelelni az I/9. szabályban előírt egészségi alkalmassági előírásoknak; és

2. gondoskodni az STCW Szabályzat A–I/11. szakaszának megfelelően szakmai alkalmasságának folyamatosságáról.

2. Minden hajóparancsnoknak, tisztnek és rádiókezelőnek sikeresen be kell fejeznie egy megfelelő, jóváhagyott képzést az olyan hajókon történő tengeri szolgálat ellátásához, amelyekre nemzetközileg elfogadott speciális képzési szabályok vonatkoznak.

3. Tartályhajókon teljesítendő folyamatos szolgálathoz minden hajóparancsnoknak és tisztnek meg kell felelnie a jelen szabály 1. pontjában szereplő követelményeknek, valamint öt évet meg nem haladó időszakonként, az STCW Szabályzat A–I/13. szakasza 3. pontjának megfelelően köteles gondoskodni a tartályhajón teljesítendő szolgálathoz szükséges szakmai alkalmasságának folyamatosságáról.

4. Minden Félnek össze kell hasonlítania a jelöltektől a 2017. január 1. előtt kiadott bizonyítványok elnyeréséhez megkövetelt szakmai szintet az STCW Szabályzat A részében, a megfelelő bizonyítványok vonatkozásában megállapítottal, és döntenie kell arról, hogy az ilyen bizonyítványok tulajdonosainak részt kell-e venniük megfelelő ismeretfelújító és továbbképző képzésen, illetve vizsgán.

5. A Fél az STCW Szabályzat A–I/11. szakaszának megfelelően, az érintettekkel konzultálva, köteles kialakítani ki az ilyen ismeretfelújító és továbbképzési tanfolyamok felépítését, illetve köteles arra javaslatot tenni.

6. A hajóparancsnokok, tisztek és rádiókezelők ismereteinek naprakész szinten tartása érdekében minden Igazgatás köteles biztosítani, hogy a tengeri életbiztonságot és a tengeri környezet védelmét érintő, nemzeti vagy nemzetközi szabályok legfrissebb módosításainak szövege a lobogója viselésére jogosult hajókon rendelkezésre álljon.

I/12. szabály
Szimulátorok használata

1. Az STCW Szabályzat A–I/12. szakaszában és az A rész egyéb rendelkezéseiben megállapított, bármely bizonyítvánnyal összefüggő követelményrendszernek és az egyéb vonatkozó előírásoknak eleget kell tenni a következők tekintetében:

1. szimulátorra alapozott, összes kötelező képzés;

2. bármiféle, az STCW Szabályzat A részében megállapított, szimulátorral történő képesítő vizsgáztatás; és

3. az STCW Szabályzat A részében, a szakmai alkalmasság folyamatosságának bizonyítására megkövetelt szimulátoros bemutató.

I/13. szabály
Próbaüzemeltetések lefolytatása

1. Jelen szabályok nem akadályozzák meg, hogy egy Igazgatás engedélyezze a lobogójának viselésére jogosult hajók próbaüzemeltetését.

2. E szabály alkalmazása tekintetében a „próbaüzem” kifejezés olyan korlátozott időtartamú kísérletet vagy kísérletsorozatot jelent, amely automatikus vagy integrált rendszerek alkalmazására terjed ki a célból, hogy egyes meghatározott szolgálatok végrehajtásának alternatív módszereit, illetve az Egyezmény által előírtak teljesítése érdekében tett olyan különleges intézkedéseket kiértékeljék, amelyek a tengerhajózás biztonságát és a tengeri környezet védelmét legalább a jelen szabályokban foglaltakkal azonos szinten biztosítják.

3. A próbaüzemeltetésben részt vevő hajókat felhatalmazó Igazgatásnak meg kell győződnie arról, hogy a kísérletek olyan módon folytatódnak, hogy az a tengerhajózás biztonságát és a tengeri környezet védelmét legalább az erre vonatkozó szabályokban előírtakkal azonos szinten biztosítja. E kísérleteket a Szervezet által elfogadott irányelvekkel összhangban kell lefolytatni.

4. Az ilyen próbaüzemeltetések részletes ismertetését – annyival előbb, amennyire ésszerűen lehetséges, de legalább a próbaüzemeltetés tervezett megkezdésének tervezett időpontja előtt hat hónappal – be kell jelenteni a Szervezetnek. A Szervezet e részletes ismertetést valamennyi Féllel körlevélben közli.

5. Az 1. pont szerinti engedéllyel végrehajtott próbaüzem eredményeit és az Igazgatásnak az eredmények alapján kialakított bármely ajánlásait jelenteni kell a Szervezetnek, amely az eredményeket és ajánlásokat valamennyi Féllel körlevélben közli.

6. Bármely, a jelen szabály szerint engedélyezett különleges kísérlet ellen ellenvetéssel élő Félnek – annyival előbb amennyire az ésszerűen lehetséges – ellenvetését be kell jelentenie a Szervezetnek. A Szervezet az ellenvetéseket az összes Féllel körlevélben, részletesen közli.

7. A kísérlet lefolytatását engedélyező Igazgatásnak figyelembe kell vennie a többi Fél által az ilyen kísérlettel szemben tett ellenvetéseket, és utasítania kell a lobogója viselésére jogosult hajókat, hogy ne folytassanak próbákat addig, amíg a Szervezetnél ellenvetést bejelentő Állam parti vizein hajóznak.

8. Az Igazgatás, amely a kísérlet alapján arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy egy adott rendszer legalább azonos szinten biztosítja a tengerhajózás biztonságát a szennyezés megelőzését, ahogyan azt e szabályok előírják, az alábbi követelményeket teljesítése mellett, felhatalmazhatja a lobogója viselésére jogosult hajókat, hogy az ilyen rendszert határozatlan ideig továbbra is alkalmazzák:

1. az Igazgatás, miután a kísérlet eredményeit az 5. pontban foglaltak szerint közölte, köteles közölni a Szervezettel az ilyen engedély részleteit is – ideértve azoknak a kijelölt hajóknak az azonosító adatait, amelyek az engedélyezettek körébe tartoznak –; a Szervezet e tájékoztatást valamennyi Féllel körlevélben közli;

2. bármely e bekezdés értelmében engedélyezett tevékenységet a Szervezet által kidolgozott irányelvekkel összhangban, ugyanolyan mértékben lehet folytatni, mint ahogyan az a kísérlet során történt;

3. az ilyen tevékenységek esetében, a 7. bekezdésben foglaltakkal összhangban, mindaddig figyelembe kell venni a más Felektől kapott ellenvetéseket, amíg azokat vissza nem vonják; és

4. az e bekezdés szerinti engedély alapján végzett tevékenységet csak a Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottság arra vonatkozó döntésétől függően szabad engedélyezni, hogy nem szükséges-e az Egyezményt módosítani, és ha ez így van, akkor a tevékenység folytatása a módosítás hatálybalépése előtt engedélyezhető-e vagy leállítandó.

9. Bármelyik Fél kérelmére a Tengerészeti Biztonsági Bizottságnak a kísérleti eredmények megvitatására és döntéshozatalra tárgyalási időpontot kell kitűznie.

I/14. szabály
A társaságok felelőssége

1. Minden Igazgatásnak, az A–I/14. szakasz előírásainak megfelelően, a Társaságokat kell felelőssé tennie a hajóikon alkalmazott tengerészek jelen Egyezmény előírásai szerinti szolgálati beosztásáért, és minden Társaság számára elő kell írnia annak biztosítását, hogy

1. a hajójára beosztott összes tengerész az Egyezmény előírásainak megfelelő és az Igazgatás által megállapított képesítéssel rendelkezzék;

2. a hajóinak személyzettel történő ellátása feleljen meg az Igazgatás biztonságos személyi feltételekre vonatkozó követelményeinek;

3. a hajóikon szolgálatra beosztott összes tengerész az Egyezmény előírásainak megfelelő, ismeretfelújító és továbbképző képzést kapott;

4. a hajóikon alkalmazott összes tengerészre vonatkozó okmányok és adatok napra készek és hozzáférhetőek legyenek, és ebbe minden korlátozás nélkül beletartoznak a tapasztalataikra, képzettségükre, egészségi alkalmasságukra és szolgálati beosztásukra előírt szakképzettségükre vonatkozó okmányok és adatok;

5. a hajóikon szolgálatra beosztott tengerészek tisztában legyenek meghatározott feladataikkal, a hajó berendezéseinek elhelyezésével, felszerelésével és az eljárásokkal, valamint a hajó azon jellemzőivel, amelyek szokásos munkájukkal vagy vészhelyzetben ellátandó feladataikkal kapcsolatosak;

6. a hajó szolgálati ágazatai hatékonyan össze tudják hangolni tevékenységüket vészhelyzetben és azoknak a feladatoknak a végrehajtása során, amelyek létfontosságúak a biztonság vagy a környezetszennyezés megelőzése, illetve csökkentése érdekében; és

7. az „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú, 1974. évi, módosított nemzetközi egyezmény (SOLAS) V. fejezet 14. szabály 3. és 4. pontjának megfelelően, hajóikon mindenkor hatékony szóbeli kommunikációra kerüljön sor.

I/15. szabály
Átmeneti rendelkezések

1. Mindegyik Fél 2017. január 1. napjáig folytathatja azon bizonyítványoknak az Egyezmény szerinti kiadását, elismerését vagy érvényesítését az Egyezménynek a közvetlenül 2012. január 1. napja előtt alkalmazott rendelkezései szerinti azon tengerészek vonatkozásában, akik az elismert tengeri szolgálatot, a jóváhagyott oktatási és kiképzési programot vagy a jóváhagyott tanfolyamot 2013. július 1. előtt kezdik meg.

2. Mindegyik Fél 2017. január 1. napjáig folytathatja a bizonyítványoknak és érvényesítési okmányoknak az Egyezménynek a közvetlenül 2012. január 1. napja előtt alkalmazott rendelkezései szerinti megújítását és érvényesítését.

Hajóparancsnok és fedélzeti ágazat
II/1. szabály
500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajókon navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tisztek képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb tengerjáró hajón navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó minden tisztnek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. valamely jóváhagyott képzési program részeként rendelkeznie kell legalább 12 hónapos, elismert, olyan tengeri szolgálattal, amely magában foglalja az STCW Szabályzat A–II/1. szakasza előírásainak megfelelő fedélzeti gyakorlati képzést, és amelyet a jóváhagyott gyakorlati vizsgakönyv igazol, vagy rendelkeznie kell legalább 36 hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálattal;

3. az előírt tengeri szolgálat ideje alatt legalább hat hónapig navigációs őrszolgálatot teljesített a hajóparancsnok vagy képesített tiszt felügyelete alatt;

4. megfelel a rendeletek IV. fejezetben szereplő, a Rádió Használati Szabályzat szerinti rádiós szolgálat ellátására irányadó előírásoknak;

5. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–II/1. szakaszában előírt alkalmassági követelményeknek; és

6. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakasz 2. pontjában, A–VI/2. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, A–VI/3. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, valamint az A–VI/4. szakasz 1–3. pontjában meghatározott alkalmassági követelményeknek.

II/2. szabály
500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő parancsnokok és az első tisztek képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

3000 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajók parancsnoka és első tisztje

1. A 3000 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb tengerjáró hajón szolgálatot teljesítő minden parancsnoknak és első tisztnek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajókon navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tisztnek megfelelő képesítés és ilyen minőségben teljesített, elismert tengeri szolgálat;

1.1 első tiszti képesítéshez legalább 12 hónap, és

1.2 parancsnoki képesítéshez legalább 36 hónap, azonban ez az idő legfeljebb 24 hónapra csökkenthető, amennyiben az ilyen tengeri szolgálatból legalább 12 hónapot első tiszti beosztásban töltött el; valamint

2. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–II/2. szakaszában a 3000 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajók parancsnokaira és első tisztjeire megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek.

500 és 3000 bruttó regisztertonna közötti hajók parancsnoka és első tisztje

3. Az 500 és 3000 bruttó regisztertonna közötti tengerjáró hajón szolgálatot teljesítő minden parancsnoknak és első tisztnek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

4. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. első tiszti képesítéshez megfelel az 500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajókon navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tiszttel szemben támasztott követelményeknek;

2. parancsnoki képesítéshez megfelel az 500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajókon navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tiszttel szemben támasztott követelményeknek és ilyen minőségben legalább 36 hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálattal rendelkezik, azonban ez az idő legfeljebb 24 hónapra csökkenthető, amennyiben az ilyen tengeri szolgálatból legalább 12 hónapot első tiszti beosztásban töltött el; valamint

3. jóváhagyott képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–II/2. szakaszában az 500 és 3000 bruttó regisztertonnás hajók parancsnokaira és első tisztjeire megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek.

II/3. szabály
500 bruttó regisztertonnánál kisebb hajókon navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tisztek és parancsnokok képesítésére vonatkozó kötelező minimumkövetelmények

Nem part menti utakon közlekedő hajók

1. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnánál kisebb, nem part menti úton közlekedő tengerjáró hajón navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó minden tisztek rendelkeznie kell az 500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb hajókra előírt képesítéssel.

2. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnánál kisebb, nem part menti úton közlekedő tengerjáró hajón szolgálatot teljesítő minden parancsnoknak rendelkeznie kell az 500 és 3000 bruttó regisztertonna közötti hajók parancsnoki szolgálatának ellátáshoz előírt képesítéssel.

Part menti utakon közlekedő hajók

Navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tiszt

3. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnásnál kisebb, part menti úton közlekedő tengerjáró hajón navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó minden tisztnek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

4. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnásnál kisebb, part menti úton közlekedő tengerjáró hajón navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tiszt képesítéséért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. rendelkeznie kell:

2.1 speciális képzéssel, beleértve az Igazgatás által megkövetelt, kellő időtartamú, megfelelő tengeri szolgálatot, vagy

2.2 legalább 36 hónapos, fedélzeti ágazatban eltöltött, elismert tengeri szolgálattal;

3. megfelel a rendeletek IV. fejezetben szereplő, a Rádió Használati Szabályzat szerinti rádiós szolgálat ellátására irányadó előírásoknak;

4. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–II/3. szakaszában az 500 bruttó regisztertonnásnál kisebb, part menti úton közlekedő hajókon navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tisztekre megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek; valamint

5. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakasz 2. pontjában, A–VI/2. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, A–VI/3. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, valamint az A–VI/4. szakasz 1–3. pontjában meghatározott alkalmassági követelményeknek.


5. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnásnál kisebb, part menti úton közlekedő tengerjáró hajón szolgálatot teljesítő minden parancsnoknak megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

6. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnásnál kisebb, part menti úton közlekedő tengerjáró hajón szolgálatot teljesítő parancsnok képesítéséért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 20. életévét betöltötte;

2. legalább 12 hónapos, navigációs őrszolgálatot ellátó tisztként teljesített, elismert tengeri szolgálat;

3. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–II/3. szakaszában az 500 bruttó regisztertonnásnál kisebb, part menti úton közlekedő hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő parancsnokokra megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek; valamint

4. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakasz 2. pontjában, A–VI/2. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, A–VI/3. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, valamint az A–VI/4. szakasz 1–3. pontjában meghatározott alkalmassági követelményeknek.


7. Az Igazgatás, ha úgy ítéli, hogy a hajó mérete és az út körülményei olyanok, hogy a jelen szabály és az STCW Szabályzat A–II/3. szakasza összes előírásának alkalmazása ésszerűtlen vagy kivihetetlen, akkor az ilyen hajón vagy hajóosztályon szolgálatot teljesítő hajóparancsnok és navigációs őrszolgálatért felelős tiszt vonatkozásában ilyen mértékű kivételt tehetnek néhány kötelezettség alól, szem előtt tartva az azokon a vizeken esetleg közlekedő összes többi hajó biztonságát.

II/4. szabály
A navigációs őrszolgálatban részt vevő beosztott személyekre vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb tengerjáró hajón a navigációs őrszolgálat tagjaként szolgáló minden beosztott személynek, a kiképzés alatt álló és a navigációs őrszolgálatban szaktudást nem igénylő feladatot ellátó beosztottakat kivéve, szolgálata ellátásához megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 16. életévét betöltötte;

2. rendelkeznie kell:

2.1 elismert tengeri szolgálattal, beleértve legalább hat hónapos gyakorlati képzést és tapasztalatot, vagy

2.2 behajózás előtti vagy hajón elvégzett speciális tanfolyammal, beleértve egy legalább két hónapos, jóváhagyott idejű tengeri szolgálatot; és

3. meg kell felelnie az STCW Szabályzat A–II/4. szakaszában részletezett alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. A 2.2.1. és 2.2.2. alpontok előírásainak megfelelő tengeri szolgálatnak, képzésnek és tapasztalatnak a navigációs őrszolgálat feladataihoz kell kapcsolódnia, és a hajóparancsnok, az őrszolgálat ellátásáért felelős tiszt vagy képzett beosztott közvetlen irányítása alatt végzett feladatok ellátását kell magában foglalnia.

II/5. szabály
Tengerhajózási fedélzeti szolgálatot ellátó legénységi állományú tengerészek képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. Az 500 bruttó regisztertonnás vagy annál nagyobb tengerjáró hajón minden fedélzeti szolgálatot ellátó, legénységi állományú tengerésznek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. megfelel a navigációs őrszolgálat tagjaként szolgáló, legénységi állományú tengerészek képesítésére vonatkozó követelményeknek;

3. a navigációs őrszolgálatban beosztottként részt vevő tengerészi képesítés mellett a fedélzeti ágazatban eltöltött, elismert tengeri szolgálattal rendelkezik, amely:

3.1 legkevesebb 18 hónap, vagy

3.2 legkevesebb 12 hónap és jóváhagyott képzésben részesült; és

4. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–II/5. szakaszában részletezett alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. Minden Félnek össze kell hasonlítania a szakképzett tengerészektől a 2012. január 1. előtt kiadott bizonyítványok elnyeréséhez megkövetelt szakmai szintet az STCW Szabályzat A–II/5. szakaszában a megfelelő bizonyítványok vonatkozásában megállapítottal, és el kell döntenie, hogy az ilyen bizonyítványok tulajdonosainak részt kell-e venniük továbbképzésen.

4. Az a Fél, amelyik egyben részes Fele a szakképzett tengerészek képesítéséről szóló 1946. évi egyezménynek is (International Labour Organization Certification of Able Seamen Convention –74. sz.), 2012. január 1-ig folytathatja a bizonyítványoknak a fent említett Egyezmény szerinti kiadását, elismerését és érvényesítését.

5. Az a Fél, amelyik egyben részes Fele a szakképzett tengerészek képesítéséről szóló 1946. évi egyezménynek is (International Labour Organization Certification of Able Seamen Convention –74. sz.), 2017. január 1-ig folytathatja a bizonyítványoknak és érvényesítéseknek a fent említett Egyezmény szerinti megújítását és újraérvényesítését.

6. A részes Fél akkor állapíthatja meg, hogy a tengerészek megfelelnek a jelen szabály előírásainak, ha azok e szabálynak az adott félre nézve történt hatálybalépését megelőző, utolsó 60 hónap során legalább 12 hónapig ebben a minőségben szolgáltak a fedélzeti ágazatban.

Gépészeti ágazat
III/1. szabály
A személyzettel üzemeltetett géptérben a gépüzemi őrszolgálat ellátásáért felelős tiszt és az időszakosan személyzet nélkül üzemeltetett géptérben ügyeletre kijelölt gépszemélyzet képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A 750 kW vagy nagyobb főgépteljesítményű tengerjáró hajókon személyzettel ellátott géptérben a gépüzemi őrszolgálat ellátásáért felelős minden tisztnek vagy az időszakosan személyzet nélküli géptérben kijelölt minden ügyeletes géptisztnek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. valamely jóváhagyott képzési program részeként legalább 12 hónapos, műhelyben zajló, gyakorlati képzést kellett kapnia és rendelkeznie kell olyan, elismert tengeri szolgálattal, amely magában foglalja az STCW Szabályzat A–III/1. szakasza előírásainak megfelelő fedélzeti gyakorlati képzést, és amelyet a jóváhagyott gyakorlati vizsgakönyv igazol, vagy egyéb módon kellett legalább 36 hónapos gyakorlati képzésben részesülnie és rendelkeznie kell olyan, elismert tengeri szolgálattal, amelyből legalább 30 hónap tengeri szolgálatot a gépészeti ágazatban teljesített;

3. az előírt tengeri szolgálat ideje alatt legalább hat hónapig gépüzemi őrszolgálatot teljesített a gépüzemvezető vagy egy képesített géptiszt felügyelete alatt;

4. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/1. szakaszában előírt alkalmassági követelményeknek; és

5. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakasz 2. pontjában, A–VI/2. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, A–VI/3. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, valamint az A–VI/4. szakasz 1–3. pontjában meghatározott alkalmassági követelményeknek.

III/2. szabály
A 3000 kW és annál nagyobb főgépteljesítményű hajók gépüzemvezetőire és másodgéptisztjeire vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A 3000 kW főgépteljesítményű és nagyobb tengerjáró hajók minden gépüzemvezetőjének és másodgéptisztjének megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. megfelel a 750 kW vagy nagyobb főgépteljesítményű tengerjáró hajókon gépüzemi őrszolgálat ellátásáért felelős tiszt képesítéséhez szükséges követelményeknek és ilyen minőségben teljesített, elismert tengeri szolgálattal rendelkezik:

1.1 másodgéptiszti képesítéshez legalább 12 hónapos, képesített géptisztként teljesített szolgálat, és

1.2 gépüzemvezetői képesítéshez legalább 36 hónapos szolgálat, azonban ez az idő legfeljebb 24 hónapra csökkenthető, amennyiben az ilyen tengeri szolgálatból legalább 12 hónapot másodgéptiszti beosztásban töltött el; valamint

2. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/2. szakaszában előírt alkalmassági követelményeknek.

III/3. szabály
A 750 kW és 3000 kW közötti főgépteljesítményű hajók gépüzemvezetőinek és másodgéptisztjeinek képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A 750 kW és 3000 kW főgépteljesítményű tengerjáró hajók minden gépüzemvezetőjének és másodgéptisztjének megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. megfelel a gépüzemi őrszolgálat ellátásáért felelős tiszt képesítéséhez szükséges követelményeknek és:

1.1 másodgéptiszti képesítéshez legalább 12 hónapos, géptisztjelöltként vagy géptisztként teljesített, elismert tengeri szolgálat, és

1.2 gépüzemvezetői képesítéshez legalább 24 hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat, amelyből legalább 12 hónap szolgálatot másodgéptiszti minőségben teljesített; valamint

2. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/3. szakaszában előírt alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. Minden géptiszt, aki másodgéptiszti szolgálat ellátására jogosult 3000 kW-os vagy annál nagyobb főgépteljesítményű hajókon, gépüzemvezetői beosztást is elláthat 3000 kW-nál kisebb főgépteljesítményű hajókon, feltéve, hogy bizonyítványának érvényesítése erre feljogosítja.

III/4. szabály
A személyzettel ellátott a gépüzemi őrszolgálat tagjaként, valamint az időszakosan személyzet nélküli géptérben szolgálatot teljesítő beosztottak képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A 750 kW vagy nagyobb főgépteljesítményű tengerjáró hajón a gépüzemi őrszolgálat tagjaként szolgálatot teljesítő, vagy az időszakosan személyzet nélküli géptérben szolgálat ellátására jogosult minden beosztottnak, a kiképzés alatt álló és szaktudást nem igénylő feladatot ellátó beosztottakat kivéve, szolgálata ellátásához megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 16. életévét betöltötte;

2. rendelkeznie kell:

2.1 elismert tengeri szolgálattal, beleértve legalább hat hónapos gyakorlati képzést és tapasztalatot, vagy

2.2 behajózás előtti vagy hajón elvégzett speciális tanfolyammal, beleértve egy legalább két hónapos jóváhagyott idejű tengeri szolgálatot; és

3. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/4. szakaszában részletezett alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. A 2.2.1. és 2.2.2. alpontok követelményeinek megfelelő tengeri szolgálatnak, képzésnek és gyakorlatnak gépüzemi őrszolgálati feladatok ellátásához kell kapcsolódnia, és magában kell foglalnia egy képzett géptiszt vagy képzett beosztott közvetlen irányítása alatt végzett feladatok teljesítését.

III/5. szabály
A személyzettel ellátott géptérben tengerhajózási gépészként, valamint az időszakosan személyzet nélküli géptérben szolgálatot teljesítő szakképzett gépészek képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények.

1. A 750 kW vagy nagyobb főgépteljesítményű tengerjáró hajón szolgálatot teljesítő minden szakképzett gépésznek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. megfelel a személyzettel ellátott a gépüzemi őrszolgálat tagjaként, valamint az időszakosan személyzet nélküli géptérben szolgálatot teljesítő beosztottak képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelményeknek;

3. a gépüzemi őrszolgálatban beosztottként részt vevő tengerészi képesítés mellett a gépészeti ágazatban eltöltött, elismert tengeri szolgálattal rendelkezik, amely:

3.1 legkevesebb 12 hónap, vagy

3.2 legkevesebb 6 hónap és jóváhagyott képzésben részesült; és

4. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/5. szakaszában részletezett alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. Minden Félnek össze kell hasonlítania a gépészeti ágazatban szolgálatot ellátó beosztottaktól a 2012. január 1. előtt kiadott bizonyítványok elnyeréséhez megkövetelt szakmai szintet az STCW Szabályzat A–III/5. szakaszában a megfelelő bizonyítványok vonatkozásában megállapítottal, és el kell döntenie, hogy az ilyen bizonyítványok tulajdonosainak részt kell-e venniük továbbképzésen.

4. A részes Fél akkor állapíthatja meg, hogy a tengerészek megfelelnek a jelen szabály előírásainak, ha azok e szabálynak az adott félre nézve történt hatálybalépését megelőző, utolsó 60 hónap során legalább 12 hónapig ebben a minőségben szolgáltak a gépészeti ágazatban.

III/6. szabály
Az elektrotechnikus tisztek képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A 750 kW főgépteljesítményű és nagyobb tengerjáró hajókon szolgálatot ellátó minden elektrotechnikus tisztnek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. valamely jóváhagyott képzési program részeként legalább 12 hónapos, műhelyben zajló, gyakorlati képzésben kellett részesülnie és rendelkeznie kell olyan, elismert tengeri szolgálattal, amely megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/6. szakasza előírásainak, és amelyet a jóváhagyott gyakorlati vizsgakönyv igazol, vagy egyéb módon kellett legalább 36 hónapos gyakorlati képzésben részesülnie és rendelkeznie kell olyan, elismert tengeri szolgálattal, amelyből legalább 30 hónap tengeri szolgálatot a gépészeti ágazatban teljesített;

3. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/6. szakaszában előírt alkalmassági követelményeknek; és

4. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakasz 2. pontjában, A–VI/2. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, A–VI/3. szakasz 1–4. pontjában, valamint az A–VI/4. szakasz 1–3. pontjában meghatározott alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. Minden Félnek össze kell hasonlítania az elektrotechnikus tisztektől a 2012. január 1. előtt kiadott bizonyítványok elnyeréséhez megkövetelt szakmai szintet az STCW Szabályzat A–III/6. szakaszában a megfelelő bizonyítványok vonatkozásában megállapítottal, és el kell döntenie, hogy az ilyen bizonyítványok tulajdonosainak részt kell-e venniük továbbképzésen.

4. A részes Fél akkor állapíthatja meg, hogy a tengerészek megfelelnek a jelen szabály előírásainak, ha azok e szabálynak az adott félre nézve történt hatályba lépését megelőző, utolsó 60 hónap során legalább 12 hónapig ebben a minőségben hajón teljesítettek szolgálatot és megfelelnek az STCW Szabályzat A–III/6. szakaszában részletezett alkalmassági követelményeknek.

5. Az 1–4. pontokban foglaltak ellenére a részes Fél egy megfelelő képzettséggel rendelkező személyt alkalmasnak tekinthet az A–III/6. szakaszban szereplő bizonyos feladatok ellátására.

III/7. szabály
Az elektrotechnikus beosztottak képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A 750 kW vagy nagyobb főgépteljesítményű tengerjáró hajón szolgálatot teljesítő minden beosztotti állományú elektrotechnikus tengerésznek megfelelő képesítéssel kell rendelkeznie.

2. A képesítésért folyamadó jelöltnek meg kell felelnie a következőknek:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. rendelkeznie kell az alábbiakkal:

2.1 elismert tengeri szolgálat, beleértve legalább 12 hónapos képzést és tapasztalatot, vagy

2.2 elvégzett, jóváhagyott képzés, beleértve legalább 6 hónapos időtartamú, elismert tengeri szolgálatot, vagy

2.3 az A–III/7. táblázatban szereplő műszaki felkészültségnek megfelelő képzettség és legalább 3 hónapos időtartamú, elismert tengeri szolgálat; és

3. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–III/7. szakaszában részletezett alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. Minden Félnek össze kell hasonlítania a beosztotti állományú elektrotechnikus tengerészektől a 2012. január 1. előtt kiadott bizonyítványok elnyeréséhez megkövetelt szakmai szintet az STCW Szabályzat A–III/7. szakaszában a megfelelő bizonyítványok vonatkozásában megállapítottal, és el kell döntenie, hogy az ilyen bizonyítványok tulajdonosainak részt kell-e venniük továbbképzésen.

4. A részes Fél akkor állapíthatja meg, hogy a tengerészek megfelelnek a jelen szabály előírásainak, ha azok e szabálynak az adott félre nézve történt hatálybalépését megelőző, utolsó 60 hónap során legalább 12 hónapig ebben a minőségben hajón teljesítettek szolgálatot és megfelelnek az STCW Szabályzat A–III/7. szakaszában részletezett alkalmassági követelményeknek.

5. Az 1–4. pontokban foglaltak ellenére a részes Fél egy megfelelő képzettséggel rendelkező személyt alkalmasnak tekinthet az A–III/7. szakaszban szereplő bizonyos feladatok ellátására.

Rádiótávközlés és rádiószemélyzet
Magyarázó megjegyzés

A rádiós őrszolgálatra vonatkozó, kötelező előírásokat a Rádió Használati Szabályzat és az 1974. évi, módosított, „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú nemzetközi egyezmény tartalmazza. A rádiós berendezések üzemeltetésére vonatkozó előírásokat az 1974. évi, módosított, „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú nemzetközi egyezmény (SOLAS) és a Szervezet által elfogadott irányelvek tartalmazzák.

IV/1. szabály

1. A 2. pont előírásainak kivételével jelen fejezet rendelkezéseit olyan hajók rádiószemélyzetére kell alkalmazni, amelyek a módosított, 1974. évi „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú nemzetközi egyezmény által szabályozott Általános Tengeri Vészjelző és Biztonsági Rendszerben (GMDSS) üzemelnek.

2. Az olyan hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő rádiószemélyzetre, amely a SOLAS Egyezmény IV. fejezete szerint nem köteles megfelelni a GMDSS előírásainak, a jelen fejezet szabályai nem kötelezőek. Ugyanakkor az ilyen hajók rádiószemélyzetének meg kell felelnie a Rádió Használati Szabályzat előírásainak. Az Igazgatásnak biztosítania kell azt, hogy az ilyen rádiószemélyzet a Rádió Használati Szabályzatnak megfelelően kiadott vagy elismert bizonyítvánnyal rendelkezzék.

IV/2. szabály
A GMDSS rádiókezelők képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A GMDSS-rendszer hatálya alá tartozó hajókon a rádiószolgálat ellátásáért felelős vagy rádiós feladatokat ellátó minden személynek rendelkeznie kell a GMDSS-re vonatkozó, az Igazgatás által a Rádió Használati Szabályzat rendelkezésével összhangban kiadott vagy elismert megfelelő bizonyítvánnyal.

2. Ezenfelül, minden olyan hajón, amelynek a módosított, 1974. évi „Életbiztonság a tengeren” tárgyú nemzetközi egyezmény szerinti rádióállomással kell rendelkeznie, a jelen szabálynak megfelelő képesítésre pályázó minden jelöltnek meg kell felelnie az alábbiaknak:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte; és

2. jóváhagyott oktatásban és képzésben részesült és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–IV/2. szakaszában előírt alkalmassági követelményeknek.

Bizonyos hajótípusokon szolgáló személyzettel szemben támasztott, speciális képzési követelmények
V/1–1. szabály
Olajszállító és vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók parancsnokainak, tisztjeinek és beosztottainak képzésére és képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. Olajszállító vagy vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók rakományával és rakodó berendezéseivel kapcsolatos, különleges feladatokat ellátó és az ezzel összefüggő felelősséget viselő tiszteknek és beosztottaknak az olaj- és vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó alapfokú képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítvánnyal kell rendelkezniük.

2. Az olajszállító vagy vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó alapképzettséget tanúsító bizonyítványra pályázó minden jelöltnek rendelkeznie kell az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakasza rendelkezéseinek megfelelő alapfokú képzettséggel, valamint a következőkkel:

1. olajszállító vagy vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon teljesített, legalább három hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat és meg kell felelnie az STCW Szabályzat A–V/1–1. szakaszában megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek; vagy

2. olajszállító vagy vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, jóváhagyott alapfokú képzettség és meg kell felelnie az STCW Szabályzat A–V/1–1. szakaszában megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. A hajóparancsnokoknak, gépüzemvezetőknek, első tiszteknek, másodgéptiszteknek, illetve bármely, olajszállító tartályhajókon folyó berakásért, kirakásért, átrakásért, rakománykezelésért, tartálytisztításért vagy egyéb, a rakomány kezelésével kapcsolatos műveletért közvetlen felelősséggel bíró személynek az olajszállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, emelt szintű képzést tanúsító bizonyítvánnyal kell rendelkezniük.

4. Az olajszállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, emelt szintű képzést tanúsító bizonyítványért pályázó minden jelöltnek meg kell felelnie az alábbiaknak:

1. megfelel az olajszállító és vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon történő rakománykezeléssel kapcsolatos, alapfokú képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítványhoz szükséges követelményeknek; és

2. az olajszállító és vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon történő rakománykezeléssel kapcsolatos alapfokú képzettség birtokában rendelkezik a következőkkel:

2.1 olajszállító tartályhajókon teljesített, legalább három hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat, vagy

2.2 legalább egy hónapos, a beosztotti szintnek megfelelő minőségben kapott, legkevesebb három ki- és berakodási műveletre kiterjedő, jóváhagyott, olyan fedélzeti képzés olajszállító tartályhajókon, amelyet a jóváhagyott gyakorlati vizsgakönyv igazol, figyelembe véve a B–V/1. szakaszban foglalt útmutatót; és

3. olajszállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, jóváhagyott, emelt szintű képzés és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–V/1–1. szakasza 2. pontjában megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek.

5. A hajóparancsnokoknak, gépüzemvezetőknek, első tiszteknek, másodgéptiszteknek, illetve bármely, vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon folyó berakásért, kirakásért, átrakásért, rakománykezelésért, tartálytisztításért vagy egyéb, a rakomány kezelésével kapcsolatos műveletért közvetlen felelősséggel bíró személynek a vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, emelt szintű képzést tanúsító bizonyítvánnyal kell rendelkezniük.

6. A vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, emelt szintű képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítványért pályázó minden jelöltnek meg kell felelnie az alábbiaknak:

1. megfelel az olajszállító és vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon történő rakománykezeléssel kapcsolatos, alapfokú képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítványhoz szükséges követelményeknek; és

2. az olajszállító és vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon történő rakománykezeléssel kapcsolatos alapfokú képzettség birtokában rendelkezik a következőkkel:

2.1 vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon teljesített, legalább három hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat, vagy

2.2 legalább egy hónapos, a beosztotti szintnek megfelelő minőségben kapott, legkevesebb három ki- és berakodási műveletre kiterjedő, jóváhagyott, olyan fedélzeti képzés vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajókon, amelyet a jóváhagyott gyakorlati vizsgakönyv igazol, figyelembe véve a B–V/1. szakaszban foglalt útmutatót; és

3. vegyianyag-szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, jóváhagyott, emelt szintű képzés és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–V/1–1. szakasza 3. pontjában megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek.

7. Az Igazgatásnak intézkednie kell, hogy a 2., 4. és 6. pontok rendelkezései szerinti képzettséggel rendelkező tengerészek részére kiadásra kerüljön a megfelelő jártasságot igazoló bizonyítvány, vagy a meglévő képesítő bizonyítványok kellő érvényesítése megtörténjen.

V/1–2. szabály
Cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók parancsnokainak, tisztjeinek és beosztottainak képzésére és képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. Cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók rakományával és rakodó berendezéseivel kapcsolatos, különleges feladatokat ellátó és az ezzel összefüggő felelősséget viselő tiszteknek és beosztottaknak a cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó alapfokú képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítvánnyal kell rendelkezniük.

2. A cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó alapképzettséget tanúsító bizonyítványra pályázó minden jelöltnek rendelkeznie kell az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakasza rendelkezéseinek megfelelő alapfokú képzettséggel, valamint a következőkkel:

1. cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajókon teljesített, legalább három hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat és meg kell felelnie az STCW Szabályzat A–V/1–2. szakasza 1. pontjában megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek; vagy

2. cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, jóváhagyott alapfokú képzettség és meg kell felelnie az STCW Szabályzat A–V/1–2. szakasza 1. pontjában megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek.

3. A hajóparancsnokoknak, gépüzemvezetőknek, első tiszteknek, másodgéptiszteknek, illetve bármely, cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajókon folyó berakásért, kirakásért, átrakásért, rakománykezelésért, tartálytisztításért vagy egyéb, a rakomány kezelésével kapcsolatos műveletért közvetlen felelősséggel bíró személynek a cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, emelt szintű képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítvánnyal kell rendelkezniük.

4. A cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, emelt szintű képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítványért pályázó minden jelöltnek meg kell felelnie az alábbiaknak:

1. megfelel a cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajókon történő rakománykezeléssel kapcsolatos, alapfokú képzettséget tanúsító bizonyítványhoz szükséges követelményeknek; és

2. a cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajókon történő rakománykezeléssel kapcsolatos alapfokú képzettség birtokában rendelkezik a következőkkel:

2.1 cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajókon teljesített, legalább három hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat, vagy

2.2 legalább egy hónapos, a beosztotti szintnek megfelelő minőségben kapott, legkevesebb három ki- és berakodási műveletre kiterjedő, jóváhagyott, olyan fedélzeti képzés cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajókon, amelyet a jóváhagyott gyakorlati vizsgakönyv igazol, figyelembe véve a B–V/1. szakaszban foglalt útmutatót; és

3. cseppfolyósított gázt szállító tartályhajók rakományának kezelésére vonatkozó, jóváhagyott, emelt szintű képzés és megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–V/l–2. szakasza 2. pontjában megállapított alkalmassági követelményeknek.

5. Az Igazgatásnak intézkednie kell, hogy a 2. és 4. pontok rendelkezései szerinti képzettséggel rendelkező tengerészek részére kiadásra kerüljön a megfelelő jártasságot igazoló bizonyítvány, vagy a meglévő képesítő bizonyítványok kellő érvényesítése megtörténjen.

V/2. szabály
Személyszállító hajók parancsnokainak, tisztjeinek, legénységének és egyéb személyzetének képzésére és képesítésére vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. E szabály a nemzetközi útvonalon közlekedő személyszállító hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő parancsnokokra, tisztekre, legénységre és egyéb személyzetre alkalmazandó. E követelményeknek a belföldi útvonalon közlekedő személyszállító hajókon szolgáló személyzetre történő alkalmazását az Igazgatásoknak kell meghatározniuk.

2. A személyszállító hajókon ellátandó feladataik kijelölése előtt a tengerészeknek, beosztásuknak, feladataiknak és felelősségi körüknek megfelelően, a 4–7. pontok szerinti kiképzésben kell részesülniük.

3. Azok a tengerészek, akiknek a 4., 6. és 7. pont szerinti kiképzésben kell részesülniük, legfeljebb ötévenként megfelelő, ismeretfelújító képzésben kötelesek részt venni, vagy igazolniuk kell, hogy a megelőző öt éven belül elérték az előírt alkalmassági követelményszintet.

4. A személyszállító hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő parancsnokok, tisztek és a riadójegyzék szerint az utasokat vészhelyzetben segítő személyzet kötelesek részt venni az STCW Szabályzat A–V/2. szakasza 1. pontjában meghatározott, a tömegek irányítására vonatkozó képzésben.

5. A személyszállító hajókon az utasok számára az utastérben közvetlenül szolgáltatást nyújtó személyzet köteles elvégezni az STCW Szabályzat A–V/2. szakasza 3. pontjában szereplő biztonsági képzést.

6. A személyszállító hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő parancsnokok, gépüzemvezetők, első tisztek, másodgéptisztek és a riadójegyzék szerint az utasok vészhelyzeti biztonságáért felelős minden személy köteles elvégezni az STCW Szabályzat A–V/2. szakasza 3. pontjának megfelelő, a válságkezelésről és az emberi viselkedésről szóló, elismert képzést.

7. A személyszállító hajókon szolgálatot teljesítő parancsnokok, gépüzemvezetők, első tisztek, másodgéptisztek és minden, az utasok be- és kihajózásában, a be- és kirakodásban és a rakomány rögzítésében, vagy a hajótest nyílásainak lezárásában közvetlenül felelős, kijelölt személy kötelesek elvégezni az STCW Szabályzat A–V/2. szakasza 4. pontjának megfelelő, az utasok biztonságáról, a rakománybiztonságról és a hajótest zártságáról szóló, elismert képzést.

8. Az Igazgatások az e szabályba foglalt rendelkezések alapján képesített minden személy számára kötelesek biztosítani az elvégzett képzést tanúsító okmányok kibocsátását.

Vészhelyzet, munkavédelem, egészségügyi ellátás és túlélési feladatok
VI/1. szabály
A tengerészek általános és biztonsági alapképzésére és oktatására vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A tengerészeknek az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/1. szakaszában meghatározott, általános és biztonsági alapképzésben kell részesülniük, és meg kell felelniük az azokban meghatározott szakmai színvonalnak.

2. Ahol az alapfokú képzés nem része a kiadott bizonyítványhoz szükséges képzésnek, ott a jártasságot tanúsító bizonyítványt kell kiállítani, igazolva, hogy a bizonyítvány tulajdonosa elvégezte az alapfokú tanfolyamot.

VI/2. szabály
Túlélési járművek, felkutató csónakok és gyorsjáratú felkutató csónakok kezelésére vonatkozó jártassági bizonyítványok kiadásának minimális kötelező követelményei

1. A túlélési járművek és felkutató csónakok – a gyorsjáratú felkutató csónakokat kivéve – jártassági bizonyítványáért pályázó minden jelöltnek meg kell felelnie az alábbiaknak:

1. 18. életévét betöltötte;

2. legalább 12 hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat vagy jóváhagyott tanfolyam elvégzése és legalább hat hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat; valamint

3. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/2. szakasza 1–4. pontjában a túlélési járművekre és felkutató csónakokra vonatkozó jártassági bizonyítvány elnyeréséhez megkövetelt szakmai szintnek.

2. A gyorsjáratú felkutató csónakok jártassági bizonyítványáért pályázó minden jelöltnek meg kell felelnie az alábbiaknak:

1. rendelkeznie kell a túlélési járművekre és felkutató csónakokra – a gyorsjáratú felkutató csónakokat kivéve – vonatkozó jártassági bizonyítvánnyal;

2. részt vett a jóváhagyott tanfolyamon; és

3. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/2. szakasza 7–10. pontjában, a gyorsjáratú felkutató csónakokra vonatkozóan a jártassági bizonyítvány elnyeréséhez előírt szakmai szintnek.

VI/3. szabály
Az emelt szintű tűzoltó tanfolyamokra vonatkozó, minimális kötelező követelmények

1. A tűzoltási tevékenység irányítására jogosult tengerészeknek sikeresen el kell végezniük az STCW Szabályzat VI/3. szakasza 1–4. pontjában szereplő előírásainak megfelelő, a tűzoltás technikájával, azon belül is főként a szervezéssel, a taktikával és az irányítással kapcsolatos, emelt szintű tanfolyamot, és meg kell felelniük a Szabályzatban meghatározott szakmai követelménynek.

2. Ahol az emelt szintű tűzoltó tanfolyam nem része a kiadott bizonyítványhoz szükséges képzésnek, ott a jártasságot tanúsító bizonyítványt kell kiállítani, igazolva, hogy a bizonyítvány tulajdonosa elvégezte az emelt szintű tűzoltó tanfolyamot.

VI/4. szabály
Az elsősegéllyel és egészségügyi ellátással kapcsolatos, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A hajón elsősegélynyújtásra jogosult tengerészeknek meg kell felelniük az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/4. szakasza 1–3. pontjában előírt, az elsősegélynyújtásra vonatkozó szakmai szintnek.

2. A hajón elsősegélynyújtásra jogosult tengerészeknek meg kell felelniük az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/4. szakasza 4–6. pontjában előírt, a hajókon történő elsősegélynyújtásra vonatkozó szakmai szintnek.

3. Ahol az elsősegélynyújtásról, illetve az egészségügyi ellátásról szóló tanfolyam nem része a kiadott bizonyítványhoz szükséges képzésnek, ott a jártasságot tanúsító bizonyítványt kell kiállítani, igazolva, hogy a bizonyítvány tulajdonosa elvégezte az elsősegélynyújtásról, illetve az egészségügyi ellátásról szóló tanfolyamot.

VI/5. szabály
Hajóvédelmi tisztek képesítési bizonyítványának kiadására vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A hajóvédelmi tiszt jártassági bizonyítványáért pályázó minden jelöltnek meg kell felelnie az alábbiaknak:

1. legalább 12 hónapos, elismert tengeri szolgálat vagy megfelelő tengeri szolgálat és a hajó üzemeltetésével kapcsolatos ismeretek; valamint

2. megfelel az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/5. szakasza 1–4. pontjában szereplő, a hajóvédelmi tisztek jártassági bizonyítványának elnyeréséhez előírt szakmai szintnek.

2. Az Igazgatások az e szabályba foglalt rendelkezések alapján képesített minden személy számára kötelesek biztosítani a jártasságot tanúsító bizonyítvány kibocsátását.

VI/6. szabály
Tengerész védelemmel kapcsolatos képzésére és oktatására vonatkozó, kötelező minimális követelmények

1. A tengerészeknek az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/6. szakasza 1–4. pontjában meghatározott, védelmi alapozó, illetve a védelemmel kapcsolatos tudatosságot erősítő képzésben kell részesülniük, és meg kell felelniük az azokban meghatározott szakmai színvonalnak.

2. Ahol a védelemmel kapcsolatos tudatosságot erősítő képzés nem része a kiadott bizonyítványhoz szükséges képzésnek, ott a jártasságot tanúsító bizonyítványt kell kiállítani, igazolva, hogy a bizonyítvány tulajdonosa elvégezte a védelemmel összefüggő tudatosságot erősítő tanfolyamot.

3. Minden Félnek össze kell hasonlítania a védelemmel kapcsolatos képzésre és oktatásra vonatkozóan a jelen szabály hatálybalépését megelőzően kiadott bizonyítványok elnyeréséhez a tengerészektől megkövetelt szakmai szintet az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/6. szakasza 4. pontjában megállapítottal, és el kell döntenie, hogy az ilyen tengerészeknek részt kell-e venniük továbbképzésen.

Védelmi feladatok ellátására kijelölt tengerészek

4. A védelmi feladatok ellátására kijelölt tengerészeknek meg kell felelniük az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/6. szakasza 6–8. pontjában előírt alkalmassági követelményeknek.

5. Ahol a védelmi feladatok ellátásáról szóló képzés nem része a kiadott bizonyítványhoz szükséges képzésnek, ott a jártasságot tanúsító bizonyítványt kell kiállítani, igazolva, hogy a bizonyítvány tulajdonosa elvégezte a védelmi feladatok ellátásához szükséges tanfolyamot.

6. Minden Félnek össze kell hasonlítania a védelmi képzésre vonatkozóan a jelen szabály hatályba lépését megelőzően kiadott bizonyítványok megszerzéséhez a tengerészektől megkövetelt szakmai szintet az STCW Szabályzat A–VI/6. szakasza 8. pontjában megállapítottal, és el kell döntenie, hogy az ilyen tengerészeknek részt kell-e venniük továbbképzésen.

Alternatív (kettős) képesítés
VII/1. szabály
Az alternatív képesítések kiadása

1. A jelen melléklet II. és III. fejezetében, a képesítésre vonatkozóan megállapított követelmények ellenére a Felek az e fejezetek előírásaitól eltérő bizonyítványok kiadása mellett is dönthetnek, illetve engedélyezhetik ilyen bizonyítványok kiállítását, feltéve, hogy:

1. a bizonyítványban és az érvényesítési okmányban szereplő, kapcsolódó feladatok és felelősségi szintek kiválasztása az STCW Szabályzat A–II/1., A–II/2., A–II/3., A–II/4., A–II/5., A–III/1., A–III/2., A–III/3., A–III/4., A–III/5. és A–IV/2. szakaszaiból történt, vagy azokkal megegyezik;

2. a képesítésre pályázó jelöltek elvégezték a jóváhagyott oktatást és képzést, valamint megfelelnek az STCW Szabályzat vonatkozó részeiben meghatározott, a szakmai követelményekkel kapcsolatos előírásoknak, illetve a Szabályzat A–VII/1. szakaszával összhangban azoknak a feladatköröknek és szinteknek, amelyek a bizonyítványban és a érvényesítési okmányban szerepelnek;

3. a jelöltek rendelkeznek a bizonyítványban szereplő feladatköröknek és szinteknek megfelelő, elismert tengeri szolgálattal. A tengeri szolgálat minimális időtartama azonos a jelen melléklet II. és III. fejezetében előírt tengeri szolgálati idővel. Mindazonáltal a tengeri szolgálat minimális időtartama nem lehet kevesebb, mint amit az STCW Szabályzat A–VII/2. szakasza előír;

4. a navigációs feladatkörök végrehajtási szintjére vonatkozó képesítésre pályázó jelölteknek meg kell felelniük a IV. fejezet vonatkozó előírásainak, rádiós szolgálat ellátásához pedig a Rádió Használati Szabályzat követelményeinek; és

5. a bizonyítványok kiadására az I/2. szabálynak, valamint az STCW Szabályzat VII. fejezete rendelkezéseinek megfelelően kerül sor.

2. A jelen fejezet alapján bizonyítványt csak akkor lehet kiállítani, ha az egyezményben részes Fél a IV. cikk és az I/7. szabály rendelkezése szerint a Szervezetet tájékoztatta.

VII/2. szabály
Tengerészek képesítése

1. Minden tengerésznek, aki az STCW Szabályzat II. fejezet A–II/1, A–II/2, A–II/3 vagy A–II/4, illetve A–II/5, a III. fejezet A–III/1, A–III/2, A–III/3, A–III/4, illetve A–III/5, vagy a IV. fejezet A–IV/2 táblázataiban meghatározott bármilyen feladatot vagy feladatkört lát el, megfelelő képesítéssel vagy jártassággal kell rendelkeznie.

VII/3. szabály
Az alternatív bizonyítványok kiállítását szabályozó alapelvek

1. Az alternatív bizonyítványok kiállítását vagy a kiállítás engedélyezését választó bármely Fél köteles gondoskodni az alábbi alapelvek betartásáról:

1. nem lehet alternatív képesítési rendszert érvényesíteni, csak ha az biztosítja a tengeri biztonságnak az egyéb fejezetekben előírt fokát, és a szennyezés vonatkozásában olyan megelőző hatással bír, ami az egyéb fejezetek előírásaival legalább azonos; és

2. bármely, a jelen fejezet alapján az alternatív képesítésekkel kapcsolatban kiadott rendelkezésnek biztosítania kell a bizonyítványok felcserélhetőségét az egyéb fejezetek alapján kiadott bizonyítványok vonatkozásában.

2. Az 1. pontban foglalt felcserélhetőségi alapelvnek biztosítania kell, hogy

1. a II. és/vagy III. fejezet rendelkezései értelmében képesített tengerészek, valamint azok, akik a VII. fejezet szerint szereztek képesítést, szolgálhassanak olyan hajókon, amelyek vagy hagyományos, vagy egyéb szervezeti felépítés alapján üzemelnek; és

2. a tengerészek valamely meghatározott fedélzeti feladatra történő kiképzése ne úgy történjék, hogy az csorbíthassa más irányú szakmai képességeiket.

3. A jelen fejezet előírásainak megfelelő bármely bizonyítvány kiállításánál az alábbi alapelveket kell figyelembe venni:

1. alternatív bizonyítványok kiállítása nem irányulhat:

1.1 a hajószemélyzet létszámának csökkentésére,

1.2 a szakma tisztességének aláásására, a tengerészek szaktudásának lejáratására, illetve

1.3 a kombinált gépészeti és fedélzeti tiszti őrszolgálati beosztás olyan személyre történő átruházására bármely őrszolgálat idejére, aki csak egy képesítéssel rendelkezik; és

2. a hajót irányító személyt parancsnoknak kell kinevezni; valamint a hajóparancsnok és mások jogállását, illetve tekintélyét az alternatív képesítéssel kapcsolatosan semmilyen rendelkezés nem érintheti hátrányosan.

4. A jelen szabály 1. és 2. pontjában szereplő alapelveknek biztosítaniuk kell mind a fedélzeti, mind a géptisztek szakképzettségének fenntartását.

VIII/1. szabály
A szolgálat ellátására való alkalmasság

1. Minden Igazgatás a kimerültség megelőzése érdekében köteles:

1. az STCW Szabályzat A–VIII/1. szakasza előírásainak megfelelően pihenőidőt megállapítani és érvényre juttatni az őrszolgálatban részt vevő személyzet, valamint azok számára, akik biztonsági és a szennyezés megelőzését szolgáló feladatok ellátását végzik; és

2. előírni, hogy az őrszolgálati rendszer olyan legyen, hogy a kimerültség ne legyen hatással az őrszolgálatot ellátó személyzet teljesítményére, továbbá, hogy a szolgálat ellátása úgy legyen megszervezve, hogy az út kezdete utáni első őrszolgálatban, majd az azt követő váltásokban részt vevő személyek kellőképpen kipihentek és a szolgálatra minden tekintetben alkalmasak legyenek.

2. A kábítószerrel és az alkohollal való visszaélés megelőzése érdekében minden Igazgatásnak gondoskodnia kell az A–VIII. 1. szakasz rendelkezéseinek megfelelő intézkedések foganatosításáért, mely során figyelembe kell venni az STCW Szabályzat B–VIII/1. szakaszában szereplő útmutatást is.

VIII/2. szabály
Az őrszolgálattal kapcsolatos előírások és a követendő alapelvek

1. Az Igazgatások kötelesek felhívni az üzemeltető társaságok, hajóparancsnokok, gépüzemvezetők és az őrszolgálatban részt vevő összes személy figyelmét az STCW Szabályzat azon előírásaira, alapelveire és útmutatásaira, amelyeket a fennálló körülményeknek és helyzetnek megfelelő, folyamatos és biztonságos őrszolgálat, illetve őrszolgálatok fenntartása érdekében, az összes tengerjáró hajón, mindenkor be kell tartani.

2. Az Igazgatásoknak minden hajó parancsnoka számára elő kell írniuk, hogy az őrszolgálattal kapcsolatos intézkedések megfeleljenek a biztonságos őrszolgálat, illetve őrszolgálatok ellátására vonatkozó követelményeknek, figyelembe véve a fennálló körülményeket és helyzetet, továbbá azt, hogy a parancsnok általános irányításával:

1. szolgálati idejük alatt a navigációs őrszolgálatot irányító tisztek felelősek a hajó biztonságos műveletezéséért és a szolgálat teljes ideje alatt kötelesek személyesen jelen lenni a parancsnoki hídon vagy az ahhoz közvetlenül csatlakozó helyiségben, mint például a térképszobában vagy a navigációs készülékek vezérlőkabinjában;

2. a rádiókezelők szolgálati idejük alatt felelősek a folyamatos rádiós figyelőszolgálatnak a megfelelő frekvenciákon történő ellátásáért;

3. a gépüzemi őrszolgálatot ellátó tiszteknek – amint ezt az STCW Szabályzat előírja – a gépüzemvezető irányításával azonnal elérhetőeknek kell lenniük és hívásra haladéktalanul meg kell jelenniük géptérben, valamint, ha szükséges, szolgálati idejük tartama alatt személyesen is a géptérben kell tartózkodniuk;

4. biztonság érdekében megfelelő és hatékony őrszolgálatot, illetve őrszolgálatokat kell ellátni mindenkor, amikor a hajó horgonyon vagy kikötve áll, és ha a hajó veszélyes rakományt szállít; az ilyen őrszolgálat, illetve őrszolgálatok megszervezésénél a lehető legnagyobb mértékig számításba kell venni a veszélyes rakomány jellegét, mennyiségét, csomagolását és rakodási jellemzőit és az úszó vagy kikötött hajón fennálló bármilyen különleges körülményeket; valamint

5. megfelelő és hatékony őrszolgálatot, illetve őrszolgálatokat kell ellátni a biztonság érdekében.”

2. melléklet a 2012. évi XIX. törvényhez



Mandatory standards regarding provisions of the annex to the STCW Convention


1. This part of the STCW Code contains mandatory provisions to which specific reference is made in the annex to the International Convention on Standards of Training. Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the STCW Convention. These provisions give in detail the minimum standards required to be maintained by Parties in order to give full and complete effect to the Convention.

2. Also contained in this part are standards of competence required to be demonstrated by candidates for the issue and revalidation of certificates of competency under the provisions of the STCW Convention. To clarify the linkage between the alternative certification provisions of chapter VII and the certification provisions of chapters II, III and IV, the abilities specified in the standards of competence are grouped, as appropriate, under the following seven functions:

1. Navigation

2. Cargo handling and stowage

3. Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board

4. Marine engineering

5. Electrical, electronic and control engineering

6. Maintenance and repair

7. Radiocommunications

at the following levels of responsibility:

1. Management level

2. Operational level

3. Support level

Functions and levels of responsibility are identified by subtitle in the tables of standards of competence given in chapters II, III and IV of this part. The scope of the function at the level of responsibility stated in a subtitle is defined by the abilities listed under it in column 1 of the table. The meaning of „function” and „level of responsibility” is defined in general terms in section A–I/1 below.

3. The numbering of the sections of this part corresponds with the numbering of the regulations contained in the annex to the STCW Convention. The text of the sections may be divided into numbered parts and paragraphs, but such numbering is unique to that text alone.


Standards regarding general provisions

Section A–I/1

Definitions and clarifications

1. The definitions and clarifications contained in article II and regulation I/1 apply equally to the terms used in parts A and B of this Code. In addition, the following supplementary definitions apply only to this Code:

1. Standard of competence means the level of proficiency to be achieved for the proper performance of functions on board ship in accordance with the internationally agreed criteria as set forth herein and incorporating prescribed standards or levels of knowledge, understanding and demonstrated skill;

2. Management level means the level of responsibility associated with:

2.1 serving as master, chief mate, chief engineer officer or second engineer officer on board a seagoing ship, and

2.2 ensuring that all functions within the designated area of responsibility are properly performed;

3. Operational level means the level of responsibility associated with:

3.1 serving as officer in charge of a navigational or engineering watch or as designated duty engineer for periodically unmanned machinery spaces or as radio operator on board a seagoing ship, and

3.2 maintaining direct control over the performance of all functions within the designated area of responsibility in accordance with proper procedures and under the direction of an individual serving in the management level for that area of responsibility;

4. Support level means the level of responsibility associated with performing assigned tasks, duties or responsibilities on board a seagoing ship under the direction of an individual serving in the operational or management level;

5. Evaluation criteria are the entries appearing in column 4 of the „Specification of Minimum Standard of Competence” tables in part A and provide the means for an assessor to judge whether or not a candidate can perform the related tasks, duties and responsibilities; and

6. Independent evaluation means an evaluation by suitably qualified persons, independent of, or external to, the unit or activity being evaluated, to verify that the administrative and operational procedures at all levels are managed, organized, undertaken and monitored internally in order to ensure their fitness for purpose and achievement of stated objectives.

Section A–I/2

Certificates and endorsements

1. Where, as provided in regulation I/2, paragraph 6., the endorsement required by article VI of the Convention is incorporated in the wording of the certificate itself, the certificate shall be issued in the format shown hereunder, provided that the words „or until the date of expiry of any extension of the validity of this certificate as may be shown overleaf appearing on the front of the form and the provisions for recording extension of the validity appearing on the back of the form shall be omitted where the certificate is required to be replaced upon its expiry. Guidance on completion of the form is contained in section B–I/2 of this Code.

(Official Seal)



The Government of .......................................... ...... certifies that ................................................. has been found duly qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation ............ of the above Convention, as amended, and has been found competent to perform the following functions, at the levels specified, subject to any limitations indicated until ................................... or until the date of expiry of any extension of the validity of this certificate as may be shown overleaf:


The lawful holder of this certificate may serve in the following capacity or capacities specified in the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration:


Certificate No. .............................................. issued on ...............................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of duly authorized official

Name of duly authorized official

The original of this certificate must be kept available in accordance with regulation I/2. paragraph 11. of the Convention while its holder is serving on a ship.

Date of birth of the holder of the certificate ..........................................................................

Signature of the holder of the certificate ...............................................................................

Photograph of the holder of the certificate Photograph of the holder of the certificate

The validity of this certificate is hereby extended until ...........................................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of duly authorized official

Date of revalidation ...................................................

Name of duly authorized official

The validity of this certificate is hereby extended until .........................................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of duly authorized official

Date of revalidation...................................................

Name of duly authorized official

2. Except as provided in paragraph 1., the form used to attest the issue of a certificate shall be as shown hereunder, provided that the words „or until the date of expiry of any extension of the validity of this endorsement as may be shown overleaf” appearing on the front of the form and the provisions for recording extension of the validity appearing on the back of the form shall be omitted where the endorsement is required to be replaced upon its expiry.

Guidance on completion of the form is contained in section B–I/2 of this Code.

(Official Seal)



The Government of ........................... certifies that certificate No........ has been issued to ............................................ who has been found duly qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation ............................ of the above Convention, as amended, and has been found competent to perform the following functions, at the levels specified, subject to any limitations indicated until ............................ or until the date of expiry of any extension of the validity of this endorsement as may be shown overleaf:


The lawful holder of this endorsement may serve in the following capacity or capacities specified in the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration:


Endorsement No. ..................................................... issued on ........................................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of duly authorized official

Name of duly authorized official

The original of this endorsement must be kept available in accordance with regulation I/2, paragraph 11. of the Convention while its holder is serving on a ship.

Date of birth of the holder of the certificate ......................................................

Signature of the holder of the certificate ............................................................

Photograph of the holder of the certificate Photograph of the holder of the certificate

The validity of this endorsement is hereby extended until .............................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of the duly authorized official

Date of revalidation .............................................

Name of the duly authorized official

The validity of this endorsement is hereby extended until .............................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of the duly authorized official

Date of revalidation ............................................

Name of the duly authorized official

3. The form used to attest the recognition of a certificate shall be as shown hereunder, except that the words „or until the date of expiry of any extension of the validity of this endorsement as may be shown overleaf” appearing on the front of the form and the provisions for recording extension of the validity appearing on the back of the form shall be omitted where the endorsement is required to be replaced upon its expiry. Guidance on completion of the form is contained in section B–I/2 of this Code.

(Official Seal)



The Government of ....................................... certifies that certificate No. .......................... issued to ............................................ by or on behalf of the Government of .................................. is duly recognized in accordance with the provisions of regulation I/10 of the above Convention, as amended, and the lawful holder is authorized to perform the following functions, at the levels specified, subject to any limitations indicated until ............................ or until the date of expiry of any extension of the validity of this endorsement as may be shown overleaf:


The lawful holder of this endorsement may serve in the following capacity or capacities specified in the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration:


Endorsement No. ............................................. issued on ..............................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of duly authorized official

Name of the duly authorized official

The original of this endorsement must be kept available in accordance with regulation I/2, paragraph 11. of the Convention while its holder is serving on a ship.

Date of birth of the holder of the certificate .......................................................................

Signature of the holder of the certificate ............................................................................

Photograph of the holder of the certificate Photograph of the holder of the certificate

The validity of this endorsement is hereby extended until ...................................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of duly authorized official

Date of revalidation .......................................

Name of the duly authorized official

The validity of this endorsement is hereby extended until .............................................

(Official Seal)

Signature of duly authorized official

Date of revalidation ...........................................

Name of the duly authorized official

4. In using formats which may be different from those set forth in this section, pursuant to regulation I/2, paragraph 10., Parties shall ensure that in all cases:

1. all information relating to the identity and personal description of the holder, including name, date of birth, photograph and signature, along with the date on which the document was issued, shall be displayed on the same side of the documents; and

2. all information relating to the capacity or capacities in which the holder is entitled to serve, in accordance with the applicable safe manning requirements of the Administration, as well as any limitations, shall be prominently displayed and easily identified.


CERTIFICATES Approval of seagoing


5. In approving seagoing service required by the Convention, Parties should ensure that the service concerned is relevant to the qualification being applied for, bearing in mind that, apart from the initial familiarization with service in seagoing ships, the purpose of such service is to allow the seafarer to be instructed in and to practice, under appropriate supervision, those safe and proper seagoing practices, procedures and routines which are relevant to the qualification applied for.

Approval of training courses

6. In approving training courses and programmes, Parties should take into account that the relevant IMO Model Courses can assist in the preparation of such courses and programmes and ensure that the detailed learning objectives recommended therein are suitably covered.

Electronic access to registers

7. In the maintenance of the electronic register in accordance with paragraph 15. of regulation I/2, provisions shall be made to allow controlled electronic access to such register or registers to allow Parties and companies to confirm:

1. the name of the seafarer to whom such certificate, endorsement or other qualification was issued, its relevant number, date of issue and date of expiry;

2. the capacity in which the holder may serve and any limitations attaching thereto; and

3. the functions the holder may perform, the levels authorized and any limitations attached thereto.

Development of a database for certificate registration

8. In implementing the requirement in paragraph 14. of regulation I/2 for the maintenance of a register of certificates and endorsements, a standard database is not necessary provided that all the relevant information is recorded and available in accordance with regulation I/2.

9. The following items of information should be recorded and available, either on paper or electronically, in accordance with regulation I/2:

1. Status of certificate

Valid Suspended Cancelled Reported lost Destroyed

with a record of changes to status to be kept, including dates of changes.

2. Certificate details

Seafarer’s name Date of birth

Nationality Gender

Preferably a photograph

Relevant document number

Date of issue

Date of expiry

Last revalidation date

Details of dispensation(s)

3. Competency details

STCW standard of competence (e.g., regulation II/1)



Level of




4. Medical details

Date of issue of latest medical certificate relating to the issue or revalidation of the certificate of competency.

Section A–I/3

Principles governing near-coastal voyages

1. When a Party defines near-coastal voyages, inter alia, for the purpose of applying variations to the subjects listed in column 2 of the standard of competence tables contained in chapters II and III of part A of the Code, for the issue of certificates valid for service on ships entitled to fly the flag of that Party and engaged on such voyages, account shall be taken of the following factors, bearing in mind the effect on the safety and security of all ships and on the marine environment:

1. type of ship and the trade in which it is engaged;

2. gross tonnage of the ship and the propulsion power in kilowatts of the main machinery;

3. nature and length of the voyages;

4. maximum distance from a port of refuge;

5. adequacy of the coverage and accuracy of navigational position-fixing devices;

6. weather conditions normally prevailing in the near-coastal voyages area;

7. provision of shipboard and coastal communication facilities for search and rescue; and

8. the availability of shore-based support, regarding especially technical maintenance on board.

2. It is not intended that ships engaged on near-coastal voyages extend their voyages worldwide, under the excuse that they are navigating constantly within the limits of designated near-coastal voyages of neighbouring Parties.

Section A–I/4

Control procedures

1. The assessment procedure provided for in regulation I/4, paragraph 1.3, resulting from any of the occurrences mentioned therein shall take the form of a verification that members of the crew who are required to be competent do in fact possess the necessary skills related to the occurrence.

2. It shall be borne in mind when making this assessment that onboard procedures are relevant to the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and that the provisions of this Convention are confined to the competence to safely execute those procedures.

3. Control procedures under this Convention shall be confined to the standards of competence of the individual seafarers on board and their skills related to watchkeeping as defined in part A of this Code. Onboard assessment of competency shall commence with verification of the certificates of the seafarers.

4. Notwithstanding verification of the certificate, the assessment under regulation I/4, paragraph 1.3 can require the seafarer to demonstrate the related competency at the place of duty. Such demonstration may include verification that operational requirements in respect of watchkeeping standards have been met and that there is a proper response to emergency situations within the seafarer’s level of competence.

5. In the assessment, only the methods for demonstrating competence together with the criteria for its evaluation and the scope of the standards given in part A of this Code shall be used.

6. Assessment of competency related to security shall be conducted for those seafarers with specific security duties only in case of clear grounds, as provided for in chapter XI/2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). In all other cases, it shall be confined to the verification of the certificates and/or endorsements of the seafarers.

Section A–I/5

National provisions

The provisions of regulation I/5 shall not be interpreted as preventing the allocation of tasks for training under supervision or in cases of force majeure.

Section A–I/6

Training and assessment

1. Each Party shall ensure that all training and assessment of seafarers for certification under the Convention is:

1. structured in accordance with written programmes, including such methods and media of delivery, procedures, and course material as are necessary to achieve the prescribed standard of competence; and

2. conducted, monitored, evaluated and supported by persons qualified in accordance with paragraphs 4., 5. and 6.

2. Persons conducting in-service training or assessment on board ship shall only do so when such training or assessment will not adversely affect the normal operation of the ship and they can dedicate their time and attention to training or assessment.

Qualifications of instructors, supervisors and assessors

3. Each Party shall ensure that instructors, supervisors and assessors are appropriately qualified for the particular types and levels of training or assessment of competence of seafarers either on board or ashore, as required under the Convention, in accordance with the provisions of this section.

In-service training

4. Any person conducting in-service training of a seafarer, either on board or ashore, which is intended to be used in qualifying for certification under the Convention, shall:

1. have an appreciation of the training programme and an understanding of the specific training objectives for the particular type of training being conducted;

2. be qualified in the task for which training is being conducted; and

3. if conducting training using a simulator:

3.1 have received appropriate guidance in instructional techniques involving the use of simulators; and

3.2 have gained practical operational experience on the particular type of simulator being used.

5. Any person responsible for the supervision of in-service training of a seafarer intended to be used in qualifying for certification under the Convention shall have a full understanding of the training programme and the specific objectives for each type of training being conducted.

Assessment of competence

6. Any person conducting in-service assessment of competence of a seafarer, either on board or ashore, which is intended to be used in qualifying for certification under the Convention, shall:

1. have an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of the competence to be assessed;

2. be qualified in the task for which the assessment is being made;

3. have received appropriate guidance in assessment methods and practice;

4. have gained practical assessment experience; and

5. if conducting assessment involving the use of simulators, have gained practical assessment experience on the particular type of simulator under the supervision and to the satisfaction of an experienced assessor.

Training and assessment within an institution

7. Each Party which recognizes a course of training, a training institution, or a qualification granted by a training institution, as part of its requirements for the issue of a certificate required under the Convention, shall ensure that the qualifications and experience of instructors and assessors are covered in the application of the quality standard provisions of section A–I/8. Such qualification, experience and application of quality standards shall incorporate appropriate training in instructional techniques, and training and assessment methods and practice, and shall comply with all applicable requirements of paragraphs 4. to 6.

Section A–I/7

Communication of information

1. The information required by regulation I/7, paragraph 1. shall be communicated to the Secretary-General in the formats prescribed in the paragraphs hereunder.


2. Within one calendar year of entry into force of regulation I/7, each Party shall report on the steps it has taken to give the Convention full and complete effect, which report shall include the following:

1. contact details and organization chart of the ministry, department or governmental agency responsible for administering the Convention;

2. a concise explanation of the legal and administrative measures provided and taken to ensure compliance, particularly with regulations I/2, I/6 and I/9;

3. a clear statement of the education, training, examination, competency assessment and certification policies adopted;

4. a concise summary of the courses, training programmes, examinations and assessments provided for each certificate issued pursuant to the Convention;

5. a concise outline of the procedures followed to authorize, accredit or approve training and examinations, medical fitness and competency assessments required by the Convention, the conditions attached thereto, and a list of the authorizations, accreditations and approvals granted;

6. a concise summary of the procedures followed in granting any dispensation under article VIII of the Convention; and

7. the results of the comparison carried out pursuant to regulation I/11 and a concise outline of the refresher and upgrading training mandated.


3. Each Party shall, within six months of:

1. retaining or adopting any equivalent education or training arrangements pursuant to article IX, provide a full description of such arrangements;

2. recognizing certificates issued by another Party, provide a report summarizing the measures taken to ensure compliance with regulation I/10; and

3. authorizing the employment of seafarers holding alternative certificates issued under regulation VII/1 on ships entitled to fly its flag, providethe Secretary-General with a specimen copy of the type of safe manning documents issued to such ships.

4. Each Party shall report the results of each evaluation carried out pursuant to regulation I/8, paragraph 2. within six months of its completion. The report of the evaluation shall include the following information:

1. the qualifications and experience of those who conducted the evaluation; (e.g., certificates of competency held, experience as a seafarer and independent evaluator, experience in the field of maritime training and assessment, experience in the administration of certificationsystems, or any other relevant qualifications/experience);

2. the terms of reference for the independent evaluation and those of the evaluators;

3. a list of training institutions/centres covered by the independent evaluation; and

4. the results of the independent evaluation, including:

1. verification that:

1.1 all applicable provisions of the Convention and STCW Code, including their amendments, are covered by the Party’s quality standards system in accordance with section A–I/8, paragraph 3.1; and

1.2 all internal management control and monitoring measures and follow-up actions comply with planned arrangements and documented procedures and are effective in ensuring achievement of defined objectives in accordance with section A–I/8, paragraph 3.2;

2. a brief description of:

2.1 the non-conformities found, if any, during the independent evaluation,

2.2 the corrective measures recommended to address the identified non-conformities, and

2.3 the corrective measures carried out to address the identified non-conformities.

5. Parties shall report the steps taken to implement any subsequent mandatory amendments to the Convention and STCW Code, not previously included in the report on the initial communication of information pursuant to regulation I/7 or any previous report pursuant to regulation I/8. The information shall be included in the next report pursuant to regulation I/8, paragraph 3., following the entry into force of the amendment.

6. The information on the steps taken to implement mandatory amendments to the Convention and STCW Code shall include the following, where applicable:

1. a concise explanation of the legal and administrative measures provided and taken to ensure compliance with the amendment;

2. a concise summary of any courses, training programmes, examinations and assessments provided to comply with the amendment;

3. a concise outline of the procedures followed to authorize, accredit or approve training and examinations, medical fitness and competency assessments required under the amendment;

4. a concise outline of any refresher training and upgrading training required to meet the amendments; and

5. a comparison between the measures to implement the amendment and existing measures contained in previous reports pursuant to regulation I/7, paragraph 1. and/or regulation I/8, paragraph 2. where applicable.


7. The Secretary-General shall maintain a list of competent persons approved by the Maritime Safety Committee, including competent persons made available or recommended by the Parties, who may be called upon to evaluate the reports submitted pursuant to regulation I/7 and regulation I/8 and may be called to assist in the preparation of the report required by regulation I/7, paragraph 2. These persons shall ordinarily be available during relevant sessions of the Maritime Safety Committee or its subsidiary bodies, but need not conduct their work solely during such sessions.

8. In relation to regulation I/7, paragraph 2., the competent persons shall be knowledgeable of the requirements of the Convention and at least one of them shall have knowledge of the system of training and certification of the Party concerned.

9. When a report is received from any Party under regulation I/8, paragraph 3., the Secretary-General will designate competent persons from the list maintained in accordance with paragraph 7. above, to consider the report and provide their views on whether:

1. the report is complete and demonstrates that the Party has carried out an independent evaluation of the knowledge, understanding, skills and competence acquisition and assessment activities, and of the administration of the certification system (including endorsement and revalidation), in accordance with section A–I/8, paragraph 3.;

2. the report is sufficient to demonstrate that:

2.1 the evaluators were qualified,

2.2 the terms of reference were clear enough to ensure that:

2.2.1 all applicable provisions of the Convention and STCW Code, including their amendments, are covered by the Party’s quality standards system; and

2.2.2 the implementation of clearly defined objectives in accordance with regulation I/8, paragraph 1. could be verified over the full range of relevant activities,

2.3 the procedures followed during the independent evaluation were appropriate to identify any significant nonconformities in the Party’s system of training, assessment of competence, and certification of seafarers, as may be applicable to the Party concerned, and

2.4 the actions being taken to correct any noted non-conformities are timely and appropriate.

10. Any meeting of the competent persons shall:

1. be held at the discretion of the Secretary-General;

2. be comprised of an odd number of members, ordinarily not to exceed five persons;

3. appoint its own chairman; and

4. provide the Secretary-General with the agreed opinion of its members, or if no agreement is reached, with both the majority and minority views.

11. The competent persons shall, on a confidential basis, express their views in writing on:

1. a comparison of the facts reported in the information communicated to the

Secretary-General by the Party with all relevant requirements of the Convention;

2. the report of any relevant evaluation submitted under regulation I/8, paragraph 3.;

3. the report of any steps taken to implement the amendments to the STCW Convention and Code submitted under paragraph 5; and

4. any additional information provided by the Party.


12. In preparing the report to the Maritime Safety Committee required by regulation I/7, paragraph 2., the Secretary-General shall:

1. solicit and take into account the views expressed by competent persons selected from the list established pursuant to paragraph 7.;

2. seek clarification, when necessary, from the Party of any matter related to the information provided under regulation I/7, paragraph 1.; and

3. identify any area in which the Party may have requested assistance to implement the Convention.

13. The Party concerned shall be informed of the arrangements for the meetings of competent persons, and its representatives shall be entitled to be present to clarify any matter related to the information provided pursuant to regulation I/7, paragraph 1.

14. If the Secretary-General is not in a position to submit the report called for by paragraph 2. of regulation I/7, the Party concerned may request the Maritime Safety Committee to take the action contemplated by paragraph 3. of regulation I/7, taking into account the information submitted pursuant to this section and the views expressed in accordance with paragraphs 10. and 11.

Section A–I/8

Quality standards

National objectives and quality standards

1. Each Party shall ensure that the education and training objectives and related standards of competence to be achieved are clearly defined and that the levels of knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the examinations and assessments required under the Convention are identified. The objectives and related quality standards may be specified separately for different courses and training programmes and shall cover the administration of the certification system.

2. The field of application of the quality standards shall cover the administration of the certification system, all training courses and programmes, examinations and assessments carried out by or under the authority of a Party and the qualifications and experience required of instructors and assessors, having regard to the policies, systems, controls and internal quality assurance reviews established to ensure achievement of the defined objectives.

3. Each Party shall ensure that an independent evaluation of the knowledge, understanding, skills and competence acquisition and assessment activities, and of the administration of the certification system, is conducted at intervals of not more than five years in order to verify that:

1. all applicable provisions of the Convention and STCW Code, including their amendments, are covered by the quality standards system;

2. all internal management control and monitoring measures and follow-up actions comply with planned arrangements and documented procedures and are effective in ensuring achievement of the defined objectives;

3. the results of each independent evaluation are documented and brought to the attention of those responsible for the area evaluated; and

4. timely action is taken to correct deficiencies.

Section A–I/9

Medical standards

1. Parties, when establishing standards of medical fitness for seafarers as required by regulation I/9, shall adhere to the minimum in-service eyesight standards set out in table A–I/9 and take into account the criteria for physical and medical fitness set out in paragraph 2. They should also take into account the guidance given in section B–I/9 of this Code and table B–I/9 regarding assessment of minimum physical abilities.

These standards may, to the extent determined by the Party without prejudice to the safety of the seafarers or the ship, differentiate between those persons seeking to start a career at sea and those seafarers already serving at sea and between different functions on board, bearing in mind the different duties of seafarers. They shall also take into account any impairment or disease that will limit the ability of the seafarer to effectively perform his/her duties during the validity period of the medical certificate.

2. The standards of physical and medical fitness established by the Party shall ensure that seafarers satisfy the following criteria:

1. have the physical capability, taking into account paragraph 5. below, to fulfil all the requirements of the basic training as required by section A–VI/1, paragraph 2.;

2. demonstrate adequate hearing and speech to communicate effectively and detect any audible alarms;

3. have no medical condition, disorder or impairment that will prevent the effective and safe conduct of their routine and emergency duties on board during the validity period of the medical certificate;

4. are not suffering from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by service at sea or to render the seafarer unfit for such service or to endanger the health and safety of other persons on board; and

5. are not taking any medication that has side effects that will impair judgment, balance, or any other requirements for effective and safe performance of routine and emergency duties on board.

3. Medical fitness examinations of seafarers shall be conducted by appropriately qualified and experienced medical practitioners recognized by the Party.

4. Each Party shall establish provisions for recognizing medical practitioners. A register of recognized medical practitioners shall be maintained by the Party and made available to other Parties, companies and seafarers on request.

5. Each Party shall provide guidance for the conduct of medical fitness examinations and issuing of medical certificates, taking into account provisions set out in section B–I/9 of this Code. Each Party shall determine the amount of discretion given to recognized medical practitioners on the application of the medical standards, bearing in mind the different duties of seafarers, except that there shall not be discretion with respect to the minimum eyesight standards for distance vision aided, near/immediate vision and colour vision in table A–I/9 for seafarers in the deck department required to undertake look-out duties. A Party may allow discretion on the application of these standards with regard to seafarers in the engine department, on the condition that seafarers’ combined vision fulfils the requirements set out in table A–I/9.

6. Each Party shall establish processes and procedures to enable seafarers who, after examination, do not meet the medical fitness standards or have had a limitation imposed on their ability to work, in particular with respect to time, field of work or trading area, to have their case reviewed in line with that Party’s provisions for appeal.

7. The medical certificate provided for in regulation I/9, paragraph 3. shall include the following information as a minimum:

1. Authorizing authority and the requirements under which the document is issued

2. Seafarer information

2.1 Name: (Last, first, middle)

2.2 Date of birth: (day/month/year)

2.3 Gender: (Male/Female)

2.4 Nationality

3. Declaration of the recognized medical practitioner

3.1 Confirmation that identification documents were checked at the point of examination: Y/N

3.2 Hearing meets the standards in section A–I/9: Y/N

3.3 Unaided hearing satisfactory? Y/N

3.4 Visual acuity meets standards in section A–I/9? Y/N

3.5 Colour vision meets standards in section A–I/9? Y/N

3.5.1 Date of last colour vision test.

3.6 Fit for look-out duties? Y/N

3.7 No limitations or restrictions on fitness? Y/N

If „N”, specify limitations or restrictions.

3.8 Is the seafarer free from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by service at sea or to render the seafarer unfit for such service or to endanger the health of other persons on board?: Y/N

3.9 Date of examination: (day/month/year)

3.10 Expiry date of certificate: (day/month/year)

4. Details of the issuing authority

4.1 Official stamp (including name) of the issuing authority

4.2 Signature of the authorized person

5. Seafarer’s signature – confirming that the seafarer has been informed of the content of the certificate and of the right to a review in accordance with paragraph 6. of section A–I/9

8. Medical certificates shall be in the official language of the issuing country. If the language used is not English, the text shall include a translation into that language.

Table A–I/9

Minimum in-service eyesight standards for seafarers

STCW Convention regulation Category of seafarer Distance vision Aided1 Near/immediate vision Colour vision3 Visual fields4 Night blindness4 Diplopia (double vision)4
Both eyes together, aided or unaided
Masters, deck officers and ratings required to undertake look-out duties 0.52 0.5 Vision required for ship’s navigation (e.g., chart and nautical publication reference, use of bridge
instrumentation and equipment, and identification of aids to navigation)
See Note 6 Normal Visual fields Vision required to perform all necessary functions in darkness without compromise No significant condition evident
All engineer officers, electro-technical officers, electro-technical ratings and ratings or others forming part of an engine-room watch 0.45 0.4
Note 5)
Vision required to read instruments in close proximity, to operate equipment, and to identify systems/components as necessary See Note 7 Sufficient visual fields Vision required to perform all necessary functions in darkness without compromise No significant condition evident
GMDSS Radio operators 0.4 0.4 Vision required to read instruments in close proximity, to operate equipment, and to identify systems/components as necessary See Note 7 Sufficient visual fields Vision required to perform all necessary functions in darkness without compromise No significant condition evident
1 Values given in Snellen decimal notation.
2 A value of at least 0.7 in one eye is recommended to reduce the risk of undetected underlying eye disease.
3 As defined in the International Recommendations for Colour Vision Requirements for Transport by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE–143–2001 including any subsequent versions).
4 Subject to assessment by a clinical vision specialist where indicated by initial examination findings.
5 Engine department personnel shall have a combined eyesight vision of at least 0.4.
6 CIE colour vision standard 1 or 2.
7 CIE colour vision standard 1, 2 or 3.

Section A–I/10

Recognition of certificates

1. The provisions of regulation I/10, paragraph 4. regarding the non-recognition of certificates issued by a non-Party shall not be construed as preventing a Party, when issuing its own certificate, from accepting seagoing service, education and training acquired under the authority of a non-Party, provided the Party complies with regulation I/2 in issuing each such certificate and ensures that the requirements of the Convention relating to seagoing service, education, training and competence are complied with.

2. Where an Administration which has recognized a certificate withdraws its endorsement of recognition for disciplinary reasons, the Administration shall inform the Party that issued the certificate of the circumstances.

Section A–I/11

Revalidation of certificates

Professional competence

1. Continued professional competence as required under regulation I/11 shall be established by:

1. approved seagoing service, performing functions appropriate to the certificate held, for a period of at least:

1.1 twelve months in total during the preceding five years, or

1.2 three months in total during the preceding six months immediately prior to revalidating; or

2. having performed functions considered to be equivalent to the seagoing service required in paragraph 1.1; or

3. passing an approved test; or

4. successfully completing an approved training course or courses; or

5. having completed approved seagoing service, performing functions appropriate to the certificate held, for a period of not less than three months in a supernumerary capacity, or in a lower officer rank than that for which the certificate held is valid immediately prior to taking up the rank for which it is valid.

2. The refresher and updating courses required by regulation I/11 shall be approved and include changes in relevant national and international regulations concerning the safety of life at sea, security and the protection of the marine environment and take account of any updating of the standard of competence concerned.

3. Continued professional competence for tankers as required under regulation I/11, paragraph 3. shall be established by:

1. approved seagoing service, performing duties appropriate to the tanker certificate or endorsement held, for a period of at least 3 months in total during the preceding 5 years; or

2. successfully completing an approved relevant training course or courses.

Section A–I/12

Standards governing the use of simulators


General performance standards for simulators used in training

1. Each Party shall ensure that any simulator used for mandatory simulator-based training shall:

1. be suitable for the selected objectives and training tasks;

2. be capable of simulating the operating capabilities of shipboard equipment concerned, to a level of physical realism appropriate to training objectives, and include the capabilities, limitations and possible errors of such equipment;

3. have sufficient behavioural realism to allow a trainee to acquire the skills appropriate to the training objectives;

4. provide a controlled operating environment, capable of producing a variety of conditions, which may include emergency, hazardous or unusual situations relevant to the training objectives;

5. provide an interface through which a trainee can interact with the equipment, the simulated environment and, as appropriate, the instructor; and

6. permit an instructor to control, monitor and record exercises for the effective debriefing of trainees.

General performance standards for simulators used in assessment of competence

2. Each Party shall ensure that any simulator used for the assessment of competence required under the Convention or for any demonstration of continued proficiency so required shall:

1. be capable of satisfying the specified assessment objectives;

2. be capable of simulating the operational capabilities of the shipboard equipment concerned to a level of physical realism appropriate to the assessment objectives, and include the capabilities, limitations and possible errors of such equipment;

3. have sufficient behavioural realism to allow a candidate to exhibit the skills appropriate to the assessment objectives;

4. provide an interface through which a candidate can interact with the equipment and simulated environment;

5. provide a controlled operating environment, capable of producing a variety of conditions, which may include emergency, hazardous or unusual situations relevant to assessment objectives; and

6. permit an assessor to control, monitor and record exercises for the effective assessment of the performance of candidates.

Additional performance standards

3. In addition to meeting the basic requirements set out in paragraphs 1. and 2., simulation equipment to which this section applies shall meet the performance standards given hereunder in accordance with their specific type.

Radar simulation

4. Radar simulation equipment shall be capable of simulating the operational capabilities of navigational radar equipment which meets all applicable performance standards adopted by the Organization and incorporate facilities to:

1. operate in the stabilized relative-motion mode and sea- and ground-stabilized true-motion modes;

2. model weather, tidal streams, current, shadow sectors, spurious echoes and other propagation effects, and generate coastlines, navigational buoys and search and rescue transponders; and

3. create a real-time operating environment incorporating at least two own-ship stations with ability to change own ship’s course and speed, and include parameters for at least 20 target ships and appropriate communication facilities.

Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) simulation

5. ARPA simulation equipment shall be capable of simulating the operational capabilities of ARPAs which meet all applicable performance standards adopted by the Organization, and shall incorporate the facilities for:

1. manual and automatic target acquisition;

2. past track information;

3. use of exclusion areas;

4. vector/graphic time-scale and data display; and

5. trial manoeuvres.


PROVISIONS Simulator training objectives

6. Each Party shall ensure that the aims and objectives of simulator-based training are defined within an overall training programme and that specific training objectives and tasks are selected so as to relate as closely as possible to shipboard tasks and practices.

Training procedures

7. In conducting mandatory simulator-based training, instructors shall ensure that:

1. trainees are adequately briefed beforehand on the exercise objectives and tasks and are given sufficient planning time before the exercise starts;

2. trainees have adequate familiarization time on the simulator and with its equipment before any training or assessment exercise commences;

3. guidance given and exercise stimuli are appropriate to the selected exercise objectives and tasks and to the level of trainee experience;

4. exercises are effectively monitored, supported as appropriate by audio and visual observation of trainee activity and pre- and post-exercise evaluation reports;

5. trainees are effectively debriefed to ensure that training objectives have been met and that operational skills demonstrated are of an acceptable standard;

6. the use of peer assessment during debriefing is encouraged; and

7. simulator exercises are designed and tested so as to ensure their suitability for the specified training objectives.

Assessment procedures

8. Where simulators are used to assess the ability of candidates to demonstrate levels of competency, assessors shall ensure that:

1. performance criteria are identified clearly and explicitly and are valid and available to the candidates;

2. assessment criteria are established clearly and are explicit to ensure reliability and uniformity of assessment and to optimize objective measurement and evaluation, so that subjective judgements are kept to the minimum;

3. candidates are briefed clearly on the tasks and/or skills to be assessed and on the tasks and performance criteria by which their competency will be determined;

4. assessment of performance takes into account normal operating procedures and any behavioural interaction with other candidates on the simulator or with simulator staff;

5. scoring or grading methods to assess performance are used with caution until they have been validated; and

6. the prime criterion is that a candidate demonstrates the ability to carry out a task safely and effectively to the satisfaction of the assessor.

Qualifications of instructors and assessors

9. Each Party shall ensure that instructors and assessors are appropriately qualified and experienced for the particular types and levels of training and corresponding assessment of competence as specified in regulation I/6 and section A–I/6.

Section A–I/13

Conduct of trials

(No provisions)

Section A–I/14

Responsibilities of companies

1. Companies, masters and crew members each have responsibility for ensuring that the obligations set out in this section are given full and complete effect and that such other measures as may be necessary are taken to ensure that each crew member can make a knowledgeable and informed contribution to the safe operation of the ship.

2. The company shall provide written instructions to the master of each ship to which the Convention applies, setting forth the policies and the procedures to be followed to ensure that all seafarers who are newly employed on board the ship are given a reasonable opportunity to become familiar with the shipboard equipment, operating procedures and other arrangements needed for the proper performance of their duties, before being assigned to those duties. Such policies and procedures shall include:

1. allocation of a reasonable period of time during which each newly employed seafarer will have an opportunity to become acquainted with:

1.1 the specific equipment the seafarer will be using or operating;

1.2 ship-specific watchkeeping, safety, environmental protection, security and emergency procedures and arrangements the seafarer needs to know to perform the assigned duties properly; and

2. designation of a knowledgeable crew member who will be responsible for ensuring that an opportunity is provided to each newly employed seafarer to receive essential information in a language the seafarer understands.

3. Companies shall ensure that masters, officers and other personnel assigned specific duties and responsibilities on board their ro-ro passenger ships shall have completed familiarization training to attain the abilities that are appropriate to the capacity to be filled and duties and responsibilities to be taken up, taking into account the guidance given in section B–I/14 of this Code.

Section A–I/15

Transitional provisions

(No provisions)


Standards regarding the master and deck department

Section A–II/1

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be required to demonstrate the competence to undertake, at the operational level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–II/1;

2. at least hold the appropriate certificate for performing VHF radiocommunications in accordance with the requirements of the Radio Regulations; and

3. if designated to have primary responsibility for radiocommunications during distress incidents, hold the appropriate certificate issued or recognized under the provisions of the Radio Regulations.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A–II/1.

3. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–II/1 shall be sufficient for officers of the watch to carry out their watchkeeping duties.

4. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall be based on section A–VIII/2, part 4–1 – Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch – and shall also take into account the relevant requirements of this part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.

5. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–II/1.

Onboard training

6. Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more whose seagoing service, in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of regulation II/1, forms part of a training programme approved as meeting the requirements of this section shall follow an approved programme of onboard training which:

1. ensures that, during the required period of seagoing service, the candidate receives systematic practical training and experience in the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an officer in charge of a navigational watch, taking into account the guidance given in section B–II/1 of this Code;

2. is closely supervised and monitored by qualified officers aboard the ships in which the approved seagoing service is performed; and

3. is adequately documented in a training record book or similar document.

Near-coastal voyages

7. The following subjects may be omitted from those listed in column 2 of table A–II/1 for issue of restricted certificates for service on near-coastal voyages, bearing in mind the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters:

1. celestial navigation; and

2. those electronic systems of position fixing and navigation that do not cover the waters for which the certificate is to be valid.

Table A–II/1

Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Function: Navigation at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Plan and conduct a passage and determine position Celestial navigation

Ability to use celestial bodies to determine the ship’s position
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following: The information obtained from nautical charts and publications is relevant, interpreted correctly and properly applied. All potential navigational hazards are accurately identified
Terrestrial and coastal navigation
Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of:
1. landmarks
2. aids to navigation, including lighthouses, beacons and buoys
3. dead reckoning, taking into
account winds, tides, currents and estimated speed
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
using chart catalogues, charts, nautical publications, radio navigational warnings, sextant, azimuth mirror, electronic navigation equipment, echo-sounding equipment, compass
The primary method of fixing the ship’s position is the most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
The position is determined within the limits of acceptable instrument/system errors
The reliability of the information obtained from the primary method of position fixing is checked at appropriate intervals
Calculations and measurements of navigational information are accurate
Thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical charts, and publications, such as sailing directions, tide tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routeing information The charts selected are the largest scale suitable for the area of navigation and charts and publications are corrected in accordance with the latest information available
Electronic systems of position fixing and navigation Performance checks and tests to navigation systems comply with manufacturer’s recommendations and good navigational practice
Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of electronic navigational aids

Ability to operate the equipment and apply the information correctly

Compass – magnetic and gyro
Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro-compasses
Ability to determine errors of the magnetic and gyro-compasses, using celestial and terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors Errors in magnetic and gyro-compasses are determined and correctly applied to courses and bearings

Steering control system
Knowledge of steering control systems, operational procedures and change-over from manual to automatic control and vice versa. Adjustment of controls for optimum performance

The selection of the mode of steering is the most suitable for the prevailing weather, sea and traffic conditions and intended manoeuvres

Ability to use and interpret information obtained from shipborne meteorological instruments
Knowledge of the characteristics of the various weather systems, reporting procedures and recording systems
Ability to apply the meteorological information available

Measurements and observations of weather conditions are accurate and appropriate to the passage

Meteorological information is correctly interpreted and applied
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintain a safe navigational watch Watchkeeping
Thorough knowledge of the content, application and intent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
Thorough knowledge of the Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:

1. approved in-service experience;
2. approved training ship experience
The conduct, handover and relief of the watch conforms with accepted principles and procedures
A proper look-out is maintained at all times and in such a way as to conform to accepted principles and procedures
The use of routeing in accordance with the General Provisions on Ships’ Routeing
The use of information from navigational equipment for maintaining a safe navigational watch
Knowledge of blind pilotage techniques
The use of reporting in accordance with the General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and with VTS procedures
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate

4. approved laboratory equipment training
Lights, shapes and sound signals conform with the requirements contained in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended, and are correctly recognized
The frequency and extent of monitoring of traffic, the ship and the environment conform with accepted principles and procedures
A proper record is maintained of the movements and activities relating to the navigation of the ship
Responsibility for the safety of navigation is clearly defined at all times, including periods when the master is on the bridge and while under pilotage
Bridge resource management
Knowledge of bridge resource management principles, including:
1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
2. effective communication
3. assertiveness and leadership
4. obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
5. consideration of team experience
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training
2. approved in-service experience
3. approved simulator training
Resources are allocated and assigned as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks
Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received
Questionable decisions and/or actions result in appropriate challenge and response
Effective leadership behaviours are identified
Team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted vessel state, navigation path, and external environment
Use of radar and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation
Note: Training and assessment in the use of ARPA is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with ARPA. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned
Radar navigation
Knowledge of the fundamentals of radar and automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA)
Ability to operate and to interpret and analyse information obtained from radar, including the following:
Performance, including:
1. factors affecting performance and accuracy
2. setting up and maintaining displays
3. detection of misrepresentation of information, false echoes, sea return, etc., racons and SARTs
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved radar simulator and ARPA simulator plus in-service experience Information obtained from radar and ARPA is correctly interpreted and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the equipment and prevailing circumstances and conditions
Action taken to avoid a close encounter or collision with other vessels is in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
Decisions to amend course and/or speed are both timely and in accordance with accepted navigation practice
Use, including:
1. range and bearing; course and speed of other ships; time and distance of closest approach of crossing, meeting overtaking ships
2. identification of critical echoes; detecting course and speed changes of other ships; effect of changes in own ship’s course or speed or both
3. application of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
4. plotting techniques and relative- and true-motion concepts
5. parallel indexing
Principal types of ARPA, their display characteristics, performance standards and the dangers of over-reliance on ARPA
Adjustments made to the ship’s course and speed maintain safety of navigation
Communication is clear, concise and acknowledged at all times in a seamanlike manner
Manoeuvring signals are made at the appropriate time and are in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
Ability to operate and to interpret and analyse information obtained from ARPA, including:
1. system performance and accuracy, tracking capabilities and limitations, and processing delays
2. use of operational warnings and system tests
3. methods of target acquisition and their limitations
4. true and relative vectors, graphic representation of target information and danger areas
5. deriving and analysing
information, critical echoes, exclusion areas and trial manoeuvres
Use of ECDIS to maintain the safety of navigation

Note: Training and assessment in the use of ECDIS is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with ECDIS. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsements issued to the seafarer concerned
Navigation using ECDIS
Knowledge of the capability and limitations of ECDIS operations, including:
1. a thorough understanding of Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data, data accuracy, presentation rules, display options and other chart data formats
2. the dangers of over-reliance
3. familiarity with the functions of ECDIS required by performance standards in force
Proficiency in operation, interpretation, and analysis of information obtained from ECDIS, including:
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training ship experience
2. approved ECDIS simulator training
Monitors information on ECDIS in a manner that contributes to safe navigation
Information obtained from ECDIS (including radar overlay and/or radar tracking functions, when fitted) is correctly interpreted and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the equipment, all connected sensors (including radar and AIS where interfaced), and prevailing circumstances and conditions
Safety of navigation is maintained through adjustments made to the ship’s course and speed through ECDIS-controlled track-keeping functions
1. use of functions that are
integrated with other navigation systems in various installations, including proper functioning and adjustment to desired settings
(when fitted)
Communication is clear, concise and acknowledged at all times in a seamanlike manner
2. safe monitoring and adjustment of information, including own position, sea area display, mode and orientation, chart data displayed, route monitoring, user-created information layers, contacts (when interfaced with AIS and/or radar tracking) and radar overlay functions (when interfaced)
3. confirmation of vessel position by alternative means
4. efficient use of settings to ensure conformance to operational procedures, including alarm parameters for anti-grounding, proximity to contacts and special areas, completeness of chart data and chart update status, and backup arrangements
5. adjustment of settings and values to suit the present conditions
6. situational awareness while using ECDIS including safe water and proximity of hazards, set and drift, chart data and scale selection, suitability of route, contact detection and management, and integrity of sensors
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Respond to emergencies Emergency procedures
Precautions for the protection and safety of passengers in emergency situations
Initial action to be taken following a collision or a grounding; initial damage assessment and control
Appreciation of the procedures to be followed for rescuing persons from the sea, assisting a ship in distress, responding to emergencies which arise in port
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. practical training
The type and scale of the emergency is promptly identified
Initial actions and, if appropriate, manoeuvring of the ship are in accordance with contingency plans and are appropriate to the urgency of the situation and nature of the emergency
Respond to a distress signal at sea Search and rescue
Knowledge of the contents of the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction or approved simulator training, where appropriate The distress or emergency signal is immediately recognized
Contingency plans and instructions in standing orders are implemented and complied with
Use the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases and use English in written and oral form English language
Adequate knowledge of the English language to enable the officer to use charts and other nautical publications, to understand meteorological information and messages concerning ship’s safety and operation, to communicate with other ships, coast stations and VTS centres and to perform the officer’s duties also with a multilingual crew, including the ability to use and understand the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (IMO SMCP)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction English language nautical publications and messages relevant to the safety of the ship are correctly interpreted or drafted
Communications are clear and understood
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Transmit and receive
information by visual signalling
Visual signalling
Ability to use the International Code of Signals
Ability to transmit and receive, by Morse light, distress signal SOS as specified in Annex IV of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended, and appendix 1 of the International Code of Signals, and visual signalling of single-letter signals as also specified in the International Code of Signals
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction and/or simulation Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility are consistently successful
Manoeuvre the ship Ship manoeuvring and handling
Knowledge of:
1. the effects of deadweight, draught, trim, speed and under-keel clearance on turning circles and stopping distances
2. the effects of wind and current on ship handling
3. manoeuvres and procedures for the rescue of person overboard
4. squat, shallow-water and similar effects
5. proper procedures for anchoring and mooring
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved training on a manned scale ship model, where appropriate
Safe operating limits of ship propulsion, steering and power systems are not exceeded in normal manoeuvres
Adjustments made to the ship’s course and speed to maintain safety of navigation

Function: Cargo handling and stowage at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Monitor the loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and the unloading of cargoes Cargo handling, stowage and securing
Knowledge of the effect of cargo, including heavy lifts, on the seaworthiness and stability of the ship
Knowledge of safe handling, stowage and securing of cargoes, including dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes, and their effect on the safety of life and of the ship
Ability to establish and maintain effective communications during loading and unloading
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Cargo operations are carried out in accordance with the cargo plan or other documents and established safety rules/regulations, equipment operating instructions and shipboard stowage limitations
The handling of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes complies with international regulations and recognized standards and codes of safe practice
Communications are clear, understood and consistently successful
Inspect and report defects and damage to cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks Knowledge and ability to explain where to look for damage and defects most commonly encountered due to:
1. loading and unloading operations
2. corrosion
3. severe weather conditions
Ability to state which parts of the ship shall be inspected each time in order to cover all parts within a given period of time
Identify those elements of the ship structure which are critical to the safety of the ship
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
The inspections are carried out in accordance with laid-down procedures, and defects and damage are detected and properly reported
Where no defects or damage are detected, the evidence from testing and examination clearly indicates adequate competence in adhering to procedures and ability to distinguish between normal and defective or damaged parts of the ship
State the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces and ballast tanks and how corrosion can be identified and prevented
Knowledge of procedures on how the inspections shall be carried out
Ability to explain how to ensure reliable detection of defects and damages
Understanding of the purpose of the „enhanced survey programme”

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
compliance with pollution-prevention requirements
Prevention of pollution of the marine environment and anti-pollution procedures
Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment
Importance of proactive measures to protect the marine environment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved training
Procedures for monitoring shipboard operations and ensuring compliance with MARPOL requirements are fully observed
Actions to ensure that a positive environmental reputation is maintained
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintain seaworthiness of the ship Ship stability
Working knowledge andapplication of stability, trim and stress tables, diagrams and stress-calculating equipment
Understanding of fundamental actions to be taken in the event of partial loss of intact buoyancy
Understanding of the fundamentals of watertight integrity
Ship construction
General knowledge of the principal structural members of a ship and the proper names for the various parts
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The stability conditions comply with the IMO intact stability criteria under all conditions of loading
Actions to ensure and maintain the watertight integrity of the ship are in accordance with accepted practice
Prevent, control and fight fires on board Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances
Ability to organize fire drills
Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire
Knowledge of fire-fighting systems
Knowledge of action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved fire-fighting training and experience as set out in section A–VI/3 The type and scale of the problem is promptly identified and initial actions conform with the emergency procedure and contingency plans for the ship
Evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation procedures are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and are implemented promptly
The order of priority and the levels and time-scales of making reports and informing personnel on board are relevant to the nature of the emergency and reflect the urgency of the problem
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Operate life-saving appliances Life-saving
Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, satellite EPIRBs, SARTs, immersion suits and thermal protective aids
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1. to 4. Actions in responding to abandon ship and survival situations are appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions and comply with accepted safety practices and standards
Apply medical first aid on board ship Medical aid
Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, including the ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ship
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training as set out in section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1. to 3. The identification of probable cause, nature and extent of injuries or conditions is prompt and treatment minimizes immediate threat to life
Monitor compliance with legislative requirements Basic working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment Assessment of evidence obtained from examination or approved training Legislative requirements relating to safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment are correctly identified
Application of leadership and teamworking skills Working knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training
A knowledge of related inter- national maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation
Ability to apply task and work load management, including:
1. planning and co-ordination
2. personnel assignment
3. time and resource constraints
4. prioritization
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training
2. approved in-service experience
3. practical
The crew are allocated duties and informed of expected standards of work and behaviour in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned
Training objectives and activities are based on assessment of current competence and capabilities and operational requirements
Operations are demonstrated to be in accordance with applicable rules
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management:
1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
2. effective communication onboard and ashore
3. decisions reflect consideration of team experiences
4. assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
5. obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:
1. situation and risk assessment
2. identify and consider generated options
3. selecting course of action
4. evaluation of outcome effectiveness
Operations are planned and resources are allocated as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks
Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received
Effective leadership behaviours are demonstrated
Necessary team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted vessel status and operational status and external environment
Decisions are most effective for the situation
Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship Knowledge of personal survival techniques
Knowledge of fire prevention and ability to fight and extinguish fires
Knowledge of elementary first aid
Knowledge of personal safety and social responsibilities
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2. Appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Procedures and safe working practices designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Procedures designed to safeguard the environment are observed at all times
Initial and follow-up action on becoming aware of an emergency conforms with established emergency response procedures

Section A–II/2

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification as master or chief mate of ships of 500 gross tonnage or more shall be required to demonstrate the competence to undertake, at the management level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–II/2.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A–II/2. This incorporates, expands and extends in depth the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–II/1 for officers in charge of a navigational watch.

3. Bearing in mind that the master has ultimate responsibility for the safety and security of the ship, its passengers, crew and cargo, and for the protection of the marine environment against pollution by the ship, and that a chief mate shall be in a position to assume that responsibility at any time, assessment in these subjects shall be designed to test their ability to assimilate all available information that affects the safety and security of the ship, its passengers, crew or cargo, or the protection of the marine environment.

4. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–II/2 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to serve in the capacity of master or chief mate.

5. The level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency required under the different sections in column 2 of table A–II/2 may be varied according to whether the certificate is to be valid for ships of 3,000 gross tonnage or more or for ships of between 500 gross tonnage and 3,000 gross tonnage.

6. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take into account the relevant requirements of this part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.

7. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–II/2.

Near-coastal voyages

8. An Administration may issue a certificate restricted to service on ships engaged exclusively on near-coastal voyages and, for the issue of such a certificate, may exclude such subjects as are not applicable to the waters or ships concerned, bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters.

Table A–II/2

Specification of minimum standard of competence for masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Function: Navigation at the management level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Plan a voyage and conduct navigation Voyage planning and navigation for all conditions by acceptable methods of plotting ocean tracks, taking into account, e.g.:
1. restricted waters
2. meteorological conditions
3. ice
4. restricted visibility
5. traffic separation schemes
6. vessel traffic service (VTS) areas
7. areas of extensive tidal effects

Routeing in accordance with the General Provisions on Ships’ Routeing
Reporting in accordance with the General principles for Ship Reporting Systems and with VTS procedures
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved laboratory equipment training
using: chart catalogues, charts, nautical publications and ship particulars
The equipment, charts and nautical publications required for the voyage are enumerated and appropriate to the safe conduct of the voyage
The reasons for the planned route are supported by facts and statistical data obtained from relevant sources and publications
Positions, courses, distances and time calculations are correct within accepted accuracy standards for navigational equipment
All potential navigational hazards are accurately identified
Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any means Position determination in all conditions:
1. by celestial observations
2. by terrestrial observations, including the ability to use appropriate charts, notices to mariners and other publications to assess the accuracy of the resulting position fix
3. using modern electronic navigational aids, with specific knowledge of their operating principles, limitations, sources of error, detection of misrepresentation of information and methods of correction to obtain accurate position fixing
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved laboratory equipment training using:
1. charts, nautical almanac, plotting sheets, chronometer, sextant and a calculator
2. charts, nautical publications and navigational instruments (azimuth mirror, sextant, log, sounding equipment, compass) and manufacturers’ manuals
3. radar, terrestrial electronic position-fixing systems, satellite navigation systems and appropriate nautical charts and publications
The primary method chosen for fixing the ship’s position is the most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
The fix obtained by celestial observations is within accepted accuracy levels
The fix obtained by terrestrial observations is within accepted accuracy levels
The accuracy of the resulting fix is properly assessed
The fix obtained by the use of electronic navigational aids is within the accuracy standards of the systems in use. The possible errors affecting the accuracy of the resulting position are stated and methods of minimizing the effects of system errors on the resulting position are properly applied
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Determine and allow for compass errors Ability to determine and allow for errors of the magnetic and gyro-compasses
Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro-compasses
An understanding of systems under the control of the master gyro and a knowledge of the operation and care of the main types of gyro-compass
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved laboratory equipment training
using: celestial observations, terrestrial bearings and comparison between magnetic and gyro-compasses
The method and frequency of checks for errors of magnetic and gyro-compasses ensures accuracy of information
Coordinate search and rescue operations A thorough knowledge of and ability to apply the procedures contained in the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved laboratory equipment training
using: relevant publications, charts, meteorological data, particulars of ships involved,
radiocommunication equipment and other available facilities and one or more of the following:
The plan for coordinating search and rescue operations is in accordance with international guidelines and standards
Radiocommunications are established and correct communication procedures are followed at all stages of the search and rescue operations
1. approved SAR training course
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved laboratory equipment training
Establish watchkeeping arrangements and procedures Thorough knowledge of content, application and intent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
Thorough knowledge of the content, application and intent of the Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Watchkeeping arrangements and procedures are established and maintained in compliance with international regulations and guidelines so as to ensure the safety of navigation, protection of the marine environment and safety of the ship and persons on board
Maintain safe navigation through the use of information from navigation equipment and systems to assist command decision making

Note: Training and assessment in the use of ARPA is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with ARPA. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned
An appreciation of system errors and thorough understanding of the operational aspects of navigational systems
Blind pilotage planning
Evaluation of navigational information derived from all sources, including radar and ARPA, in order to make and implement command decisions for collision avoidance and for directing the safe navigation of the ship
The interrelationship and optimum use of all navigational data available for conducting navigation
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from approved ARPA simulator and one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved laboratory equipment training
Information obtained from navigation equipment and systems is correctly interpreted and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the equipment and prevailing circumstances and conditions
Action taken to avoid a close encounter or collision with another vessel is in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintain the safety of navigation through the use of ECDIS and associated navigation systems to assist command decision making

Note: Training and assessment in the use of ECDIS is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with
ECDIS. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned
Management of operational procedures, system files and data, including:
1. manage procurement, licensing and updating of chart data and system software to conform to established procedures
2. system and information updating, including the ability to update ECDIS system version in accordance with vendor’s product development
3. create and maintain system configuration and backup files
4. create and maintain log files in accordance with established procedures
5. create and maintain route plan files in accordance with established procedures
6. use ECDIS log-book and track history functions for inspection of system functions, alarm settings and user responses
Assessment of evidence obtained from one of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved ECDIS simulator training
Operational procedures for using ECDIS are established, applied, and monitored
Actions taken to minimize risk to safety of navigation
Use ECDIS playback functionality for passage review, route planning and review of system functions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Forecast weather and oceanographic conditions Ability to understand and interpret a synoptic chart and to forecast area weather, taking into account local weather conditions and information received by weather fax
Knowledge of the characteristics of various weather systems, including tropical revolving storms and avoidance of storm centres and the dangerous quadrants
Knowledge of ocean current systems
Ability to calculate tidal conditions
Use all appropriate nautical publications on tides and currents
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved laboratory equipment training
The likely weather conditions predicted for a determined period are based on all available information
Actions taken to maintain safety of navigation minimize any risk to safety of the ship
Reasons for intended action are backed by statistical data and observations of the actual weather conditions
Respond to navigational emergencies Precautions when beaching a ship
Action to be taken if grounding is imminent, and after grounding
Refloating a grounded ship with and without assistance
Action to be taken if collision is imminent and following a collision or impairment of the watertight integrity of the hull by any cause
Assessment of damage control
Emergency steering
Emergency towing arrangements and towing procedure
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction, in-service experience and practical drills in emergency procedures The type and scale of any problem is promptly identified and decisions and actions minimize the effects of any malfunction of the ship’s systems
Communications are effective and comply with established procedures
Decisions and actions maximize safety of persons on board
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Manoeuvre and handle a ship in all conditions Manoeuvring and handling a ship in all conditions, including:
1. manoeuvres when approaching pilot stations and embarking or disembarking pilots, with due regard to weather, tide, headreach and stopping distances
2. handling ship in rivers,
estuaries and restricted waters, having regard to the effects of current, wind and restricted water on helm response
3. application of constant-rate- of-turn techniques
4. manoeuvring in shallow
water, including the reduction inunder-keel clearance caused by squat, rolling and pitching
5. interaction between passing ships and between own ship and nearby banks (canal effect)
6. berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind, tide and current with and without tugs
7. ship and tug interaction
8. use of propulsion and manoeuvring systems
9. choice of anchorage; anchoring with one or two anchors in limited anchorages and factors involved in determining the length of anchor cable to be used
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved manned scale ship model, where appropriate
All decisions concerning berthing and anchoring are based on a proper assessment of the ship’s manoeuvring and engine characteristics and the forces to be expected while berthed alongside or lying at anchor
While under way, a full assessment is made of possible effects of shallow and restricted waters, ice, banks, tidal conditions, passing ships and own ship’s bow and stern wave so that the ship can be safely manoeuvred under various conditions of loading and weather
10. dragging anchor; clearing fouled anchors
11. dry-docking, both with and without damage
12. management and handling of ships in heavy weather, including assisting a ship or aircraft in distress; towing operations; means of keeping an unmanageable ship out of trough of the sea, lessening drift and use of oil
13. precautions in manoeuvring to launch rescue boats or survival craft in bad weather
14. methods of taking on board survivors from rescue boats and survival craft
15. ability to determine the
manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships, with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds
16. importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused by own ship’s bow wave and stern wave
17. practical measures to be taken when navigating in or near ice or in conditions of ice accumulation on board
18. use of, and manoeuvring in and near, traffic separation schemes and in vessel traffic service (VTS) areas
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Operate remote controls of propulsion plant and engineering systems and services Operating principles of marine power plants
Ships’ auxiliary machinery
General knowledge of marine engineering terms
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Plant, auxiliary machinery and equipment is operated in accordance with technical specifications and within safe operating limits at all times

Function: Cargo handling and stowage at the management level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Plan and ensure safe loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and unloading of cargoes Knowledge of and ability to apply relevant international regulations, codes and standards concerning the safe handling, stowage, securing and transport of cargoes
Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of cargoes and cargo operations
Use of stability and trim diagrams and stress-calculating equipment, including automatic data-based (ADB) equipment, and knowledge of loading cargoes and ballasting in order to keep hull stress within acceptable limits
Stowage and securing of cargoes on board ships, including cargo-handling gear and securing and lashing equipment
Loading and unloading operations, with special regard to the transport of cargoes identified in the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing
General knowledge of tankers and tanker operations
Knowledge of the operational and design limitations of bulk carriers
Ability to use all available shipboard data related to loading, care and unloading of bulk cargoes
Ability to establish procedures for safe cargo handling in accordance with the provisions of the relevant instruments such as IMDG Code, IMSBC Code, MARPOL 73/78 Annexes III and V and other relevant information
Ability to explain the basic principles for establishing effective communications and improving working relationship between ship and terminal personnel
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
using: stability, trim and stress tables, diagrams and stress-calculating equipment
The frequency and extent of cargo condition monitoring is appropriate to its nature and prevailing conditions
Unacceptable or unforeseen variations in the condition or specification of the cargo are promptly recognized and remedial action is immediately taken and designed to safeguard the safety of the ship and those on board
Cargo operations are planned and executed in accordance with established procedures and legislative requirements
Stowage and securing of cargoes ensures that stability and stress conditions remain within safe limits at all times during the voyage
Assess reported defects and damage to cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks and take appropriate action Knowledge of the limitations on strength of the vital constructional parts of a standard bulk carrier and ability to interpret given figures for bending moments and shear forces
Ability to explain how to avoid the detrimental effects on bulk carriers of corrosion, fatigue and inadequate cargo handling
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
using: stability, trim and stress tables, diagrams and stress-calculating equipment
Evaluations are based on accepted principles, well-founded arguments and correctly carried out. The decisions taken are acceptable, taking into consideration the safety of the ship and the prevailing conditions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Carriage of dangerous goods International regulations, standards, codes and recommendations on the carriage of dangerous cargoes, including the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code
Carriage of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes; precautions during loading and unloading and care during the voyage
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved simulator training, where appropriate
3. approved specialist training
Planned distribution of cargo is based on reliable information and is in accordance with established guidelines and legislative requirements
Information on dangers, hazards and special requirements is recorded in a format suitable for easy reference in the event of an incident

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Control trim, stability and stress Understanding of fundamental principles of ship construction and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and measures necessary to preserve trim and stability
Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken
Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1 approved in-service experience
2 approved training ship experience
3 approved simulator training, where appropriate
Stability and stress conditions are maintained within safe limits at all times
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Monitor and control
compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, security and the protection of the marine environment
Knowledge of international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions
Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects:
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Procedures for monitoring operations and maintenance comply with legislative requirements
Potential non-compliance is promptly and fully identified
1. certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and their period of validity Planned renewal and extension of certificates ensures continued validity of surveyed items and equipment
2. responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended
3. responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended
4. responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, as amended
5. maritime declarations of
health and the requirements of the International Health Regulations
6. responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo
7. methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships
8. national legislation for
implementing international agreements and conventions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintain safety and security of the ship’s crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems Thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea)
Organization of fire drills and abandon ship drills
Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems
Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies
Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following a fire, explosion, collision or grounding
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction and approved in-service training and experience Procedures for monitoring fire-detection and safety systems ensure that all alarms are detected promptly and acted upon in
accordance with established emergency procedures
Develop emergency and damage control plans and handle emergency situations Preparation of contingency plans for response to emergencies
Ship construction, including damage control
Methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction
Functions and use of life-saving appliances
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from approved in-service training and experience Emergency procedures are in accordance with the established plans for emergency situations
Use of leadership and managerial skill Knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training
A knowledge of related international maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training
2. approved in-service experience
3. approved simulator training
The crew are allocated duties and informed of expected standards of work and behaviour in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned
Training objectives and activities are based on assessment of current competence and capabilities and operational requirements
Ability to apply task and workload management, including: Operations are demonstrated to be in accordance with applicable rules
1. planning and co-ordination
2. personnel assignment
3. time and resource constraints
4. prioritization
Operations are planned and resources are allocated as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management:
1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
2. effective communication on board and ashore
3. decisions reflect consideration of team experiences
4. assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
5. obtaining and maintaining situation awareness
Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received
Effective leadership behaviours are demonstrated
Necessary team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted vessel state and operational status and external environment
Decisions are most effective for the situation
Operations are demonstrated to be effective and in accordance with applicable rules
Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:
1. situation and risk assessment
2. identify and generate options
3. selecting course of action
4. evaluation of outcome effectiveness
Development, implementation, and oversight of standard operating procedures
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Organize and manage the provision of medical care on board A thorough knowledge of the use and contents of the following publications:
1. International Medical Guide for Ships or equivalent national publications
2. medical section of the
International Code of Signals
3. Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from approved training Actions taken and procedures followed correctly apply and make full use of advice available

Section A–II/3

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch and of masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged on near-coastal voyages


Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification shall:

1. be required to demonstrate the competence to undertake, at operational level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–II/3;

2. at least hold the appropriate certificate for performing VHF radiocommunications in accordance with the requirements of the Radio Regulations; and

3. if designated to have primary responsibility for radiocommunications during distress incidents, hold the appropriate certificate issued or recognized under the provisions of the Radio Regulations.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A–II/3.

3. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–II/3 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to serve in the capacity of officer in charge of a navigational watch.

4. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall be based on section A–VIII/2, part 4–1 – Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch, and shall also take into account the relevant requirements of this part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.

5. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–II/3.

Special training

6. Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged on near-coastal voyages, who, in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1 of regulation II/3, is required to have completed special training, shall follow an approved programme of onboard training which:

1. ensures that, during the required period of seagoing service, the candidate receives systematic practical training and experience in the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an officer in charge of a navigational watch, taking into account the guidance given in section B–II/1 of this Code;

2. is closely supervised and monitored by qualified officers on board the ships in which the approved seagoing service is performed; and

3. is adequately documented in a training record book or similar document.


7. Every candidate for certification as master on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged on near-coastal voyages, shall meet the requirements for an officer in charge of a navigational watch set out below and, in addition, shall be required to provide evidence of knowledge and ability to carry out all the duties of such a master.

Table A–II/3

Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch and for masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages

Function: Navigation at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Plan and conduct a coastal passage and determine position

Note: Training and assessment in the use of ECDIS is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with
ECDIS. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned
Ability to determine the ship’s position by the use of:

1. landmarks
2. aids to navigation, including lighthouses, beacons and buoys
3. dead reckoning, taking into account winds, tides, currents and estimated speed
Thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical charts and publications, such as sailing directions, tide tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routeing information
Reporting in accordance with General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and with VTS procedures
Note: This item is only required for certification as master
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:

1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
using: chart catalogues, charts, nautical publications, radio navigational warnings, sextant, azimuth mirror, electronic navigation equipment, echo-
sounding equipment, compass
Information obtained from nautical charts and publications is relevant, interpreted correctly and properly applied
The primary method of fixing the ship’s position is the most appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
The position is determined within the limits of acceptable instrument/system errors
The reliability of the information obtained from the primary method of position fixing is checked at appropriate intervals
Calculations and measurements of navigational information are accurate
Charts and publications selected are the largest scale on board suitable for the area of navigation and charts are corrected in accordance with the latest information available
Voyage planning and navigation for all conditions by acceptable methods of plotting coastal tracks, taking into account, e.g.:
1. restricted waters
2. meteorological conditions
3. ice
4. restricted visibility
5. traffic separation schemes
6. vessel traffic service (VTS) areas
7. areas of extensive tidal effects
Note: This item is only required for certification as master
Thorough knowledge of and ability to use ECDIS

Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training ship experience
2. approved ECDIS simulator training
Navigational aids and equipment
Ability to operate safely and determine the ship’s position by use of all navigational aids and equipment commonly fitted on board the ships concerned
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved radar simulator Performance checks and tests of navigation systems comply with manufacturer’s recommendations, good navigational practice and IMO resolutions on performance standards for navigational equipment

Knowledge of the errors and corrections of magnetic compasses
Ability to determine errors of the compass, using terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors
Automatic pilot
Knowledge of automatic pilot systems and procedures; changeover from manual to automatic control and vice versa; adjustment of controls for optimum performance
Interpretation and analysis of information obtained from radar is in accordance with accepted navigational practice and takes account of the limits and accuracy levels of radar
Errors in magnetic compasses are determined and applied correctly to courses and bearings
Selection of the mode of steering is the most suitable for prevailing weather, sea and traffic conditions and intended manoeuvres
Ability to use and interpret information obtained from shipborne meteorological instruments
Knowledge of the characteristics of the various weather systems, reporting procedures and recording systems
Measurements and observations of weather conditions are accurate and appropriate to the passage
Ability to apply the meteorological information available Meteorological information is evaluated and applied to maintain the safe passage of the vessel
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintain a safe
Thorough knowledge of content, application and intent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
Knowledge of content of the Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch
Use of routeing in accordance with the General Provisions on Ships’ Routeing
Use of reporting in accordance with the General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and with VTS procedures
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The conduct, handover and relief of the watch conforms with accepted principles and procedures
A proper look-out is maintained at all times and in conformity with accepted principles and procedures
Lights, shapes and sound signals conform with the requirements contained in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended and are correctly recognized
The frequency and extent of monitoring of traffic, the ship and the environment conform with accepted principles and procedures
Action to avoid close encounters and collision with other vessels is in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
Decisions to adjust course and/or speed are both timely and in accordance with accepted navigation procedures
A proper record is maintained of movements and activities relating to the navigation of the ship
Responsibility for safe navigation is clearly defined at all times, including periods when the master is on the bridge and when under pilotage
Respond to emergencies Emergency procedures, including:
1. precautions for the protection and safety of passengers in emergency situations
2. initial assessment of damage and damage control
3. action to be taken following a collision
4. action to be taken following a grounding
In addition, the following material should be included for certification as master:
1. emergency steering
2. arrangements for towing and for being taken in tow
3. rescuing persons from the sea
4. assisting a vessel in distress
5. appreciation of the action to be taken when emergencies arise in port
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. practical instruction
The type and scale of the emergency is promptly identified
Initial actions and, if appropriate, manoeuvring are in accordance with contingency plans and are appropriate to the urgency of the situation and the nature of the emergency
Respond to a distress signal at sea Search and rescue
Knowledge of the contents of the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction or approved simulator training, where appropriate The distress or emergency signal is immediately recognized
Contingency plans and instructions in standing orders are implemented and complied with
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Manoeuvre the ship and operate small ship power plants Ship manoeuvring and handling
Knowledge of factors affecting safe manoeuvring and handling
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following: Safe operating limits of ship propulsion, steering and power systems are not exceeded in normal manoeuvres
The operation of small ship power plants and auxiliaries
Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
Adjustments made to the ship’s course and speed maintain safety of navigation
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate Plant, auxiliary machinery and equipment is operated in accordance with technical specifications and within safe operating limits at all times

Function: Cargo handling and stowage at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Monitor the loading, stowage, securing and unloading of cargoes and their care during the voyage Cargo handling, stowage and securing
Knowledge of safe handling, stowage and securing of cargoes, including dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes, and their effect on the safety of life and of the ship
Use of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Cargo operations are carried out in accordance with the cargo plan or other documents and established safety rules/regulations, equipment operating instructions and shipboard stowage limitations
The handling of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes complies with international regulations and recognized standards and codes of safe practice

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements Prevention of pollution of the marine environment and anti-pollution procedures
Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
Procedures for monitoring shipboard operations and ensuring compliance with MARPOL requirements are fully observed
Maintain seaworthiness of the ship Ship stability
Working knowledge and application of stability, trim and stress tables, diagrams and stress- calculating equipment
Understanding of fundamental actions to be taken in the event of partial loss of intact buoyancy
Understanding of the fundamentals of watertight integrity
Ship construction
General knowledge of the principal structural members of a ship and the proper names for the various parts
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience 2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The stability conditions comply with the IMO intact stability criteria under all conditions of loading
Actions to ensure and maintain the watertight integrity of the ship are in accordance with accepted practice
Prevent, control and fight fires on board Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances
Ability to organize fire drills
Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved fire-fighting training and experience as set out in section A–VI/3 The type and scale of the problem is promptly identified and initial actions conform with the emergency procedure and contingency plans for the ship
Knowledge of fire-fighting systems
Understanding of action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems
Evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation procedures are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and are implemented promptly
The order of priority, and the levels and time-scales of making reports and informing personnel on board, are relevant to the nature of the emergency and reflect the urgency of the problem
Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, satellite EPIRBs, SARTs, immersion suits and thermal protective aids
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1. to 4. Actions in responding to abandon ship and survival situations are appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions and comply with accepted safety practices and standards
Apply medical first aid on board ship Medical aid
Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, including the ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ship
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training as set out in section A–VIM, paragraphs 1. to 3. The identification of probable cause, nature and extent of injuries or conditions is prompt and treatment minimizes immediate threat to life
Monitor compliance with legislative requirements Basic working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment Assessment of evidence obtained from examination or approved training Legislative requirements relating to safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment are correctly identified
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship Knowledge of personal survival techniques
Knowledge of fire prevention and ability to fight and extinguish fires
Knowledge of elementary first aid
Knowledge of personal safety and social responsibilities
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experiences as set out in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2. Appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Procedures and safe working practices designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Procedures designed to safeguard the environment are observed at all times
Initial and follow-up actions on becoming aware of an emergency conform with established emergency response procedures

Section A–II/4

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings forming part of a navigational watch

Standard of competence

1. Every rating forming part of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more shall be required to demonstrate the competence to perform the navigation function at the support level, as specified in column 1 of table A–II/4.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required of ratings forming part of a navigational watch on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more is listed in column 2 of table A–II/4.

3. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence specified in columns 3 and 4 of table A–II/4. The reference to „practical test” in column 3 may include approved shore-based training in which the trainees undergo practical testing.

4. Where there are no tables of competence for the support level in respect to certain functions, it remains the responsibility of the Administration to determine the appropriate training, assessment and certification requirements to be applied to personnel designated to perform those functions at the support level.

Table A–II/4

Specification of minimum standard of competence for ratings forming part of a navigational watch

Function: Navigation at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Steer the ship and also comply with helm orders in the Use of magnetic and gyro-compasses
Helm orders
Change-over from automatic pilot to hand steering and vice versa
Assessment of evidence obtained from:
1. practical test, or
2. approved in-service experience, or
3. approved training ship experience
A steady course is steered within acceptable limits, having regard to the area of navigation and prevailing sea state. Alterations of course are smooth and controlled
Communications are clear and concise at all times and orders are acknowledged in a seamanlike manner
English language
Keep a proper look-out by sight and hearing
Responsibilities of a look-out, including reporting the approximate bearing of a sound signal, light or other object in degrees or points Assessment of evidence obtained from:
1. practical test, or
2. approved in-service experience, or
3. approved training ship experience
Sound signals, lights and other objects are promptly detected and their approximate bearing, in degrees or points, is reported to the officer of the watch
Contribute to monitoring and controlling a safe watch Shipboard terms and definitions
Use of appropriate internal communication and alarm systems
Ability to understand orders and to communicate with the officer of the watch on matters relevant to watchkeeping duties
Procedures for the relief, maintenance and handover of a watch
Information required to maintain a safe watch
Basic environmental protection procedures
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved in-service experience or approved training ship experience Communications are clear and concise and advice/clarification is sought from the officer on watch where watch information or instructions are not clearly understood
Maintenance, handover and relief of the watch is in conformity with accepted practices and procedures
equipment and
Knowledge of emergency duties and alarm signals
Knowledge of pyrotechnic distress signals; satellite EPIRBs and SARTs
Avoidance of false distress alerts and action to be taken in event of accidental activation
Assessment of evidence obtained from demonstration and approved in-service experience or approved training ship experience Initial action on becoming aware of an emergency or abnormal situation is in conformity with established practices and procedures
Communications are clear and concise at all times and orders are acknowledged in a seamanlike manner
The integrity of emergency and distress alerting systems is maintained at all times

Section A–II/5

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings as able seafarer deck

Standard of competence

1. Every able seafarer deck serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more shall be required to demonstrate the competence to perform the functions at the support level, as specified in column 1 of table A–II/5.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required of an able seafarer deck serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more is listed in column 2 of table A–II/5.

3. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence specified in columns 3 and 4 of table A–II/5.

Table A–II/5

Specification of minimum standards of competence of ratings as able seafarer deck

Function: Navigation at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to a safe navigational watch Ability to understand orders and to communicate with the officer of the watch on matters relevant to watchkeeping duties Assessment of evidence obtained from in-service experience or practical test Communications are clear and concise
Procedures for the relief, maintenance and handover of a watch
Information required to maintain a safe watch
Maintenance, handover and relief of the watch is in conformity with acceptable practices and procedures
Contribute to berthing, anchoring and other mooring operations Working knowledge of the mooring system and related procedures, including:
1. the function of mooring and tug lines and how each line functions as part of an overall system
2. the capacities, safe working loads, and breaking strengths of mooring equipment, including mooring wires, synthetic and fibre lines, winches, anchor windlasses, capstans, bitts, chocks and bollards
3. the procedures and order of events for making fast and letting go mooring and tug lines and wires, including towing lines
4. the procedures and order of events for the use of anchors in various operations
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
5. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Operations are carried out in accordance with established safety practices and equipment operating instructions
Working knowledge of the procedures and order of events associated with mooring to a buoy or buoys

Function: Cargo handling and stowage at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the handling of cargo and stores Knowledge of procedures for safe handling, stowage and securing of cargoes and stores, including dangerous, hazardous and harmful substances and liquids
Basic knowledge of and precautions to observe in connection with particular types of cargo and identification of IMDG labelling
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:

1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
5. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Cargo and stores operations are carried out in accordance with established safety procedures and equipment operating instructions
The handling of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes or stores complies with established safety practices

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the safe operation of deck equipment and machinery Knowledge of deck equipment, including:
1. function and uses of valves and pumps, hoists, cranes, booms, and related equipment
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
Operations are carried out in accordance with established safety practices and equipment operating instructions
2. function and uses of winches, windlasses, capstans and related equipment
3. hatches, watertight doors, ports, and related equipment
4. fibre and wire ropes, cables and chains, including their construction, use, markings, maintenance and proper stowage
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
5. ability to use and understand basic signals for the operation of equipment, including winches, windlasses, cranes, and hoists Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility are consistently successful
6. ability to operate anchoring equipment under various conditions, such as anchoring, weighing anchor, securing for sea, and in emergencies Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration Equipment operation is safely carried out in accordance with established procedures
Knowledge of the following procedures and ability to:
1. rig and unrig bosun’s chairs and staging
2. rig and unrig pilot ladders, hoists, rat-guards and gangways
3. use marlin spike seamanship skills, including the proper use of knots, splices and stoppers
Use and handling of deck and cargo-handling gear and equipment:
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration Demonstrate the proper methods for rigging and unrigging in accordance with safe industry practice
Demonstrate the proper creation and use of knots, splices, stoppers, whippings, servings as well as proper canvas handling
1. access arrangements, hatches and hatch covers, ramps, side/ bow/stern doors or elevators
2. pipeline systems – bilge and ballast suctions and wells
3. cranes, derricks, winches
Knowledge of hoisting and dipping flags and the main single- flag signals. (A, B, G, H, O, P, Q)

Demonstrate the proper use of blocks and tackle
Demonstrate the proper methods for handling lines, wires, cables and chains
occupational health and safety precautions
Working knowledge of safe working practices and personal shipboard safety including:
1. working aloft
2. working over the side
3. working in enclosed spaces
4. permit to work systems
5. line handling
6. lifting techniques and methods of preventing back injury
7. electrical safety
8. mechanical safety
9. chemical and biohazard safety
10. personal safety equipment
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Procedures designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Safe working practices are observed and appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used at all times
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Apply precautions and contribute to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
Knowledge of the use and operation of anti-pollution equipment
Knowledge of the approved methods for disposal of marine pollutants
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Procedures designed to safeguard the marine environment are observed at all times
Operate survival craft and rescue boats Knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment
Knowledge of survival at sea techniques
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1. to 4. Actions in responding to abandon ship and survival situations are appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions and comply with accepted safety practices and standards

Function: Maintenance and repair at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to shipboard maintenance and repair Ability to use painting, lubrication and cleaning materials and equipment
Ability to understand and execute routine maintenance and repair procedures
Knowledge of surface preparation techniques
Understanding manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions
Knowledge of safe disposal of waste materials
Knowledge of the application, maintenance and use of hand and power tools
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Maintenance and repair activities are carried out in accordance with technical, safety and procedural specifications


Standards regarding engine department

Section A–III/1

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or as designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room


1. The education and training required by paragraph 2.4 of regulation III/1 shall include training in mechanical and electrical workshop skills relevant to the duties of an engineer officer.

Onboard training

2. Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or as designated duty engineer in a periodically unmanned engine-room of ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW or more whose seagoing service, in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of regulation III/1, forms part of a training programme approved as meeting the requirements of this section shall follow an approved programme of onboard training which:

1. ensures that, during the required period of seagoing service, the candidate receives systematic practical training and experience in the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an officer in charge of an engine-room watch, taking into account the guidance given in section B–III/1 of this Code;

2. is closely supervised and monitored by a qualified and certificated engineer officer aboard the ships in which the approved seagoing service is performed; and

3. is adequately documented in a training record book.

Standard of competence

3. Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or as designated duty engineer in a periodically unmanned engine-room on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be required to demonstrate ability to undertake, at the operational level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–III/1.

4. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A–III/1.

5. The level of knowledge of the material listed in column 2 of table A–III/1 shall be sufficient for engineer officers to carry out their watchkeeping duties.

6. Training and experience to achieve the necessary theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall be based on section A–VIII/2, part 4–2 – Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch, and shall take into account the relevant requirements of this part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.

7. Candidates for certification for service in ships in which steam boilers do not form part of their machinery may omit the relevant requirements of table A–III/1. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for service on ships in which steam boilers form part of a ship’s machinery until the engineer officer meets the standard of competence in the items omitted from table A–III/1. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

8. The Administration may omit knowledge requirements for types of propulsion machinery other than those machinery installations for which the certificate to be awarded shall be valid. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for any category of machinery installation which has been omitted until the engineer officer proves to be competent in these knowledge requirements. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

9. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–III/1.

Near-coastal voyages

10. The requirements of paragraphs 2.2 to 2.5 of regulation III/1 relating to level of knowledge, understanding and proficiency required under the different sections listed in column 2 of table A–III/1 may be varied for engineer officers of ships powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 3,000 kW propulsion power engaged on near-coastal voyages, as considered necessary, bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

Table A–III/1

Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room

Function: Marine engineering at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintain a safe
Thorough knowledge of Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch, including:
1. duties associated with taking over and accepting a watch
2. routine duties undertaken during a watch
3. maintenance of the machinery space logs and the significance of the readings taken
4. duties associated with handing over a watch
Safety and emergency procedures; change-over of remote/automatic to local control of all systems
Safety precautions to be observed during a watch and immediate actions to be taken in the event of fire or accident, with particular reference to oil systems

Engine-room resource management
Knowledge of engine-room resource management principles, including:
1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
2. effective communication
3. assertiveness and leadership
4. obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
5. consideration of team experience
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training
2. approved in-service experience
3. approved simulator training
The conduct, handover and relief of the watch conforms with accepted principles and procedures
The frequency and extent of monitoring of engineering equipment and systems conforms to manufacturers’ recommendations and accepted principles and procedures, including Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch
A proper record is maintained of the movements and activities relating to the ship’s engineering systems
Resources are allocated and assigned as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks
Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received
Questionable decisions and/or actions result in appropriate challenge and response
Effective leadership behaviours are identified
Team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted engine-room and associated systems state, and of external environment
Use English in written and oral form Adequate knowledge of the English language to enable the officer to use engineering publications and to perform engineering duties Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction English language publications relevant to engineering duties are correctly interpreted
Communications are clear and understood
Use internal communication systems Operation of all internal communication systems on board Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Transmission and reception of messages are consistently successful
Communication records are complete, accurate and comply with statutory requirements
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Operate main and auxiliary machinery and associated control systems Basic construction and operation principles of machinery systems, including:
1. marine diesel engine
2. marine steam turbine
3. marine gas turbine
4. marine boiler
5. shafting installations, including propeller
6. other auxiliaries, including various pumps, air compressor, purifier, fresh water generator, heat exchanger, refrigeration, air- conditioning and ventilation systems
7. steering gear
8. automatic control systems
9. fluid flow and characteristics of lubricating oil, fuel oil and cooling systems
10. deck machinery
Safety and emergency procedures for operation of propulsion plant machinery, including control systems
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved laboratory equipment training
Construction and operating mechanisms can be understood and explained with drawings/instructions
Preparation, operation, fault detection and necessary measures to prevent damage for the following machinery items and control systems:
1. main engine and associated auxiliaries
2. steam boiler and associated auxiliaries and steam systems
3. auxiliary prime movers and associated systems
4. other auxiliaries, including refrigeration, air-conditioning and ventilation systems
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with operating manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure safety of operations and avoid pollution of the marine environment
Deviations from the norm are promptly identified
The output of plant and engineering systems consistently meets requirements, including bridge orders relating to changes in speed and direction
The causes of machinery malfunctions are promptly identified and actions are designed to ensure the overall safety of the ship and the plant, having regard to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
Operate fuel, lubrication, ballast and other pumping systems and associated control systems Operational characteristics of pumps and piping systems, including control systems
Operation of pumping systems:
1. routine pumping operations
2. operation of bilge, ballast and cargo pumping systems
Oily-water separators (or similar equipment) requirements and operation
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with operating manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure safety of operations and avoid pollution of the marine environment
Deviations from the norm are promptly identified and appropriate action is taken

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Operate electrical, electronic and control systems Basic configuration and operation principles of the following electrical, electronic and control equipment:
1. electrical equipment:
a. generator and distribution
b. preparing, starting, paralleling and changing over generators
c. electrical motors including starting methodologies
d. high-voltage installations
e. sequential control circuits and associated system devices
2. electronic equipment:
a. characteristics of basic
electronic circuit elements
b. flowchart for automatic
and control systems
c. functions, characteristics and features of control systems for machinery items, including main propulsion plant operation control and steam boiler automatic controls
3. control systems:
a. various automatic control methodologies and characteristics
b. Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control characteristics and associated system devices for process control
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with operating manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure safety of operations
Electrical, electronic and control systems can be understood and explained with drawings/instructions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment Safety requirements for working on shipboard electrical systems, including the safe isolation of electrical equipment required before personnel are permitted to work on such equipment
Maintenance and repair of electrical system equipment, switchboards, electric motors, generator and DC electrical systems and equipment
Detection of electric malfunction, location of faults and measures to prevent damage
Construction and operation of electrical testing and measuring equipment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved workshop skills training
2. approved practical experience and tests
3. approved in-service experience
4. approved training ship experience
Safety measures for working are appropriate
Selection and use of hand tools, measuring instruments, and testing equipment are appropriate and interpretation of results is accurate
Dismantling, inspecting, repairing and reassembling equipment are in accordance with manuals and good practice
Reassembling and performance testing is in accordance with manuals and good practice
Function and performance tests of the following equipment and their configuration:
1. monitoring systems
2. automatic control devices
3. protective devices
The interpretation of electrical and simple electronic diagrams

Function: Maintenance and repair at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Appropriate use of hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments for fabrication and repair on board Characteristics and limitations of materials used in construction and repair of ships and equipment
Characteristics and limitations of processes used for fabrication and repair
Properties and parameters considered in the fabrication and repair of systems and components
Methods for carrying out safe emergency/temporary repairs
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved workshop skills training
2. approved practical experience and tests
3. approved in-service experience
4. approved training ship experience
Identification of important parameters for fabrication of typical ship-related components is appropriate
Selection of materials is appropriate
Fabrication is to designated tolerances
Use of equipment and hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments is appropriate and safe
Maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment Safety measures to be taken to ensure a safe working environment and for using hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments
Use of hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments
Use of various types of sealants and packings
Safety measures to be taken for repair and maintenance, including the safe isolation of shipboard machinery and equipment required before personnel are permitted to work on such machinery or equipment
Appropriate basic mechanical knowledge and skills
Maintenance and repair, such as dismantling, adjustment and reassembling of machinery and equipment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved workshop skills training
2. approved practical experience and tests
3. approved in-service experience
4. approved training ship experience
Safety procedures followed are appropriate
Selection of tools and spare gear is appropriate
Dismantling, inspecting, repairing and reassembling equipment is in accordance with manuals and good practice
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment The use of appropriate specialized tools and measuring instruments
Design characteristics and selection of materials in construction of equipment
Interpretation of machinery drawings and handbooks
The interpretation of piping, hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams
Re-commissioning and performance testing is in accordance with manuals and good practice

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
compliance with pollution-prevention requirements
Prevention of pollution of the marine environment
Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment
Importance of proactive measures to protect the marine environment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved training
Procedures for monitoring shipboard operations and ensuring compliance with MARPOL requirements are fully observed
Actions to ensure that a positive environmental reputation is maintained
Maintain seaworthiness of the ship Ship stability
Working knowledge and application of stability, trim and stress tables, diagrams and stress- calculating equipment
Understanding of the fundamentals of watertight integrity
Understanding of fundamental actions to be taken in the event of partial loss of intact buoyancy
Ship construction
General knowledge of the principal structural members of a ship and the proper names for the various parts
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The stability conditions comply with the IMO intact stability criteria under all conditions of loading
Actions to ensure and maintain the watertight integrity of the ship are in accordance with accepted practice
Prevent, control and fight fires on board Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances
Ability to organize fire drills
Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire
Knowledge of fire-fighting systems
Action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved fire-fighting training and experience as set out in section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1. to 3. The type and scale of the problem is promptly identified and initial actions conform with the emergency procedure and contingency plans for the ship
Evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation procedures are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and are implemented promptly
The order of priority, and the levels and time-scales of making reports and informing personnel on board, are relevant to the nature of the emergency and reflect the urgency of the problem
Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, satellite EPIRBs, SARTs, immersion suits and thermal protective aids
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1. to 4. Actions in responding to abandon ship and survival situations are appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions and comply with accepted safety practices and standards
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Apply medical first aid on board ship Medical aid
Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, including the ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ship
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training as set out in section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1. to 3. Identification of probable cause, nature and extent of injuries or conditions is prompt and treatment minimizes immediate threat to life
compliance with legislative requirements
Basic working knowledge of the relevant IMO conventions concerning safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment Assessment of evidence obtained from examination or approved training Legislative requirements relating to safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment are correctly identified
Application of leadership and teamworking skills Working knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training
A knowledge of related international maritime conventions and recommendations, and national legislation
Ability to apply task and workload management, including:
1. planning and co-ordination
2. personnel assignment
3. time and resource constraints
4. prioritization
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management:
1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
2. effective communication on board and ashore
3. decisions reflect consideration of team experiences
4. assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
5. obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:
1. situation and risk assessment
2. identify and consider generated options
3. selecting course of action
4. evaluation of outcome effectiveness
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training
2. approved in-service experience
3. practical demonstration
The crew are allocated duties and informed of expected standards of work and behaviour in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned
Training objectives and activities are based on assessment of current competence and capabilities and operational requirements.
Operations are demonstrated to be in accordance with applicable rules
Operations are planned and resources are allocated as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks
Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received
Effective leadership behaviours are demonstrated
Necessary team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted vessel state and operational status and external environment
Decisions are most effective for the situation
Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship Knowledge of personal survival techniques
Knowledge of fire prevention and ability to fight and extinguish fires
Knowledge of elementary first aid
Knowledge of personal safety and social responsibilities
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2. Appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Procedures and safe working practices designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Procedures designed to safeguard the environment are observed at all times
Initial and follow-up actions on becoming aware of an emergency conform with established emergency response procedures

Section A–III/2

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification as chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW power or more shall be required to demonstrate ability to undertake, at the management level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–III/2.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A–III/2. This incorporates, expands and extends in depth the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–III/1 for officers in charge of an engineering watch.

3. Bearing in mind that a second engineer officer shall be in a position to assume the responsibilities of the chief engineer officer at any time, assessment in these subjects shall be designed to test the candidate’s ability to assimilate all available information that affects the safe operation of the ship’s machinery and the protection of the marine environment.

4. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–III/2 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to serve in the capacity of chief engineer officer or second engineer officer.

5. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take into account the relevant requirements of this part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.

6. The Administration may omit knowledge requirements for types of propulsion machinery other than those machinery installations for which the certificate to be awarded shall be valid. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for any category of machinery installation which has been omitted until the engineer officer proves to be competent in these knowledge requirements. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

7. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–III/2.

Near-coastal voyages

8. The level of knowledge, understanding and proficiency required under the different sections listed in column 2 of table A–III/2 may be varied for engineer officers of ships powered by main propulsion machinery with limited propulsion power engaged on near-coastal voyages, as considered necessary, bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

Table A–III/2

Specification of minimum standard of competence for chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more

Function: Marine engineering at the management level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Manage the operation of propulsion plant machinery Design features, and operative mechanism of the following machinery and associated auxiliaries:
1. marine diesel engine
2. marine steam turbine
3. marine gas turbine
4. marine steam boiler
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Explanation and understanding of design features and operating mechanisms are appropriate
Plan and schedule operations Theoretical knowledge
Thermodynamics and heat transmission
Mechanics and hydromechanics
Propulsive characteristics of diesel engines, steam and gas turbines, including speed, output and fuel consumption
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The planning and preparation of operations is suited to the design parameters of the power installation and to the requirements of the voyage
Heat cycle, thermal efficiency and heat balance of the following:
1. marine diesel engine
2. marine steam turbine
3. marine gas turbine
4. marine steam boiler
Refrigerators and refrigeration cycle
Operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery Physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants
Technology of materials
Naval architecture and ship construction, including damage control
Practical knowledge
Start up and shut down main propulsion and auxiliary machinery, including associated systems
Operating limits of propulsion plant
The efficient operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery
Functions and mechanism of automatic control for main engine
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The methods of preparing for the start-up and of making available fuels, lubricants, cooling water and air are the most appropriate
Checks of pressures, temperatures and revolutions during the startup and warm-up period are in accordance with technical specifications and agreed work plans
Surveillance of main propulsion plant and auxiliary systems is sufficient to maintain safe operating conditions
The methods of preparing the shutdown, and of supervising the cooling down of the engine are the most appropriate
Functions and mechanism of automatic control for auxiliary machinery including but not limited to:
1. generator distribution systems
2. steam boilers
3. oil purifier
4. refrigeration system
5. pumping and piping systems
6. steering gear system
7. cargo-handling equipment and deck machinery
Operation and maintenance of machinery, including pumps and piping systems
The methods of measuring the load capacity of the engines are in accordance with technical specifications
Manage fuel, lubrication and ballast operations . Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Performance is checked against bridge orders
Performance levels are in accordance with technical specifications
Fuel and ballast operations meet operational requirements and are carried out so as to prevent pollution of the marine environment

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the management level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Manage operation of electrical and electronic control equipment Theoretical knowledge
Marine electrotechnology, electronics, power electronics, automatic control engineering and safety devices
Design features and system configurations of automatic control equipment and safety devices for the following:
1. main engine
2. generator and distribution system
3. steam boiler
Design features and system configurations of operational control equipment for electrical motors
Design features of high-voltage installations
Features of hydraulic and pneumatic control equipment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Operation of equipment and system is in accordance with operating manuals
Performance levels are in accordance with technical specifications
trouble-shooting, restoration of electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition
Practical knowledge
Troubleshooting of electrical and electronic control equipment
Function test of electrical, electronic control equipment and safety devices
Troubleshooting of monitoring systems
Software version control
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Maintenance activities are correctly planned in accordance with technical, legislative, safety and procedural specifications
Inspection, testing and troubleshooting of equipment are appropriate

Function: Maintenance and repair at the management level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Manage safe and effective maintenance and repair procedures Theoretical knowledge Marine
engineering practice Practical
Manage safe and effective maintenance and repair procedures
Planning maintenance, including statutory and class verifications
Planning repairs
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved workshop training
Maintenance activities are correctly planned and carried out in accordance with technical, legislative, safety and procedural specifications
Appropriate plans, specifications, materials and equipment are available for maintenance and repair
Action taken leads to the restoration of plant by the most suitable method
Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults Practical knowledge
Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage
Inspection and adjustment of equipment
Non-destructive examination
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The methods of comparing actual operating conditions are in accordance with recommended practices and procedures
Actions and decisions are in accordance with recommended operating specifications and limitations
Ensure safe working practices Practical knowledge
Safe working practices
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved laboratory equipment training
Working practices are in accordance with legislative requirements, codes of practice, permits to work and environmental concerns

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Control trim, stability and stress Understanding of fundamental principles of ship construction and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and measures necessary to preserve trim and stability
Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event of damage to, and consequent flooding of, a compartment and countermeasures to be taken
Knowledge of IMO recommendations concerning ship stability
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Stability and stress conditions are maintained within safety limits at all times
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, security and protection of the marine environment Knowledge of relevant international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions
Regard shall be paid especially to the following subjects:
1. certificates and other documents required to be carried on board ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and the period of their legal validity
2. responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended
3. responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended
4. responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, as amended
5. maritime declarations of
health and the requirements of the International Health Regulations
6. responsibilities under international instruments affecting the safety of the ships, passengers, crew or cargo
7. methods and aids to prevent pollution of the environment by ships
8. knowledge of national
legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Procedures for monitoring operations and maintenance comply with legislative requirements
Potential non-compliance is promptly and fully identified
Requirements for renewal and extension of certificates ensure continued validity of survey items and equipment
Maintain safety and security of the vessel, crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea)
Organization of fire and abandon ship drills
Maintenance of operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems
Actions to be taken to protect and safeguard all persons on board in emergencies
Actions to limit damage and salve the ship following fire, explosion, collision or grounding
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction and approved in-service training and experience Procedures for monitoring fire-detection and safety systems ensure that all alarms are detected promptly and acted upon in
accordance with established emergency procedures
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Develop emergency and damage control plans and handle emergency situations Ship construction, including damage control
Methods and aids for fire prevention, detection and extinction
Functions and use of life-saving appliances
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from approved in-service training and experience Emergency procedures are in accordance with the established plans for emergency situations
Use leadership and managerial skills Knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training
A knowledge of international maritime conventions and recommendations, and related national legislation
Ability to apply task and workload management, including:
1. planning and coordination
2. personnel assignment
3. time and resource constraints
4. prioritization
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management:
1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
2. effective communication on board and ashore
3. decisions reflect consideration of team experience
4. assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
5. obtaining and maintaining situation awareness
Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:
1. situation and risk assessment
2. identify and generate options
3. select course of action
4. evaluation of outcome effectiveness
Development, implementation, and oversight of standard operating procedures
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training
2. approved in-service experience
3. approved simulator training
The crew are allocated duties and informed of expected standards of work and behaviour in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned
Training objectives and activities are based on assessment of current competence and capabilities and operational requirements
Operations are demonstrated to be in accordance with applicable rules
Operations are planned and resources are allocated as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks
Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received
Effective leadership behaviours are demonstrated
Necessary team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted vessel state and operational status and external environment
Decisions are most effective for the situation
Operations are demonstrated to be effective and in accordance with applicable rules

Section A–III/3

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3,000 kW propulsion power

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification as chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3,000 kW power shall be required to demonstrate ability to undertake, at management level, the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–III/2.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A–III/2. This incorporates, expands and extends in depth the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–III/1 for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room.

3. Bearing in mind that a second engineer officer shall be in a position to assume the responsibilities of the chief engineer officer at any time, assessment in these subjects shall be designed to test the candidate’s ability to assimilate all available information that affects the safe operation of the ship’s machinery and the protection of the marine environment.

4. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–III/2 may be lowered but shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to serve in the capacity of chief engineer officer or second engineer officer at the range of propulsion power specified in this section.

5. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take into account the relevant requirements of this part and the guidance given in part B of this Code.

6. The Administration may omit knowledge requirements for types of propulsion machinery other than those machinery installations for which the certificate to be awarded shall be valid. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for any category of machinery installation which has been omitted until the engineer officer proves to be competent in these knowledge requirements. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

7. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–III/2.

Near-coastal voyages

8. The level of knowledge, understanding and proficiency required under the different sections listed in column 2 of table A–III/2 and the requirements of paragraphs 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of regulation III/3 may be varied for engineer officers of ships powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 3,000 kW main propulsion power engaged on near-coastal voyages, as considered necessary, bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters. Any such limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

Section A–III/4

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings forming part of a watch in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room

Standard of competence

1. Every rating forming part of an engine-room watch on a seagoing ship shall be required to demonstrate the competence to perform the marine engineering function at the support level, as specified in column 1 of table A–III/4.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required of ratings forming part of an engine-room watch is listed in column 2 of table A–III/4.

3. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence specified in columns 3 and 4 of table A–III/4. The reference to „practical test” in column 3 may include approved shore-based training in which the students undergo practical testing.

4. Where there are no tables of competence for the support level with respect to certain functions, it remains the responsibility of the Administration to determine the appropriate training, assessment and certification requirements to be applied to personnel designated to perform those functions at the support level.

Table A–III/4

Specification of minimum standard of competence for ratings forming part of an engineering watch

Function: Marine engineering at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Carry out a watch routine appropriate to the duties of a rating forming part of an engine-room watch
Understand orders and be understood in matters relevant to watchkeeping duties
Terms used in machinery spaces and names of machinery and equipment
Engine-room watchkeeping procedures
Safe working practices as related to engine-room operations
Basic environmental protection procedures
Use of appropriate internal communication system
Engine-room alarm systems and ability to distinguish between the various alarms, with special reference to fire-extinguishing gas alarms
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience;
2. approved training ship experience; or
3. practical test
Communications are clear and concise and advice or clarification is sought from the officer of the watch where watch information or instructions are not clearly understood
Maintenance, handover and relief of the watch is in conformity with accepted principles and procedures
For keeping a boiler watch:
Maintain the correct water levels and steam pressures
Safe operation of boilers Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience;
2. approved training ship experience;
3. practical test; or
4. approved simulator training, where appropriate
Assessment of boiler condition is accurate and based on relevant information available from local and remote indicators and physical inspections
The sequence and timing of adjustments maintains safety and optimum efficiency
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Operate emergency equipment and apply emergency procedures Knowledge of emergency duties
Escape routes from machinery spaces
Familiarity with the location and use of fire-fighting equipment in the machinery spaces
Assessment of evidence obtained from demonstration and approved in-service experience or approved training ship experience Initial action on becoming aware of an emergency or abnormal situation conforms with established procedures
Communications are clear and concise at all times and orders are acknowledged in a seamanlike manner

Section A–III/5

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room

Standard of competence

1. Every able seafarer engine serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be required to demonstrate the competence to perform the functions at the support level, as specified in column 1 of table A–III/5.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required of an able seafarer engine serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more is listed in column 2 of table A–III/5.

3. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence specified in columns 3 and 4 of table A–III/5.

Table A–III/5

Specification of minimum standard of competence for ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room

Function: Marine engineering at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to a safe engineering watch Ability to understand orders and to communicate with the officer of the watch in matters relevant to watchkeeping duties
Procedures for the relief, maintenance and handover of a watch
Information required to maintain a safe watch
Assessment of evidence obtained from in-service experience or practical test Communications are clear and concise
Maintenance, handover and relief of the watch is in conformity with acceptable practices and procedures
Contribute to the monitoring and controlling of an engine-room watch Basic knowledge of the function and operation of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery
Basic understanding of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery control pressures, temperatures and levels
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience;
2. approved training ship experience; or
3. practical test
The frequency and extent of monitoring of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery conforms with accepted principles and procedures
Deviations from the norm are identified
Unsafe conditions or potential hazards are promptly recognized, reported and rectified before work continues
Contribute to fuelling and oil transfer operations Knowledge of the function and operation of fuel system and oil transfer operations, including:
1. preparations for fuelling and transfer operations
2. procedures for connecting and disconnecting fuelling and transfer hoses
3. procedures relating to incidents that may arise during fuelling or transferring operation
4. securing from fuelling and transfer operations
5. ability to correctly measure and report tank levels
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration
Transfer operations are carried out in accordance with established safety practices and equipment operating instructions
The handling of dangerous, hazardous and harmful liquids complies with established safety practices
Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility are consistently successful
Contribute to bilge and ballast operations Knowledge of the safe function, operation and maintenance of the bilge and ballast systems, including:
1. reporting incidents associated with transfer operations
2. ability to correctly measure and report tank levels
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration
Operations and
maintenance are carried out in
accordance with established
safety practices and equipment
operating instructions and
of the marine environment is
Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility are consistently successful
Contribute to the operation of equipment and machinery Safe operation of equipment, including:
1. valves and pumps
2. hoists and lifting equipment
3. hatches, watertight doors, ports and related equipment
Ability to use and understand basic crane, winch and hoist signals
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration
Operations are carried out in accordance with established safety practices and equipment operating instructions
Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility are consistently successful

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Safe use of electrical equipment Safe use and operation of electrical equipment, including:
1 safety precautions before commencing work or repair
2 isolation procedures
3 emergency procedures
4 different voltages on board
Knowledge of the causes of electric shock and precautions to be observed to prevent shock
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Recognizes and reports electrical hazards and unsafe equipment
Understands safe voltages for hand-held equipment
Understands risks associated with high-voltage equipment and onboard work

Function: Maintenance and repair at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to shipboard maintenance and repair Ability to use painting, lubrication and cleaning materials and equipment Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration Maintenance activities are carried out in accordance with technical, safety and
Ability to understand and execute routine maintenance and repair procedures
Knowledge of surface preparation techniques
Knowledge of safe disposal of waste materials
Understanding manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
procedural specifications
Selection and use of equipment and tools is appropriate
Knowledge of the application, maintenance and use of hand and power tools and measuring instruments and machine tools
Knowledge of metalwork

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the handling of stores

Apply precautions and contribute to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment
Knowledge of procedures for safe handling, stowage and securing of stores

Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
Knowledge of use and operation of anti-pollution equipment
Knowledge of approved methods for disposal of marine pollutants
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience

Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Stores operations are carried out in accordance with established safety practices and equipment operating instructions
The handling of dangerous, hazardous and harmful stores complies with established safety practices
Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility are consistently successful
Procedures designed to safeguard the marine environment are observed at all times
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for
Criteria for evaluating competence
occupational health and safety procedures
Working knowledge of safe working practices and personal shipboard safety, including:
1. electrical safety
2. lockout/tag-out
3. mechanical safety
4. permit to work systems
5. working aloft
6. working in enclosed spaces
7. lifting techniques and methods of preventing back injury
8. chemical and biohazard safety
9. personal safety equipment
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Procedures designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Safe working practices are observed and appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used at all times

Section A–III/6

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical officers


1. The education and training required by paragraph 2.3 of regulation III/6 shall include training in electronic and electrical workshop skills relevant to the duties of electro-technical officer.

Onboard training

2. Every candidate for certification as electro-technical officer shall follow an approved programme of onboard training which:

1. ensures that, during the required period of seagoing service, the candidate receives systematic practical training and experience in the tasks, duties and responsibilities of an electro-technical officer;

2. is closely supervised and monitored by qualified and certificated officers aboard the ships in which the approved seagoing service is performed; and

3. is adequately documented in a training record book.

Standard of competence

3. Every candidate for certification as electro-technical officer shall be required to demonstrate the ability to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–III/6.

4. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in column 2 of table A–III/6 and it shall take into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

5. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–III/6.

Table A–III/6

Specification of minimum standard of competence for electro-technical officers

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Monitor the operation of electrical, electronic and control systems Basic understanding of the operation of mechanical engineering systems, including:
1. prime movers, including main propulsion plant
2. engine-room auxiliary machinery
3. steering systems
4. cargo handling systems
5. deck machinery
6. hotel systems
Basic knowledge of heat transmission, mechanics and hydromechanics
Knowledge of:
Electro-technology and electrical machines theory
Fundamentals of electronics andpower electronics
Electrical power distribution boards and electrical equipment
Fundamentals of automation, automatic control systems and technology
Instrumentation, alarm and monitoring systems
Electrical drives
Technology of electrical materials
Electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic control systems
Appreciation of the hazards and precautions required for the operation of power systems above 1,000 volts
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Operation of equipment and system is in accordance with operating manuals
Performance levels are in accordance with technical specifications
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Monitor the operation of automatic control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery Preparation of control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery for operation Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Surveillance of main propulsion plant and auxiliary systems is sufficient to maintain safe operation condition
Operate generators and distribution systems Coupling, load sharing and changing over generators
Coupling and breaking connection between switchboards and distribution panels
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with operating manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure safety of operations
Electrical distribution systems can be understood and explained with drawings/instructions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts Theoretical knowledge
High-voltage technology
Safety precautions and procedures
Electrical propulsion of the ships, electrical motors and control systems
Practical knowledge
Safe operation and maintenance of high-voltage systems, including knowledge of the special technical type of high-voltage systems and the danger resulting from operational voltage of more than 1,000 volts
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with operating manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure safety of operations
Operate computers and computer networks on ships Understanding of:
1. main features of data processing
2. construction and use of
computer networks on ships
3. bridge-based, engine-room-based and commercial computer use
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Computer networks and computers are correctly checked and handled
Use English in written and oral form Adequate knowledge of the English language to enable the officer to use engineering publications and to perform the officer’s duties Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical instructions English language publications relevant to the officer’s duties are correctly interpreted
Communications are clear and understood
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Use internal communication systems Operation of all internal communication systems on board Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
Transmission and reception of messages are consistently successful
Communication records are complete, accurate and comply with statutory requirements

Function: Maintenance and repair at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment Safety requirements for working on shipboard electrical systems, including the safe isolation of electrical equipment required before personnel are permitted to work on such equipment
Maintenance and repair of electrical system equipment, switchboards, electric motors, generators and DC electrical systems and equipment
Detection of electric malfunction, location of faults and measures to prevent damage
Construction and operation of electrical testing and measuring equipment
Function and performance tests of the following equipment and their configuration:
1. monitoring systems
2. automatic control devices
3. protective devices
The interpretation of electrical and electronic diagrams
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved workshop skills training
2. approved practical experience and tests
3. approved in- service experience
4. approved training ship experience
Safety measures for working are appropriate
Selection and use of hand tools, measuring instruments, and testing equipment are appropriate and interpretation of results is accurate
Dismantling, inspecting, repairing and reassembling equipment are in accordance with manuals and good practice
Reassembling and performance testing is in accordance with manuals and good practice
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintenance and repair of automation and control systems of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery Appropriate electrical and mechanical knowledge and skills
Safety and emergency procedures
Safe isolation of equipment and associated systems required before personnel are permitted to work on such plant or equipment
Practical knowledge for the testing, maintenance, fault finding and repair
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The effect of malfunctions on associated plant and systems is accurately identified, ship’s technical drawings are correctly interpreted, measuring and calibrating instruments are correctly used and actions taken are justified
Isolation, dismantling and reassembly of plant and equipment are in accordance with manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions and legislative and safety specifications. Action taken leads to the restoration of automation and control systems by the method most suitable and appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
Maintenance and repair of bridge navigation equipment and ship
communication systems
Knowledge of the principles and maintenance procedures of navigation equipment, internal and external communication systems
Theoretical knowledge:
Electrical and electronic systems operating in flammable areas
Practical knowledge:
Carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures
Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage
The effect of malfunctions on associated plant and systems is accurately identified, ship’s technical drawings are correctly interpreted, measuring and calibrating instruments are correctly used and actions taken are justified
Isolation, dismantling and re-assembly of plant and equipment are in accordance with manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions, legislative and safety specifications. Action taken leads to the restoration of bridge navigation equipment and ship communication systems by the method most suitable and appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintenance and repair of electrical, electronic and control systems of deck machinery and cargo-handling equipment Appropriate electrical and mechanical knowledge and skills
Safety and emergency procedures
Safe isolation of equipment and associated systems required before personnel are permitted to work on such plant or equipment
Practical knowledge for the testing, maintenance, fault finding and repair
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition
Theoretical knowledge:
Electrical and electronic systems operating in flammable areas
Practical knowledge:
Carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures
Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The effect of malfunctions on associated plant and systems is accurately identified, ship’s technical drawings are correctly interpreted, measuring and calibrating instruments are correctly used and actions taken are justified
Isolation, dismantling and reassembly of plant and equipment are in accordance with manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions, legislative and safety specifications. Action taken leads to the restoration of deck machinery and cargo-handling equipment by the method most suitable and appropriate to
the prevailing circumstances and conditions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintenance and repair of control and safety systems of hotel equipment Theoretical knowledge:
Electrical and electronic systems operating in flammable areas
Practical knowledge:
Carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures
Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage
The effect of malfunctions on associated plant and systems is accurately identified, ship’s technical drawings are correctly interpreted, measuring and calibrating instruments are correctly used and actions taken are justified
Isolation, dismantling and reassembly of plant and equipment are in accordance with manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions, legislative and safety specifications. Action taken leads to the restoration of control and safety systems of hotel equipment by the method most suitable and appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements Prevention of pollution of the marine environment
Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment
Importance of proactive measures to protect the marine environment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved training
Procedures for monitoring shipboard operations and ensuring compliance with pollution-prevention requirements are fully observed
Actions to ensure that a positive environmental reputation is maintained
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Prevent, control and fight fire on board Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances
Ability to organize fire drills
Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire
Knowledge of fire-fighting systems
Action to be taken in the event of fire, including fires involving oil systems
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved fire-fighting training and experience as set out in section A–VI/3, paragraphs 1. to 3. The type and scale of the problem is promptly identified and initial actions conform with the emergency procedure and contingency plans for the ship
Evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation procedures are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and are implemented promptly
The order of priority, and the levels and time-scales of making reports and informing personnel on board, are relevant to the nature of the emergency and reflect the urgency of the problem
Operate life-saving appliances Life-saving
Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, satellite EPIRBs, SARTs, immersion suits and thermal protective aids
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/2, paragraphs 1. to 4. Actions in responding to abandon ship and survival situations are appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions and comply with accepted safety practices and standards
Apply medical first aid on board ship Medical aid
Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, including the ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ship
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training as set out in section A–VI/4, paragraphs 1. to 3. Identification of probable cause, nature and extent of injuries or conditions is prompt and treatment minimizes immediate threat to life
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Application of leadership and teamworking skills Working knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training
Ability to apply task and workload management, including:
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved training.
2. approved in-service experience
3. practical demonstration
The crew are allocated duties and informed of expected standards of work and behaviour in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned
1. planning and co-ordination
2. personnel assignment
3. time and resource constraints
4. prioritization
Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management:
1. allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources
2. effective communication on board and ashore
3. decisions reflect consideration of team experiences
4. assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
5. obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:
1. situation and risk assessment
2. identify and consider generated options
3. selecting course of action
4. evaluation of outcome effectiveness
Training objectives and activities are based on assessment of current competence and capabilities and operational requirements
Operations are planned and resources are allocated as needed in correct priority to perform necessary tasks
Communication is clearly and unambiguously given and received
Effective leadership behaviours are demonstrated
Necessary team member(s) share accurate understanding of current and predicted vessel state and operational status and external environment
Decisions are most effective for the situation
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship Knowledge of personal survival techniques
Knowledge of fire prevention and ability to fight and extinguish fires
Knowledge of elementary first aid
Knowledge of personal safety and social responsibilities
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training and experience as set out in section A–VI/1, paragraph 2. Appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Procedures and safe working practices designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Procedures designed to safeguard the environment are observed at all times
Initial and follow-up actions on becoming aware of an emergency conform with established emergency response procedures

Section A–III/7

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical rating

Standard of Competence

1. Every electro-technical rating serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall be required to demonstrate the competence to perform the functions at the support level, as specified in column 1 of table A–III/7.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required of an electro-technical rating serving on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more is listed in column 2 of table A–III/7.

3. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence specified in columns 3 and 4 of table A–III/7.

Table A–III/7

Specification of minimum standard of competence for electro-technical ratings

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Safe use of electrical equipment Safe use and operation of electrical equipment, including:
1. safety precautions before commencing work or repair
2. isolation procedures
3. emergency procedures
4. different voltages on board
Knowledge of the causes of electric shock and precautions to be observed to prevent shock
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Understands and follows safety instructions of electrical equipment and machinery
Recognizes and reports electrical hazards and unsafe equipment
Understands safe voltages for hand-held equipment
Understands risks associated with high-voltage equipment and onboard work
Contribute to monitoring the operation of electrical systems and machinery Basic knowledge of the operation of mechanical engineering systems, including:
1. prime movers, including main propulsion plant
2. engine-room auxiliary machineries
3. steering systems
4. cargo-handling systems
5. deck machineries
6. hotel systems
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Knowledge that ensures:
1. operation of equipment and system is in accordance with operating manuals
2. performance levels are in accordance with technical specifications
Basic knowledge of:
1. electro-technology and electrical machines theory
2. electrical power distribution boards and electrical equipment
3. fundamentals of automation, automatic control systems and technology
4. instrumentation, alarm and monitoring systems
5. electrical drives
6. electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic control systems
7. coupling, load sharing and changes in electrical configuration
Use hand tools, electrical and electronic measurement equipment for fault finding, maintenance and repair operations Safety requirements for working on shipboard electrical systems
Application of safe working practices
Basic knowledge of:
1. construction and operational characteristics of shipboard AC and DC systems and equipment
2. use of measuring instruments, machine tools, and hand and power tools
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved workshop skills training
2. approved practical experience and tests
Implementation of safety procedures is satisfactory
Selection and use of test equipment is appropriate and interpretation of results is accurate
Selection of procedures for the conduct of repair and maintenance is in accordance with manuals and good practice

Function: Maintenance and repair at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to shipboard maintenance and repair Ability to use lubrication and cleaning materials and equipment
Knowledge of safe disposal of waste materials
Ability to understand and execute routine maintenance and repair procedures
Understanding manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Maintenance activities are carried out in accordance with technical, safety and procedural specifications
Selection and use of equipment and tools is appropriate
Contribute to the maintenance and repair of electrical systems and machinery on board Safety and emergency procedures
Basic knowledge of electro-technical drawings and safe isolation of equipment and associated systems required before personnel are permitted to work on such plant or equipment
Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical control equipment and machinery to operating condition
Electrical and electronic equipment operating in flammable areas
Basics of ship’s fire-detection system
Carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures
Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults and action to prevent damage
Maintenance and repair of lighting fixtures and supply systems
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training, where appropriate
4. approved laboratory equipment training
The effect of malfunctions on associated plant and systems is accurately identified, ship’s technical drawings are correctly interpreted, measuring and calibrating instruments are correctly used and actions taken are justified
Isolation, dismantling and reassembly of plant and equipment is in accordance with manufacturer’s safety guidelines and shipboard instructions

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the support level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the handling of stores Knowledge of procedures for safe handling, stowage and securing of stores Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Stores stowage operations are carried out in accordance with established safety practices and equipment operating instructions
The handling of dangerous, hazardous and harmful stores complies with established safety practices
Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility are consistently successful
Apply precautions and contribute to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
Knowledge of use and operation of anti-pollution equipment/agents
Knowledge of approved methods for disposal of marine pollutants
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Procedures designed to safeguard the marine environment are observed at all times
occupational health and safety procedures
Working knowledge of safe working practices and personal shipboard safety, including:
1. electrical safety
2. lockout/tag-out
3. mechanical safety
4. permit to work systems
5. working aloft
6. working in enclosed spaces
7. lifting techniques and methods of preventing back injury
8. chemical and biohazard safety
9. personal safety equipment
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. practical training
3. examination
4. approved training ship experience
Procedures designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Safe working practices are observed and appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used at all times


Standards regarding radio operators

Section A–IV/1


(No provisions)

Section A–IV/2

Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of GMDSS radio operators

Standard of competence

1. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification of GMDSS radio operators shall be sufficient for radio operators to carry out their radio duties. The knowledge required for obtaining each type of certificate defined in the Radio Regulations shall be in accordance with those regulations. In addition, every candidate for certification of competency shall be required to demonstrate ability to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–IV/2.

2. The knowledge, understanding and proficiency for endorsement under the Convention of certificates issued under the provisions of the Radio Regulations are listed in column 2 of table A–IV/2.

3. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–IV/2 shall be sufficient for the candidate to carry out his duties.

4. Every candidate shall provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence through:

1. demonstration of competence to perform the tasks and duties and to assume responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–IV/2, in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of that table; and

2. examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved course of training based on the material set out in column 2 of table A–IV/2.

Table A–IV/2

Specification of minimum standard of competence for GMDSS radio operators

Function: Radiocommunications at the operational level

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Transmit and receive
information using GMDSS subsystems and equipment and fulfilling the functional requirements of GMDSS
In addition to the requirements of the Radio Regulations, a knowledge of:
1. search and rescue
radiocommunications, including procedures in the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual
2. the means to prevent the transmission of false distress alerts and the procedures to mitigate the effects of such alerts
3. ship reporting systems
4. radio medical services
5. use of the International Code of Signals and the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases
6. the English language, both written and spoken, for the communication of information relevant to safety of life at sea
Note: This requirement may be reduced in the case of the Restricted Radio Operator’s Certificate
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of operational procedures, using:
1. approved equipment
communication simulator, where appropriate
3. radiocommunication laboratory equipment
Transmission and reception of communications comply with international regulations and procedures and are carried out efficiently and effectively
English language messages relevant to the safety of the ship, security and persons on board and protection of the marine environment are correctly handled
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Provide radio services in emergencies The provision of radio services in emergencies such as:
1. abandon ship
2. fire on board ship
3. partial or full breakdown of radio installations
Preventive measures for the safety of ship and personnel in connection with hazards related to radio equipment, including electrical and non-ionizing radiation hazards
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of operational procedures, using:
1. approved equipment
communication simulator, where appropriate
3. radiocommunication laboratory equipment
Response is carried out efficiently and effectively


Standards regarding special training requirements for personnel on certain types of ships

Section A–V/1–1

Mandatory minimum requirements for the training and qualifications of masters, officers and ratings on oil and chemical tankers

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations shall be required to:

1. demonstrate the competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–V/1–1–1; and

2. provide evidence of having achieved:

2.1 the minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency listed in column 2 of table A–V/1–1–1, and

2.2 the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–V/1–1–1.

2. Every candidate for certification in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations shall be required to:

1. demonstrate the competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–V/1–1–2; and

2. provide evidence of having achieved:

2.1 the minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency listed in column 2 of table A–V/1–1–2, and

2.2 the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–V/1–1–2.

3. Every candidate for certification in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations shall be required to:

1. demonstrate the competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–V/1–1–3; and

2. provide evidence of having achieved:

2.1 the minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency listed in column 2 of table A–V/1–1–3, and

2.2 the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–V/1–1–3.

Table A–V/1–1–1

Specification of minimum standard of competence in basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the safe cargo operation of oil and chemical tankers Basic knowledge of tankers:
1. types of oil and chemical tankers
2. general arrangement and construction
Basic knowledge of cargo operations:
1. piping systems and valves
2. cargo pumps
3. loading and unloading
4. tank cleaning, purging, gas-freeing and inerting
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Communications within the area of responsibility are clear and effective
Cargo operations are carried out in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to ensure safety of operations
Basic knowledge of the physical properties of oil and chemicals:
1. pressure and temperature, including vapour pressure/temperature relationship
2. types of electrostatic charge generation
3. chemical symbols
Knowledge and understanding of tanker safety culture and safety management
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Take precautions to prevent hazards Basic knowledge of the hazards associated with tanker operations, including:
1. health hazards
2. environmental hazards
3. reactivity hazards
4. corrosion hazards
5. explosion and flammability hazards
6. sources of ignition, including electrostatic hazards
7. toxicity hazards
8. vapour leaks and clouds
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Correctly identifies, on an MSDS, relevant cargo-related hazards to the vessel and to personnel, and takes the appropriate actions in accordance with established procedures
Identification and actions on becoming aware of a hazardous situation conform to established procedures in line with best practice
Basic knowledge of hazard controls:
1. inerting, water padding, drying agents and monitoring techniques
2. anti-static measures
3. ventilation
4. segregation
5. cargo inhibition
6. importance of cargo compatibility
7. atmospheric control
8. gas testing
Understanding of information on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
occupational health and safety precautions and measures
Function and proper use of gas-measuring instruments and similar equipment
Proper use of safety equipment and protective devices, including:
1. breathing apparatus and tank-evacuating equipment
2. protective clothing and equipment
3. resuscitators
4. rescue and escape equipment
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Procedures for entry into enclosed spaces are observed.
Procedures and safe working practices designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Basic knowledge of safe working practices and procedures in accordance with legislation and industry guidelines and personal shipboard safety relevant to oil and chemical tankers, including:
1. precautions to be taken when entering enclosed spaces
2. precautions to be taken before and during repair and maintenance work
3. safety measures for hot and cold work
4. electrical safety
5. ship/shore safety checklist
Basic knowledge of first aid with reference to a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
First aid do’s and don’ts
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Carry out
Tanker fire response organization and action to be taken
Fire hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquids in bulk
Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
Portable fire-fighting foam operations
Fixed dry chemical system operations
Spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations
Practical exercises and instruction conducted under approved and truly realistic training conditions (e.g., simulated shipboard conditions) and, whenever possible and practicable, in darkness Initial actions and follow-up actions on becoming aware of fire on board conform with established practices and procedures
Action taken on identifying muster signal is appropriate to the indicated emergency and complies with established procedures
Clothing and equipment are appropriate to the nature of the fire-fighting operations
The timing and sequence of individual actions are appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
Extinguishment of fire is achieved using appropriate procedures, techniques and fire-fighting agents
Respond to emergencies Basic knowledge of emergency procedures, including emergency shutdown Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The type and impact of the emergency is promptly identified and the response actions conform to the emergency procedures and contingency plans
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment from the release of oil or chemicals Basic knowledge of the effects of oil and chemical pollution on human and marine life
Basic knowledge of shipboard procedures to prevent pollution
Basic knowledge of measures to be taken in the event of spillage, including the need to:
1. report relevant information to the responsible persons
2. assist in implementing
shipboard spill-containment procedures
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Procedures designed to safeguard the environment are observed at all times

Table A–V/1–1–2

Specification of minimum standard of competence in advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Ability to safely perform and monitor all cargo operations Design and characteristics of an oil tanker
Knowledge of oil tanker design, systems and equipment, including:
1. general arrangement and construction
2. pumping arrangement and equipment
3. tank arrangement, pipeline system and tank venting arrangement
4. gauging systems and alarms
5. cargo heating systems
6. tank cleaning, gas-freeing and inerting systems
7. ballast system
8. cargo area venting and accommodation ventilation
9. slop arrangements
10. vapour recovery systems
11. cargo-related electrical and electronic control system
12. environmental protection equipment, including Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME)
13. tank coating
14. tank temperature and pressure control systems
15. fire-fighting systems
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Communications are clear, understood and successful
Cargo operations are carried out in a safe manner, taking into account oil tanker designs, systems and equipment
Cargo operations are planned, risk is managed and carried out in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to ensure safety of operations and avoid pollution of the marine environment
Potential non-compliance with cargo-operation-related procedures is promptly identified and rectified
Proper loading, stowage and unloading of cargoes ensures that stability and stress conditions remain within safe limits at all times
Actions taken and procedures followed are correctly applied and the appropriate shipboard cargo-related equipment is properly used
Knowledge of pump theory and characteristics, including types of cargo pumps and their safe operation
Proficiency in tanker safety culture and implementation of safety-management system
Knowledge and understanding of monitoring and safety systems, including the emergency shutdown
Calibration and use of monitoring and gas-detection equipment comply with operational practices and procedures
Procedures for monitoring and safety systems ensure that all alarms are detected promptly and acted upon in accordance with established emergency procedures
Loading, unloading, care and handling of cargo
Ability to perform cargo measurements and calculations
Knowledge of the effect of bulk liquid cargoes on trim, stability and structural integrity
Knowledge and understanding of oil cargo-related operations, including:
1. loading and unloading plans
2. ballasting and deballasting
3. tank cleaning operations
4. inerting
5. gas-freeing
6. ship-to-ship transfers
7. load on top
8. crude oil washing
Development and application of cargo-related operation plans, procedures and checklists
Ability to calibrate and use monitoring and gas-detection systems, instruments and equipment
Ability to manage and supervise personnel with cargo-related responsibilities

Personnel are allocated duties and informed of procedures and standards of work to be followed, in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned and in accordance with safe operational practices
Familiarity with physical and chemical properties of oil cargoes Knowledge and understanding of the physical and chemical properties of oil cargoes
Understanding the information contained in a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Effective use is made of information resources for identification of properties and characteristics of oil cargoes and related gases, and their impact on safety, the environment and vessel operation
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Take precautions to prevent hazards Knowledge and understanding of the hazards and control measures associated with oil tanker cargo operations, including:
1. toxicity
2. flammability and explosion
3. health hazards
4. inert gas composition
5. electrostatic hazards
Knowledge and understanding of dangers of non-compliance with relevant rules/regulations
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Relevant cargo-related hazards to the vessel and to personnel associated with oil tanker cargo operations are correctly identified, and proper control measures are taken
Apply occupational health and safety precautions Knowledge and understanding of safe working practices, including risk assessment and personal shipboard safety relevant to oil tankers:
1. precautions to be taken when entering enclosed spaces, including correct use of different types of breathing apparatus
2. precautions to be taken before and during repair and maintenance work
3. precautions for hot and cold work
4. precautions for electrical safety
5. use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Procedures designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Safe working practices are observed and appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Working practices are in accordance with legislative requirements, codes of practice, permits to work and environmental concerns
Correct use of breathing apparatus
Procedures for entry into enclosed spaces are observed
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for emonstrating ompetence Criteria for evaluating competence
Respond to emergencies Knowledge and understanding of oil tanker emergency procedures, including:
1. ship emergency response plans
2. cargo operations emergency shutdown
3. actions to be taken in the event of failure of systems or services essential to cargo
4. fire-fighting on oil tankers
5. enclosed space rescue
6. use of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Actions to be taken following collision, grounding, or spillage
Knowledge of medical first aid procedures on board oil tankers
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The type and impact of the emergency is promptly identified and the response actions conform with established emergency procedures and contingency plans
The order of priority, and the levels and time-scales of making reports and informing personnel on board, are relevant to the nature of the emergency and reflect the urgency of the problem
Evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation procedures are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and are implemented promptly
The identification of and actions taken in a medical emergency conform to current recognized first aid practice and international guidelines
Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment Understanding of procedures to prevent pollution of the atmosphere and the environment Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Operations are conducted in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to prevent pollution of the environment
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Monitor and control
compliance with legislative requirements
Knowledge and understanding of relevant provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), as amended, and other relevant IMO instruments, industry guidelines
and port regulations as commonly applied
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The handling of cargoes complies with relevant IMO instruments and established industrial standards and codes of safe working practice

Table A–V/1–1–3

Specification of minimum standard of competence in advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Ability to safely perform and monitor all cargo operations Design and characteristics of a chemical tanker
Knowledge of chemical tanker designs, systems, and equipment, including:
1. general arrangement and construction
2. pumping arrangement and equipment
3. tank construction and arrangement
4. pipeline and drainage systems
5. tank and cargo pipeline pressure and temperature control systems and alarms
6. gauging control systems and alarms
7. gas-detecting systems
8. cargo heating and cooling systems
9. tank cleaning systems
10. cargo tank environmental control systems
11. ballast systems
12. cargo area venting and
accommodation ventilation
13. vapour return/recovery systems
14. fire-fighting systems
15. tank, pipeline and fittings’ material and coatings
16. slop management
Knowledge of pump theory and characteristics, including types of cargo pumps and their safe operation
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Communications are clear, understood and successful
Cargo operations are carried out in a safe manner, taking into account chemical tanker designs, systems and equipment
Cargo operations are planned, risk is managed and carried out in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to ensure safety of operations and avoid pollution of the marine environment
Proficiency in tanker safety culture and implementation of safety management system
Knowledge and understanding of monitoring and safety systems, including the emergency shutdown system
Loading, unloading, care and handling of cargo
Ability to perform cargo measurements and calculations
Knowledge of the effect of bulk liquid cargoes on trim and stability and structural integrity
Knowledge and understanding of chemical cargo-related operations, including:
1. loading and unloading plans
2. ballasting and deballasting
3. tank cleaning operations
4. tank atmosphere control
5. inerting
6. gas-freeing
7. ship-to-ship transfers
8. inhibition and stabilization requirements
9. heating and cooling requirements and consequences to adjacent cargoes
10. cargo compatibility and segregation
11. high-viscosity cargoes
12. cargo residue operations
13. operational tank entry
Development and application of cargo-related operation plans, procedures and checklists
Procedures for monitoring and safety systems ensure that all alarms are detected promptly and acted upon in accordance with established procedures
Proper loading, stowage and unloading of cargoes ensures that stability and stress conditions remain within safe limits at all times
Potential non-compliance with cargo-related procedures is promptly identified and rectified
Actions taken and procedures followed are correctly identified and appropriate shipboard cargo-related equipment is properly used
Ability to calibrate and use monitoring and gas-detection systems, instruments and equipment
Ability to manage and supervise personnel with cargo-related responsibilities
Calibration and use of monitoring and gas-detection equipment are consistent with safe operational practices and procedures
Personnel are allocated duties and informed of procedures and standards of work to be followed, in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned and in accordance with safe operational practices
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Familiarity with physical and chemical properties of chemical cargoes Knowledge and understanding of the chemical and the physical properties of noxious liquid substances, including:
1. chemical cargoes categories (corrosive, toxic, flammable, explosive)
2. chemical groups and industrial usage
3. reactivity of cargoes
Understanding the information contained in a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Effective use is made of information resources for identification of properties and characteristics of noxious liquid substances and related gases, and their impact on safety, environmental protection and vessel operation
Take precautions to prevent hazards Knowledge and understanding of the hazards and control measures associated with chemical tanker cargo operations, including:
1. flammability and explosion
2. toxicity
3. health hazards
4. inert gas composition
5. electrostatic hazards
6. reactivity
7. corrosivity
8. low-boiling-point cargoes
9. high-density cargoes
10. solidifying cargoes
11. polymerizing cargoes
Knowledge and understanding of dangers of non-compliance with relevant rules/regulations
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Relevant cargo-related hazards to the vessel and to personnel associated with chemical tanker cargo operations are correctly identified, and proper control measures are taken
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
occupational health and safety precautions
Knowledge and understanding of safe working practices, including risk assessment and personal shipboard safety relevant to chemical tankers:
1. precautions to be taken when entering enclosed spaces, including correct use of different types of breathing apparatus
2. precautions to be taken before and during repair and maintenance work
3. precautions for hot and cold work
4. precautions for electrical safety
5. use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Procedures designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Safe working practices are observed and appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Working practices are in accordance with legislative requirements, codes of practice, permits to work and environmental concerns
Correct use of breathing apparatus
Procedures for entry into enclosed spaces are observed
Respond to emergencies Knowledge and understanding of chemical tanker emergency procedures, including:
1. ship emergency response plans
2. cargo operations emergency shutdown
3. actions to be taken in the event of failure of systems or services essential to cargo
4. fire fighting on chemical tankers
5. enclosed space rescue
6. cargo reactivity
7. jettisoning cargo
8. use of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The type and impact of the emergency is promptly identified and the response actions conform with established emergency procedures and contingency plans
The order of priority, and the levels and time-scales of making reports and informing personnel on board, are relevant to the nature of the emergency and reflect the urgency of the problem
Actions to be taken following collision, grounding, or spillage
Knowledge of medical first aid procedures on board chemical tankers, with reference to the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG)
Evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation procedures are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and are implemented promptly
The identification of and actions taken in a medical emergency conform to current recognized first aid practice and international guidelines
Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment Understanding of procedures to prevent pollution of the atmosphere and the environment Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Operations are conducted in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to prevent pollution of the environment
Monitor and control
compliance with legislative requirements
Knowledge and understanding of relevant provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and other relevant IMO instruments, industry guidelines and port regulations as commonly applied
Proficiency in the use of the IBC Code and related documents
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The handling of cargoes complies with relevant IMO instruments and established industrial standards and codes of safe working practice

Section A–V/1–2

Mandatory minimum requirements for the training and qualifications of masters, officers and ratings on liquefied gas tankers

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall be required to:

1. demonstrate the competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–V/1–2–1; and

2. provide evidence of having achieved:

2.1 the minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency listed in column 2 of table A–V/1–2–1, and

2.2 the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–V/1–2–1.

2. Every candidate for certification in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations shall be required to:

1. demonstrate the competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–V/1–2–2; and

2. provide evidence of having achieved:

2.1 the minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency listed in column 2 of table A–V/1–2–2, and

2.2 the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–V/1–2–2.

Table A–V/1–2–1

Specification of minimum standard of competence in basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Contribute to the safe operation of a liquefied gas tanker Design and operational characteristics of liquefied gas tankers
Basic knowledge of liquefied gas tankers
1. types of liquefied gas tankers
2. general arrangement and construction
Basic knowledge of cargo operations:
1. piping systems and valves
2. cargo handling equipment
3. loading, unloading and care in transit
4. emergency shutdown (ESD) system
5. tank cleaning, purging, gas-freeing and inerting
Basic knowledge of the physical properties of liquefied gases, including:
1. properties and characteristics
2. pressure and temperature, including vapour pressure/ temperature relationship
3. types of electrostatic charge generation
4. chemical symbols
Knowledge and understanding of tanker safety culture and safety management
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Communications within the area of responsibility are clear and effective
Cargo operations are carried out in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to ensure safety of operations
Take precautions to prevent hazards Basic knowledge of the hazards associated with tanker operations, including:
1. health hazards
2. environmental hazards
3. reactivity hazards
4. corrosion hazards
5. explosion and flammability hazards
6. sources of ignition
7. electrostatic hazards
8. toxicity hazards
9. vapour leaks and clouds
10. extremely low temperatures
11. pressure hazards
Basic knowledge of hazard controls:
1. inerting, drying and monitoring techniques
2. anti-static measures
3. ventilation
4. segregation
5. cargo inhibition
6. importance of cargo compatibility
7. atmospheric control
8. gas testing
Understanding of information on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4 approved training programme
Correctly identifies, on an MSDS, relevant cargo-related hazards to the vessel and to personnel, and takes the appropriate actions in accordance with established procedures
Identification and actions on becoming aware of a hazardous situation conform to established procedures in line with best practice
Apply occupational health and safety precautions and measures Function and proper use of gas-measuring instruments and similar equipment
Proper use of safety equipment and protective devices, including:
1. breathing apparatus and tank evacuating equipment
2. protective clothing and equipment
3. resuscitators
4. rescue and escape equipment
Basic knowledge of safe working practices and procedures in accordance with legislation and industry guidelines and personal shipboard safety relevant to liquefied gas tankers, including:
1. precautions to be taken when entering enclosed spaces
2. precautions to be taken before and during repair and maintenance work
3. safety measures for hot and cold work
4. electrical safety
5. ship/shore safety checklist
Basic knowledge of first aid with reference to a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Procedures for entry into enclosed spaces are observed
Procedures and safe working practices designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times

Appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
First aid do’s and don’ts
Carry out fire-fighting operations Tanker fire organization and action to be taken
Special hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of liquefied gases in bulk
Fire-fighting agents used to extinguish gas fires
Fixed fire-fighting foam system operations
Portable fire-fighting foam operations
Fixed dry chemical system operations
Basic knowledge of spill containment in relation to fire-fighting operations
Practical exercises and instruction conducted under approved and truly realistic training conditions
(e.g., simulated shipboard conditions) and, whenever possible and practicable, in darkness
Initial actions and follow-up actions on becoming aware of an emergency conform with established practices and procedures
Action taken on identifying muster signals is appropriate to the indicated emergency and complies with established procedures
Clothing and equipment are appropriate to the nature of the fire-fighting operations
The timing and sequence of individual actions are appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
Extinguishment of fire is achieved using appropriate procedures, techniques and fire-fighting agents
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Respond to emergencies Basic knowledge of emergency procedures, including emergency shutdown Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The type and impact of the emergency is promptly identified and the response actions conform to the emergency procedures and contingency plans
precautions to prevent pollution of the environment from the release of liquefied gases
Basic knowledge of the effects of pollution on human and marine life
Basic knowledge of shipboard procedures to prevent pollution
Basic knowledge of measures to be taken in the event of spillage, including the need to:
1. report relevant information to the responsible persons
2. assist in implementing
shipboard spill-containment procedures
3. prevent brittle fracture
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Procedures designed to safeguard the environment are observed at all times

Table A–V/1–2–2

Specification of minimum standard of competence in advanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargo operations

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Ability to safely perform and monitor all cargo operations Design and characteristics of a liquefied gas tanker
Knowledge of liquefied gas tanker design, systems, and equipment, including:
1. types of liquefied gas tankers and cargo tanks construction
2. general arrangement and construction
3. cargo containment systems, including materials of construction and insulation
4. cargo-handling equipment and instrumentation, including:
1. cargo pumps and
pumping arrangements
2. cargo pipelines and valves
3. expansion devices
4. flame screens
5. temperature monitoring systems
6. cargo tank level-gauging systems
7. tank pressure monitoring and control systems
5. cargo temperature maintenance system
6. tank atmosphere control systems (inert gas, nitrogen), including storage, generation and distribution systems
7. cofferdam heating systems
8. gas-detecting systems
9. ballast system
10. boil-off systems
11. reliquefaction systems
12. cargo Emergency Shut Down system (ESD)
13. custody transfer system
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Communications are clear, understood and successful
Cargo operations are carried out in a safe manner, taking into account liquefied gas tanker designs, systems and equipment
Pumping operations are carried out in accordance with accepted principles and procedures and are relevant to the type of cargo
Cargo operations are planned, risk is managed and carried out in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to ensure safety of operations and avoid pollution of the marine environment
Knowledge of pump theory and characteristics, including types of cargo pumps and their safe operation
Loading, unloading, care and handling of cargo
Knowledge of the effect of bulk liquid cargoes on trim and stability and structural integrity
Proficiency in tanker safety culture and implementation of safety management requirements
Proper loading, stowage and unloading of liquefied gas cargoes ensures that stability and stress conditions remain within safe limits at all times
Potential non-compliance with cargo-related procedures is promptly identified and rectified
Actions taken and procedures followed correctly identify and make full use of appropriate shipboard equipment
Proficiency to apply safe preparations, procedures and checklists for all cargo operations, including:
1. post docking and loading:
1. tank inspection
2. inerting
(Oxygen reduction, dewpoint reduction)
3. gassing-up
4. cooling down
5. loading
6. deballasting
7. sampling, including closed-loop sampling
2. sea passage:
1. cooling down
2. pressure maintenance
3. boil-off
4. inhibiting
3. unloading:
1. unloading
2. ballasting
3. stripping and cleaning
4. systems to make the tank liquid-free
4. pre-docking preparation:
1 warm-up
2. inerting
3. gas-freeing
5. ship-to-ship transfer
Calibration and use of monitoring and gas-detection equipment is consistent with safe operational practices and procedures
Procedures for monitoring and safety systems ensure that all alarms are detected promptly and acted upon in accordance with established procedures
Proficiency to perform cargo measurements and calculations, including:
1. liquid phase
2. gas phase
3. On Board Quantity (OBQ)
4. Remain On Board (ROB)
5. boil-off cargo calculations
Proficiency to manage and supervise personnel with cargo-related responsibilities
Personnel are allocated duties and informed of procedures and standards of work to be followed, in a manner appropriate to the individuals concerned and in accordance with safe operational practices
Familiarity with physical and chemical properties of liquefied gas cargoes Knowledge and understanding of basic chemistry and physics and the relevant definitions related to the safe carriage of liquefied gases in bulk in ships, including:
1. the chemical structure of gases
2. the properties and
characteristics of liquefied gases (including CO2) and their vapours, including:
1. simple gas laws
2. states of matter
3. liquid and vapour densities
4. diffusion and mixing of gases
5. compression of gases
6. reliquefaction and refrigeration of gases
7. critical temperature of gases and pressure
8. flashpoint, upper and lower explosive limits, auto-ignition temperature
9. compatibility, reactivity and positive segregation of gases
10. polymerization
11. saturated vapour pressure/ reference temperature
12. dewpoint and bubble point
13. lubrication of compressors
14. hydrate formation
3. the properties of single liquids
4. the nature and properties of solutions
5. thermodynamic units
6. basic thermodynamic laws and diagrams
7. properties of materials
8. effect of low temperature – brittle fracture
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Effective use is made of information resources for identification of properties and characteristics of liquefied gases and their impact on safety, environmental protection and vessel operation
Understanding the information contained in a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Take precautions to prevent hazards Knowledge and understanding of the hazards and control measures associated with liquefied gas tanker cargo operations, including:
1. flammability
2. explosion
3. toxicity
4. reactivity
5. corrosivity
6. health hazards
7. inert gas composition
8. electrostatic hazards
9. polymerizing cargoes
Proficiency to calibrate and use monitoring and gas-detection systems, instruments and equipment
Knowledge and understanding of dangers of non-compliance with relevant rules/regulations
Examination and assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Relevant cargo-related hazards to the vessel and to personnel associated with liquefied gas tanker cargo operations are correctly identified, and proper control measures are taken
Use of gas-detection devices is in accordance with manuals and good practice
occupational health and safety precautions
Knowledge and understanding of safe working practices, including risk assessment and personal shipboard safety relevant to liquefied gas tankers, including:
1. precautions to be taken when entering enclosed spaces (such as compressor rooms), including the correct use of different types of breathing apparatus
2. precautions to be taken before and during repair and maintenance work, including work affecting pumping, piping, electrical and control systems
3. precautions for hot and cold work
4. precautions for electrical safety
5. use of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
6. precautions for cold burn and frostbite
7. proper use of personal toxicity monitoring equipment
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Procedures designed to safeguard personnel and the ship are observed at all times
Safe working practices are observed and appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used
Working practices are in accordance with legislative requirements, codes of practice, permits to work and environmental concerns
Correct use of breathing apparatus
Respond to emergencies Knowledge and understanding of liquefied gas tanker emergency procedures, including:
1. ship emergency response plans
2. cargo operations emergency shutdown procedure
3. emergency cargo valve operations
4. actions to be taken in the event of failure of systems or services essential to cargo operations
5. fire-fighting on liquefied gas tankers
6. jettisoning of cargo
7. enclosed space rescue
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The type and impact of emergency is promptly identified and the response actions conform with established emergency procedures and contingency plans
The order of priority and the levels and timescales of making reports and informing personnel on board are relevant to the nature of the emergency
and reflect the urgency of the problem
Evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and implemented promptly
Actions to be taken following collision, grounding or spillage and envelopment of the ship in toxic or flammable vapour
Knowledge of medical first-aid procedures and antidotes on board liquefied gas tankers, with reference to the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG) The identification of and actions taken in a medical emergency conform to current recognized first aid practice and international guidelines
Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment Understanding of procedures to prevent pollution of the environment Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
Operations are conducted in accordance with accepted principles and procedures to prevent pollution of the environment
Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements Knowledge and understanding of relevant provisions of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and other relevant IMO instruments, industry guidelines and port regulations as commonly applied
Proficiency in the use of the IBC and IGC Codes and related documents
Assessment of evidence obtained from one or more of the following:
1. approved in-service experience
2. approved training ship experience
3. approved simulator training
4. approved training programme
The handling of liquefied gas cargoes complies with relevant IMO instruments and established industrial standards and codes of safe working practices

Section A–V/2

Mandatory minimum requirements for the training and qualification of masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on passenger ships

Crowd management training

1. The crowd management training required by regulation V/2, paragraph 4. for personnel designated on muster lists to assist passengers in emergency situations shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:

1. awareness of life-saving appliance and control plans, including:

1.1 knowledge of muster lists and emergency instructions;

1.2 knowledge of the emergency exits; and

1.3 restrictions on the use of elevators;

2. the ability to assist passengers en route to muster and embarkation stations, including:

2.1 the ability to give clear reassuring orders;

2.2 the control of passengers in corridors, staircases and passageways;

2.3 maintaining escape routes clear of obstructions;

2.4 methods available for evacuation of disabled persons and persons needing special assistance; and

2.5 search of accommodation spaces;

3. mustering procedures, including:

3.1 the importance of keeping order;

3.2 the ability to use procedures for reducing and avoiding panic;

3.3 the ability to use, where appropriate, passenger lists for evacuation counts;


3.4 the ability to ensure that the passengers are suitably clothed and have donned their lifejackets correctly.

Safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces

2. The additional safety training required by regulation V/2, paragraph 5., shall at least ensure attainment of the abilities as follows:


1. Ability to communicate with passengers during an emergency, taking into account:

1.1 the language or languages appropriate to the principal nationalities of passengers carried on the particular route;

1.2 the likelihood that an ability to use an elementary English vocabulary for basic instructions can provide a means of communicating with a passenger in need of assistance whether or not the passenger and crew member share a common language;

1.3 the possible need to communicate during an emergency by some other means, such as by demonstration, or hand signals, or calling attention to the location of instructions, muster stations, life-saving devices or evacuation routes, when oral communication is impractical;

1.4 the extent to which complete safety instructions have been provided to passengers in their native language or languages; and

1.5 the languages in which emergency announcements may be broadcast during an emergency or drill to convey critical guidance to passengers and to facilitate crew members in assisting passengers.

Life-saving appliances

2. Ability to demonstrate to passengers the use of personal life-saving appliances.

Embarkation procedures

3. Embarking and disembarking passengers, with special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance.

Crisis management and human behaviour training

3. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineer officers and any person having responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergency situations shall:

1. have successfully completed the approved crisis management and human behaviour training required by regulation V/2, paragraph 6., in accordance with their capacity, duties and responsibilities as set out in table A–V/2; and

2. be required to provide evidence that the required standard of competence has been achieved in accordance with the methods and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–V/2.

Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training

4. The passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training required by regulation V/2, paragraph 7., for masters, chief mates, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and persons assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, for loading, discharging or securing cargo or for closing hull openings on board ro-ro passenger ships shall at least ensure attainment of the abilities that are appropriate to their duties and responsibilities as follows:

Loading and embarkation procedures

1. Ability to apply properly the procedures established for the ship regarding:

1.1 loading and discharging vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units, including related communications;

1.2 lowering and hoisting ramps;

1.3 setting up and stowing retractable vehicle decks; and

1.4 embarking and disembarking passengers, with special attention to disabled persons and persons needing assistance.

Carriage of dangerous goods

2. Ability to apply any special safeguards, procedures and requirements regarding the carriage of dangerous goods on board ro-ro passenger ships.

Securing cargoes

3. Ability to:

3.1 apply correctly the provisions of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing to the vehicles, rail cars and other cargo transport units carried; and

3.2 use properly the cargo-securing equipment and materials provided, taking into account their limitations.

Stability, trim and stress calculations

4. Ability to:

4.1 make proper use of the stability and stress information provided;

4.2 calculate stability and trim for different conditions of loading, using the stability calculators or computer programs provided;

4.3 calculate load factors for decks; and

4.4 calculate the impact of ballast and fuel transfers on stability, trim and stress.

Opening, closing and securing hull openings

5. Ability to:

5.1 apply properly the procedures established for the ship regarding the opening, closing and securing of bow, stem and side doors and ramps and to correctly operate the associated systems; and

5.2 conduct surveys on proper sealing.

Ro-ro deck atmosphere

6. Ability to:

6.1 use equipment, where carried, to monitor atmosphere in ro-ro spaces; and

6.2 apply properly the procedures established for the ship for ventilation of ro-ro spaces during loading and discharging of vehicles, while on voyage and in emergencies.

Table A–V/2

Specification of minimum standard of competence in crisis management and human behaviour

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Organize shipboard emergency procedures
Knowledge of:
1. the general design and layout of the ship
2. safety regulations
3. emergency plans and procedures
The importance of the principles for the development of ship-specific emergency procedures, including:
1. the need for pre-planning and drills of shipboard emergency procedures
2. the need for all personnel to be aware of and adhere to preplanned emergency procedures as carefully as possible in the event of an emergency situation
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training, exercises with one or more prepared emergency plans and practical demonstration The shipboard emergency procedures ensure a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations
Optimize the use of resources Ability to optimize the use of resources, taking into account:
1. the possibility that resources available in an emergency may be limited
2. the need to make full use of personnel and equipment immediately available and, if necessary, to improvise
Ability to organize realistic drills to maintain a state of readiness, taking into account lessons learnt from previous accidents involving passenger ships; debriefing after drills
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training, practical demonstration and shipboard training and drills of emergency procedures Contingency plans optimize the use of available resources
Allocation of tasks and responsibilities reflects the known competence of individuals
Roles and responsibilities of teams and individuals are clearly defined
Control response to emergencies Ability to make an initial assessment and provide an effective response to emergency situations in accordance with established emergency procedures
Leadership skills
Ability to lead and direct others in emergency situations, including the need:
1. to set an example during emergency situations
2. to focus decision making, given the need to act quickly in an emergency
3. to motivate, encourage and reassure passengers and other personnel
Stress handling
Ability to identify the development of symptoms of excessive personal stress and those of other members of the ship’s emergency team
Understanding that stress generated by emergency situations can affect the performance of individuals and their ability to act on instructions and follow procedures
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training, practical demonstration and shipboard training and drills of emergency procedures Procedures and actions are in accordance with established principles and plans for crisis management on board
Objectives and strategy are appropriate to the nature of the emergency, take account of contingencies and make optimum use of available resources
Actions of crew members contribute to maintaining order and control
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Control passengers and other personnel during emergency situations Human behaviour and responses
Ability to control passengers and other personnel in emergency situations including’
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training, practical demonstration and shipboard trainine and drills of emergency Actions of crew members contribute to maintaining order and control
1. awareness of the general reaction patterns of passengers and other personnel in emergency situations, including the possibility that:
1.1 generally it takes some time before people accept the fact that there is an emergency situation
1.2 some people may panic and not behave with a normal level of rationality, that their ability to comprehend may be impaired and they may not be as
responsive to instructions as in non-emergency situations
2. awareness that passengers and other personnel may, inter alia:
2.1 start looking for relatives, friends and/or their belongings as a first reaction when something goes wrong
2.2 seek safety in their cabins or in other places on board where they think that they can escape danger
2.3. tend to move to the upper side when the ship is listing
3. appreciation of the possible problem of panic resulting from separating families
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Establish and maintain effective communications Ability to establish and maintain effective communications, including:
1. the importance of clear and concise instructions and reports
2. the need to encourage an exchange of information with, and feedback from, passengers and other personnel
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training, exercises and practical demonstration Information from all available sources is obtained, evaluated and confirmed as quickly as possible and reviewed throughout the emergency
Information given to individuals, emergency response teams and passengers is accurate, relevant and timely
Ability to provide relevant information to passengers and other personnel during an emergency situation, to keep them apprised of the overall situation and to communicate any action required of them, taking into account:
1. the language or languages appropriate to the principal nationalities of passengers and other personnel carried on the particular route
2. the possible need to communicate during an emergency by some other means, such as by demonstration, or by hand signals or calling attention to the location of instructions, muster stations, life-saving devices or evacuation routes, when oral communication is impractical
3. the language in which
emergency announcements may be broadcast during an emergency or drill to convey critical guidance to passengers and to facilitate crew members in assisting passengers
Information keeps passengers informed as to the nature of the emergency and the actions required of them


Standards regarding emergency, occupational safety, security, medical care and survival functions

Section A–VI/1

Mandatory minimum requirements for safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all seafarers

Safety familiarization training

1. Before being assigned to shipboard duties, all persons employed or engaged on a seagoing ship, other than passengers, shall receive approved familiarization training in personal survival techniques or receive sufficient information and instruction, taking account of the guidance given in part B, to be able to:

1. communicate with other persons on board on elementary safety matters and understand safety information symbols, signs and alarm signals;

2. know what to do if:

2.1 a person falls overboard,

2.2 fire or smoke is detected, or

2.3 the fire or abandon ship alarm is sounded;

3. identify muster and embarkation stations and emergency escape routes;

4. locate and don lifejackets;

5. raise the alarm and have basic knowledge of the use of portable fire extinguishers;

6. take immediate action upon encountering an accident or other medical emergency before seeking further medical assistance on board; and

7. close and open the fire, weathertight and watertight doors fitted in the particular ship other than those for hull openings.

Basic training

2. Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board ship on the business of that ship as part of the ship’s complement with designated safety or pollution-prevention duties in the operation of the ship shall, before being assigned to any shipboard duties:

1. receive appropriate approved basic training or instruction in:

1.1 personal survival techniques as set out in table A–VI/1–1,

1.2 fire prevention and fire fighting as set out in table A–VI/1 –2,

1.3 elementary first aid as set out in table A–VI/1–3, and

1.4 personal safety and social responsibilities as set out in table A–VI/1–4;

2. be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of tables A–VI/1–1, A–VI/1–2, A–VI/1–3 and A–VI/1–4 through:

2.1 demonstration of competence, in accordance with the methods and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of those tables, and

2.2 examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved training programme in the subjects listed in column 2 of those tables.

3. Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 2. in basic training shall be required, every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required standard of competence, to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of tables A–VI/1–1 and A–VI/1–2.

4. Parties may accept onboard training and experience for maintaining the required standard of competence in the following areas:

1. personal survival techniques as set out in table A–VI/1–1:

1.1 don a lifejacket;

1.2 board a survival craft from the ship, while wearing a lifejacket;

1.3 take initial actions on boarding a lifeboat to enhance chance of survival;

1.4 stream a lifeboat drogue or sea-anchor;

1.5 operate survival craft equipment; and

1.6 operate location devices, including radio equipment;

2. fire prevention and fire fighting as set out in table A–VI/1–2:

2.1 use self-contained breathing apparatus; and

2.2 effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space, using an approved smoke-generating device aboard, while wearing a breathing apparatus.


5. The Administration may, in respect of ships other than passenger ships of more than 500 gross tonnage engaged on international voyages and tankers, if it considers that a ship’s size and the length or character of its voyage are such as to render the application of the full requirements of this section unreasonable or impracticable, exempt to that extent the seafarers on such a ship or class of ships from some of the requirements, bearing in mind the safety of people on board, the ship and property and the protection of the marine environment.

Table A–VI/1–1

Specification of minimum standard of competence in personal survival techniques

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment Types of emergency situations which may occur, such as collision, fire, foundering
Types of life-saving appliances normally carried on ships
Equipment in survival craft
Location of personal life-saving appliances
Principles concerning survival, including:
1. value of training and drills
2. personal protective clothing and equipment
3. need to be ready for any emergency
4. actions to be taken when called to survival craft stations
5. actions to be taken when required to abandon ship
6. actions to be taken when in the water
7. actions to be taken when aboard a survival craft
8. main dangers to survivors
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course or approved in-service experience and examination, including practical demonstration of competence to:
1. don a lifejacket
2. don and use an immersion suit
3. safely jump from a height into the water
4. right an inverted
liferaft while wearing a lifejacket
5. swim while wearing a lifejacket
6. keep afloat without a lifejacket
7. board a survival craft from the ship and water while wearing a lifejacket
8. take initial actions on boarding survival craft to enhance chance of survival
9. stream a drogue or sea-anchor
10. operate survival craft equipment
11. operate location devices, including radio equipment
Action taken on identifying muster signals is appropriate to the indicated emergency and complies with established procedures
The timing and sequence of individual actions are appropriate to the prevailing circumstance and conditions and minimize potential dangers and threats to survival
Method of boarding survival craft is appropriate and avoids dangers to other survivors
Initial actions after leaving the ship and procedures and actions in water minimize threats to survival

Table A–VI/1–2

Specification of minimum standard of competence in fire prevention and fire fighting

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Minimize the risk of fire and maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fire Shipboard fire-fighting organization
Location of fire-fighting appliances and emergency escape routes
The elements of fire and explosion (the fire triangle)
Types and sources of ignition
Flammable materials, fire hazards and spread of fire
The need for constant vigilance
Actions to be taken on board ship
Fire and smoke detection and automatic alarm systems
Classification of fire and applicable extinguishing agents
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or attendance at an approved course Initial actions on becoming aware of an emergency conform with accepted practices and procedures
Action taken on identifying muster signals is appropriate to the indicated emergency and complies with established procedures
Fight and extinguish fires Fire-fighting equipment and its location on board
Instruction in:
1. fixed installations
2. fire-fighter’s outfits
3. personal equipment
4. fire-fighting appliances and equipment
5. fire-fighting methods
6. fire-fighting agents
7. fire-fighting procedures
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course, including practical demonstration in spaces which provide truly realistic training conditions
(e.g., simulated shipboard conditions) and, whenever possible and practical, in darkness, of the ability to:
Clothing and equipment are appropriate to the nature of the fire-fighting operations
The timing and sequence of individual actions are appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions
Extinguishment of fire is achieved using appropriate procedures, techniques fire-fighting agents and
8. use of breathing apparatus for fighting fires and effecting rescues 1. use various types of portable fire extinguishers
2. use self-contained breathing apparatus
3. extinguish smaller fires, e.g., electrical fires, oil fires, propane fires
4. extinguish extensive fires with water, using jet and spray nozzles
5. extinguish fires with foam, powder or any other suitable chemical agent
6. enter and pass
through, with lifeline but without breathing apparatus, a compartment into which high-expansion foam has been injected
7. fight fire in smoke-filled enclosed spaces wearing self-contained breathing apparatus
8. extinguish fire with water fog or any other suitable fire-fighting agent in an
accommodation room or simulated engine-room with fire and heavy smoke
9. extinguish oil fire with fog applicator and spray nozzles, dry chemical powder or foam applicators
10. effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space wearing breathing apparatus
Breathing apparatus procedures and techniques comply with accepted practices and procedures

Table A–VI/1–3

Specification of minimum standard of competence in elementary first aid

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Take immediate action upon encountering an accident or other medical emergency Assessment of needs of casualties and threats to own safety
Appreciation of body structure and functions
Understanding of immediate measures to be taken in cases of emergency, including the ability to:
1. position casualty
2. apply resuscitation techniques
3. control bleeding
4. apply appropriate measures of basic shock management
5. apply appropriate measures in event of burns and scalds, including accidents caused by electric current
6. rescue and transport a casualty
7. improvise bandages and use materials in the emergency kit
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course The manner and timing of raising the alarm is appropriate to the circumstances of the accident or medical emergency
The identification of probable cause, nature and extent of injuries is prompt and complete and the priority and sequence of actions is proportional to any potential threat to life
Risk of further harm to self and casualty is minimized at all times

Table A–VI/1–4

Specification of minimum standard of competence in personal safety and social responsibilities

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Comply with emergency procedures Types of emergency which may occur, such as collision, fire, foundering
Knowledge of shipboard contingency plans for response to emergencies
Emergency signals and specific duties allocated to crew members in the muster list; muster stations; correct use of personal safety equipment
Action to take on discovering potential emergency, including fire, collision, foundering and ingress of water into the ship
Action to take on hearing emergency alarm signals
Value of training and drills
Knowledge of escape routes and internal communication and alarm systems
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course Initial action on becoming aware of an emergency conforms to established emergency response procedures
Information given on raising alarm is prompt, accurate, complete and clear
Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment Basic knowledge of the impact of shipping on the marine environment and the effects of operational or accidental pollution on it
Basic environmental protection procedures
Basic knowledge of complexity and diversity of the marine environment
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course Organizational procedures designed to safeguard the marine environment are observed at all times
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Observe safe working practices Importance of adhering to safe working practices at all times
Safety and protective devices available to protect against potential hazards aboard ship
Precautions to be taken prior to entering enclosed spaces
Familiarization with international measures concerning accident prevention and occupational health
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course Safe working practices are observed and appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used at all times
Contribute to effective communications on board ship Understand the principles of, and barriers to, effective communication between individuals and teams within the ship
Ability to establish and maintain effective communications
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course Communications are clear and effective at all times
Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship Importance of maintaining good human and working relationships aboard ship
Basic teamworking principles and practice, including conflict resolution
Social responsibilities; employment conditions; individual rights and
dangers of drug and alcohol abuse
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course Expected standards of work and behaviour are observed at all times
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue Importance of obtaining the necessary rest
Effects of sleep, schedules, and the circadian rhythm on fatigue
Effects of physical stressors on seafarers
Effects of environmental stressors in and outside the ship and their impact on seafarers
Effects of schedule changes on seafarer fatigue
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved instruction or during attendance at an approved course Fatigue management practices are observed and appropriate actions are used at all times

Section A–VI/2

Mandatory minimum requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency in survival craft, rescue boats and fast rescue boats


Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/2–1.

2. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–VI/2–1 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to launch and take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat in emergency situations.

3. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take account of the guidance given in part B of this Code.

4. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence through:

1. demonstration of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/2–1, in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of that table; and

2. examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved training programme covering the material set out in column 2 of table A–VI/2–1.

5. Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 4. in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats shall be required, every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/2–1.

6. Parties may accept onboard training and experience for maintaining the required standard of competence of table A–VI/2–1 in the following areas:

1. take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch:

1.1 interpret the markings on survival craft as to the number of persons they are intended to carry;

1.2 give correct commands for launching and boarding survival craft, clearing the ship and handling and disembarking persons from survival craft;

1.3 prepare and safely launch survival craft and clear the ship’s side quickly;


1.4 safely recover survival craft and rescue boats;

2. manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning


2.1 row and steer a boat and steer by compass;

2.2 use individual items of equipment of survival crafts, except for pyrotechnics; and

2.3 rig devices to aid location;

3. use locating devices, including communication and signalling apparatus:

3.1 use of portable radio equipment for survival craft; and

4. apply first aid to survivors.


Standard of competence

7. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency in fast rescue boats shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/2–2.

8. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–VI/2–2 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to launch and take charge of a fast rescue boat in emergency situations.

9. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take account of the guidance given in part B of this Code.

10. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence through:

1. demonstration of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/2–2, in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of that table; and

2. examination or continuous assessment as part of an approved training programme covering the material set out in column 2 of table A–VI/2–2.

11. Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 10. in fast rescue boats shall be required, every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/2–2.

12. Parties may accept onboard training and experience for maintaining the required standard of competence of table A–VI/2–2, in the following areas:

1. Take charge of a fast rescue boat during and after launch:

1.1 control safe launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat;

1.2 handle a fast rescue boat in prevailing weather and sea conditions;

1.3 use communications and signalling equipment between the fast rescue boat and a helicopter and a ship;

1.4 use the emergency equipment carried; and

1.5 carry out search patterns, taking account of environmental factors.

Table A–VI/2–1

Specification of the minimum standard of competence in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch Construction and outfit of survival craft and rescue boats and individual items of their equipment
Particular characteristics and facilities of survival craft and rescue boats
Various types of device used for launching survival craft and rescue boats
Methods of launching survival craft into a rough sea
Methods of recovering survival craft
Action to be taken after leaving the ship
Methods of launching and recovering rescue boats in a rough sea
Dangers associated with use of on-load release devices
Knowledge of maintenance procedures
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to:
1. right an inverted
liferaft while wearing a lifejacket
2. interpret the markings on survival craft as to the number of persons they are intended to carry
3. give correct commands for launching and boarding survival craft, clearing the ship and handling and disembarking persons from survival craft
4. prepare and safely launch survival craft and clear the ship’s side quickly and operate off-load and on-load release devices
5. safely recover survival craft and rescue boats, including the proper resetting of both off-load and on-load release devices using: inflatable liferaft and open or enclosed lifeboat with inboard engine or approved simulator training, where appropriate
Preparation, boarding and launching of survival craft are within equipment limitations and enable survival craft to clear the ship safely
Initial actions on leaving the ship minimize threat to survival
Recovery of survival craft and rescue boats is within equipment limitations
Equipment is operated in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions for release and resetting
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Operate a survival craft engine Methods of starting and operating a survival craft engine and its accessories together with the use of the fire extinguisher provided Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to start and operate an inboard engine fitted in an open or enclosed lifeboat Propulsion is available and maintained as required for manoeuvring
Manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning ship Handling survival craft in rough weather
Use of painter, sea-anchor and all other equipment
Apportionment of food and water in survival craft
Action taken to maximize detectability and location of survival craft
Method of helicopter rescue
Effects of hypothermia and its prevention; use of protective covers and garments, including immersion suits and thermal protective aids
Use of rescue boats and motor lifeboats for marshalling liferafts and rescue of survivors and persons in the sea
Beaching survival craft
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to:
1. row and steer a boat and steer by compass
2. use individual items of equipment of survival craft
3. rig devices to aid location
Survival management is appropriate to prevailing circumstances and conditions
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Use locating devices, including communication and signalling apparatus and pyrotechnics Radio life-saving appliances carried in survival craft, including satellite EPIRBs and SARTs
Pyrotechnic distress signals
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to:
1. use portable radio equipment for survival craft
2. use signalling equipment, including pyrotechnics
Use and choice of communication and signalling apparatus is appropriate to prevailing circumstances and conditions
Apply first aid to survivors Use of the first-aid kit and resuscitation techniques
Management of injured persons, including control of bleeding and shock
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to deal with injured persons both during and after abandonment, using first-aid kit and resuscitation techniques Identification of the probable cause, nature and extent of injuries or condition is prompt and accurate
Priority and sequence of treatment minimizes any threat to life

Table A–VI/2–2

Specification of the minimum standard of competence in fast rescue boats

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Understand the construction, maintenance, repair and outfitting of fast rescue boats Construction and outfitting of fast rescue boats and individual items of their equipment
Knowledge of the maintenance and emergency repairs of fast rescue boats and the normal inflation and deflation of buoyancy compartments of inflated fast rescue boats
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction The method of carrying out routine maintenance and emergency repairs
Identify components and required equipment for fast rescue boats
Take charge of the launching equipment and appliance as commonly fitted, during launching and recovery Assessment of the readiness of launching equipment and launching appliance of fast rescue boats for immediate launching and operation
Understand the operation and limitations of the winch, brakes, falls, painters,
motion-compensation and other equipment as commonly fitted
Safety precautions during launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat
Launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat in prevailing and adverse weather and sea conditions
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to control safe launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat, with equipment as fitted Ability to prepare and take charge of the launching equipment and appliance during launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat
Take charge of a fast rescue boat as commonly fitted, during launching and recovery Assessment of the readiness of fast rescue boats and related equipment for immediate launching and operation
Safety precautions during launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat
Launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat in prevailing and adverse weather and sea conditions
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to conduct safe launching and recovery of a fast rescue boat, with equipment as fitted Ability to take charge of a fast rescue boat during launching and recovery
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Take charge of a fast rescue boat after launching Particular characteristics, facilities and limitations of fast rescue boats
Procedures for the righting of a capsized fast rescue boat
How to handle a fast rescue boat in prevailing and adverse weather and sea conditions
Navigational and safety equipment available in a fast rescue boat
Search patterns and environmental factors affecting their execution
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to:
1. right a capsized fast rescue boat
2. handle a fast rescue boat in prevailing weather and sea conditions
3. swim in special equipment
4. use communications and signalling equipment between the fast rescue boat and a helicopter and a ship
5. use the emergency equipment carried
6. recover a casualty from the water and transfer a casualty to a rescue helicopter or to a ship or to a place of safety
7. carry out search patterns, taking account of environmental factors
Demonstration of operation of fast rescue boats within equipment limitations in prevailing weather conditions
Operate a fast rescue boat engine Methods of starting and operating a fast rescue boat engine and its accessories Assessment of evidence obtained from practical demonstration of ability to start and operate a fast rescue boat engine Engine is started and operated as required for manoeuvring

Section A–VI/3

Mandatory minimum training in advanced fire fighting

Standard of competence

1. Seafarers designated to control fire-fighting operations shall have successfully completed advanced training in techniques for fighting fire, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command, and shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/3.

2. The level of knowledge and understanding of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–VI/3 shall be sufficient for the effective control of fire-fighting operations on board ship.

3. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take account of the guidance given in part B of this Code.

4. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence, in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–VI/3.

5. Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 4. in advanced fire fighting shall be required, every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/3.

6. Parties may accept onboard training and experience for maintaining the required standard of competence of table A–VI/3, in the following areas:

1. Control fire-fighting operations aboard ships;

1.1 fire-fighting procedures at sea and in port, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command;

1.2 communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations;

1.3 ventilation control, including smoke extraction;

1.4 control of fuel and electrical systems;

1.5 fire-fighting process hazards (dry distillation, chemical reactions, boiler uptake, fires);

1.6 fire precautions and hazards associated with the storage and handling of materials;

1.7 management and control of injured persons; and

1.8 procedures for coordination with shore-based fire fighters.

Table A–VI/3

Specification of minimum standard of competence in advanced fire fighting

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Control fire-fighting operations aboard ships Fire-fighting procedures at sea and in port, with particular emphasis on organization, tactics and command
Use of water for fire-extinguishing, the effect on ship stability, precautions and corrective procedures
Communication and coordination during fire-fighting operations
Ventilation control, including smoke extraction
Control of fuel and electrical systems
Fire-fighting process hazards (dry distillation, chemical reactions, boiler uptake fires, etc.)
Practical exercises and instruction conducted under approved and truly realistic training conditions
(e.g., simulated shipboard conditions) and, whenever possible and practicable, in darkness
Actions taken to control fires are based on a full and accurate assessment of the incident, using all available sources of information
The order of priority, timing and sequence of actions are appropriate to the overall requirements of the incident and to minimize damage and potential damage to the ship, injuries to personnel and impairment of the operational effectiveness of the ship
Transmission of information is prompt, accurate, complete and clear
Fire fighting involving dangerous goods
Fire precautions and hazards associated with the storage and handling of materials (paints, etc.)
Management and control of injured persons
Personal safety during fire control activities is safeguarded at all times
Procedures for coordination with shore-based fire fighters
Organize and train fire parties Preparation of contingency plans
Composition and allocation of personnel to fire parties
Strategies and tactics for control of fires in various parts of the ship
Practical exercises and instruction conducted under approved and truly realistic training conditions, e.g., simulated shipboard conditions Composition and organization of fire control parties ensure the prompt and effective implementation of emergency plans and procedures
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Inspect and service fire-detection and fire-extinguishing systems and equipment Fire-detection systems; fixed fire-extinguishing systems; portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equipment, including appliances, pumps and rescue, salvage, life-support, personal protective and communication equipment
Requirements for statutory and classification surveys
Practical exercises, using approved equipment and systems in a realistic training environment Operational effectiveness of all fire-detection and fire-extinguishing systems and equipment is maintained at all times in accordance with
performance specifications and legislative requirements
Investigate and compile reports on incidents involving fire Assessment of cause of incidents involving fire Practical exercises in a realistic training environment Causes of fire are identified and the effectiveness of countermeasures is evaluated

Section A–VI/4

Mandatory minimum requirements related to medical first aid and medical care

Standard of competence for seafarers designated to provide medical first aid on board ship

1. Every seafarer who is designated to provide medical first aid on board ship shall be required to demonstrate the competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/4–1.

2. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–VI/4–1 shall be sufficient to enable the designated seafarer to take immediate effective action in the case of accidents or illness likely to occur on board ship.

3. Every candidate for certification under the provisions of regulation VI/4. paragraph 1. shall be required to provide evidence that the required standard of competence has been achieved in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–VI/4–1.

Standard of competence for seafarers designated to take charge of medical care on board ship

4. Every seafarer who is designated to take charge of medical care on board ship shall be required to demonstrate the competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/4–2.

5. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–VI/4–2 shall be sufficient to enable the designated seafarer to take immediate effective action in the case of accidents or illness likely to occur on board ship.

6. Every candidate for certification under the provisions of regulation VI/4. paragraph 2. shall be required to provide evidence that the required standard of competence has been achieved in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–VI/4–2.

Table A–VI/4–1

Specification of minimum standard of competence in medical first aid

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Apply immediate first aid in the event of accident or illness on board First-aid kit
Body structure and function
Toxicological hazards on board, including use of the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG) or its national equivalent
Examination of casualty or patient
Spinal injuries
Burns, scalds and effects of heat and cold
Fractures, dislocations and muscular injuries
Medical care of rescued persons
Radio medical advice
Cardiac arrest, drowning and asphyxia
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction The identification of probable cause, nature and extent of injuries is prompt, complete and conforms to current first-aid practice
Risk of harm to self and to others is minimized at all times
Treatment of injuries and the patient’s condition is appropriate and conforms to recognized first-aid practice and international guidelines

Table A–VI/4–2

Specification of minimum standard of competence in medical care

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Provide medical care to the sick and injured while they remain on board Care of casualty involving:
1. head and spinal injuries
2. injuries of ear, nose, throat and eyes
3. external and internal bleeding
4. burns, scalds and frostbite
5. fractures, dislocations and muscular injuries
6. wounds, wound healing and infection
7. pain relief
8. techniques of sewing and clamping
9. management of acute abdominal conditions
10. minor surgical treatment
11. dressing and bandaging
Aspects of nursing:
1. general principles
2. nursing care
Assessment of evidence obtained from practical instruction and demonstration
Where practicable, approved practical experience at a hospital or similar establishment
Identification of symptoms is based on the concepts of clinical examination and medical history
Protection against infection and spread of diseases is complete and effective
Personal attitude is calm, confident and reassuring
Treatment of injury or condition is appropriate and conforms to accepted medical practice and relevant national and international medical guides
The dosage and application of drugs and medication complies with manufacturers’ recommendations and accepted medical practice
The significance of changes in patient’s condition is promptly recognized
Diseases, including:
1. medical conditions and emergencies
2. sexually transmitted diseases
3. tropical and infectious diseases
Alcohol and drug abuse
Dental care
Gynaecology, pregnancy and childbirth
Medical care of rescued persons
Death at sea
Disease prevention, including:
1. disinfection, disinfestation, de-ratting
2. vaccinations
Keeping records and copies of applicable regulations:
1. keeping medical records
2. international and national maritime medical regulations
Participate in coordinated schemes for medical assistance to ships External assistance, including:
1. radio medical advice
2. transportation of the ill and injured, including helicopter evacuation
3. medical care of sick seafarers involving cooperation with port health authorities or out-patient wards in port
Clinical examination procedures are complete and comply with instructions received
The method and preparation for evacuation is in accordance with recognized procedures and is designed to maximize the welfare of the patient
Procedures for seeking radio medical advice conform to established practice and recommendations

Section A–VI/5

Mandatory minimum requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency for ship security officers

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for a certificate of proficiency as a ship security officer shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A–VI/5.

2. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in column 2 of table A–VI/5 shall be sufficient to enable the candidate to act as the designated ship security officer.

3. Training and experience to achieve the necessary level of theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency shall take into account the guidance in section B–VI/5 of this Code.

4. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in accordance with the methods for demonstrating competence and the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in columns 3 and 4 of table A–VI/5.

Table A–VI/5

Specifications of minimum standard of competence for ship security officers

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Maintain and supervise the implementation of a ship security plan Knowledge of international maritime security policy and responsibilities of Governments, companies and designated persons, including elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery
Knowledge of the purpose for and the elements that make up a ship security plan, related procedures and maintenance of records, including those that may relate to piracy and armed robbery
Knowledge of procedures to be employed in implementing a ship security plan and reporting of security incidents
Knowledge of maritime security levels and the consequential security measures and procedures aboard ship and in the port facility environment
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training or examination Procedures and actions are in accordance with the principles established by the ISPS Code and the SOLAS, 1974, as amended
Legislative requirements relating to security are correctly identified
Procedures achieve a state of readiness to respond to changes in maritime security levels
Communications within the ship security officer’s area of responsibility are clear and understood
Knowledge of the requirements and procedures for conducting internal audits, on-scene inspections, control and monitoring of security activities specified in a ship security plan
Knowledge of the requirements and procedures for reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, and security inspections
Knowledge of the methods and procedures used to modify the ship security plan
Knowledge of security-related contingency plans and the procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship/port interface, including also elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery
Working knowledge of maritime security terms and definitions, including elements that may relate to piracy and armed robbery
Assess security risk, threat, and vulnerability Knowledge of risk assessment and assessment tools
Knowledge of security assessment documentation, including the Declaration of Security
Knowledge of techniques used to circumvent security measures, including those used by pirates and armed robbers
Knowledge enabling recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of persons posing potential security risks
Knowledge enabling recognition of weapons, dangerous substances and devices and awareness of the damage they can cause
Knowledge of crowd management and control techniques, where appropriate
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training, or approved experience and examination, including practical demonstration of competence to:
1. conduct physical searches
2. conduct non-intrusive inspections
Procedures and actions are in accordance with the principles established by the ISPS Code and the SOLAS, 1974, as amended
Procedures achieve a state of readiness to respond to changes in the maritime security levels
Communications within the ship security officer’s area of responsibility are clear and understood
Knowledge in handling sensitive security-related information and security-related communications
Knowledge of implementing and coordinating searches
Knowledge of the methods for physical searches and non-intrusive inspections
Undertake regular inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate security measures are implemented and maintained Knowledge of the requirements for designating and monitoring restricted areas
Knowledge of controlling access to the ship and to restricted areas on board ship
Knowledge of methods for effective monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship
Knowledge of security aspects relating to the handling of cargo and ship’s stores with other shipboard personnel and relevant port facility security officers
Knowledge of methods for controlling the embarkation, disembarkation and access while on board of persons and their effects
Assessment of evidence obtained from approved training or examination Procedures and actions are in accordance with the principles established by the ISPS Code and the SOLAS, 1974, as amended
Procedures achieve a state of readiness to respond to changes in the maritime security levels
Communications within the ship security officer’s area of responsibility are clear and understood
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Competence Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Methods for demonstrating competence Criteria for evaluating competence
Ensure that security equipment and systems, if any, are properly operated, tested and calibrated Knowledge of the various types of security equipment and systems and their limitations, including those that could be used in case of at